
Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Cacao, Cream Flavoring, Natural Orange Flavor, Orange Peel, Rooibos
Orange, Chocolate, Orange Zest
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jeremy Meyers
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 399 ml

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Amazing! Must steep at a lower temperature from now on in. It takes an amazing tea and makes it truly special. Now I get chocolate first, then orange, and all of it delicious.” Read full tasting note
  • “If my daughter were to review this, she would say, “Oh, wowwwww!” I steeped it for a long time and then added a tsp of milk to make it extra creamy like an orange chocolate. “Oh, wowwww!”, indeed!” Read full tasting note
  • “oh man… speaking of orange creamsicles….i so wish this tea tasted exactly like it smells…but it doesn’t ‘cause it’s chocolate and orange. But man, ditch the chocolate and THIS would be...” Read full tasting note
  • “VariaTEA sent such a generous amount of this! The orange seems to work well with the rooibos base – simultaneously balancing each other so neither is overwhelming, but so they’re both still...” Read full tasting note

From Fauchon

Que fait-on à Paris en automne ? Mille choses. Rien. On prend le thé. Toujours avec élégance.
Un thé rooibos léger parfumé au cacao et à l’orange.

What to do in Paris in the fall? A million things. Nothing. We drink tea. Always with elegance. A lightly perfumed rooibos with cacao and orange.

Ingredients: Rooibos, cacao shell, orange peels, flavors (orange, cream), orange blossom.

About Fauchon View company

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40 Tasting Notes

36 tasting notes

Well, this cup finished off my sample from MissB. I really need to buy some of this, it’s so good! Perfect evening treat.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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217 tasting notes

Overboard TTB #6

What a week… I’m so far behind in everything right now, including my notes from this TTB… But the good news is the hubby and I have a super relaxing Napa weekend planned so I intend to forget all about how behind I am for a few days and just enjoy Good food, good wine and sneak by Dean & Deluca while the hubby isn’t watching so I can cheekily refill my mariage freres obsessions! Speaking of French teas, I’d not yet managed to get my hands on any fauchon teas yet so was pleasantly surprised to find this hiding in the bottom of the TTB.

I’m not usually a huge fan of citris based teas but since this is a roobios and it was late at night when I found it, I simply had to try it…. Wow! This is a liquid Terry’s chocolate orange! The tea has a perfect balance of chocolate and orange, neither is too overpowering and both complement each other to the point where this citrus disliker actually thought about going back for a second cup! Adding milk brings out some seriously creamy flavours and increases the heaviness of the mouthfeel. If this is a sign of things to come I’m definitely hoping to try more fauchon teas in the future!

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1758 tasting notes

Overboard TTB.

This tea is good. I was looking for a rooibos as I have to be up at 5 am tomorrow. Thisa was the first one I came across in the box. I could smell the aroma of the orange zest before I read the ingredients listed in the writeup here. This is definitely I tea I could see myself buying if there is a US seller or if they ship to the US. I believe Fauchon is a French company?

The note of oranges is very strong, the chocolate less so. I would have liked to see stronger chocolate notes but this works for me.

I brewed this once in an 18oz teapot with 3 tsp leaf and boiling water for 5 min.

Flavors: Orange

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML
leaf in hot water

ooh this sounds like a tea i’d like.

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1118 tasting notes

Overboard TTB

Wow, this is good. Really good. The rooibos has a teensy bit of a woody note, but it blends rather well with the chocolate and orange. The citrus flavor is great. In fact this is one of the best orange herbals I’ve ever had. The chocolate is nice, too, with no artificial flavor or strange aftertaste.

I’m tempted to take this one out of the box, but there’s at least ten servings of this in the bag, so I’ll just snag one more and then pass it on. Good teas – and tisanes – need to be shared!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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13 tasting notes

I love taking this tea while reading a book before going to bed. It’s just so good. I wish I had bought more before I left Europe. I have the tin and the kettle next to my night stand and it is just the best relaxing tea ever…. and it does bring me memories of Fall in Paris…

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188 tasting notes

I started a note on this a few days ago and didn’t get it finished. I was hoping it would still be here when I was ready to finish it, but no go…. Vamoosh! It’s gone.

I’ve not been real adventurous in the citrus area when it comes to tea. My dad always used to try and make us drink iced tea and lemonade mixed together when I was a kid and we had the unfortunate timing of having them both in the fridge together at the same time…. He loved it, so thought we should too. Then, my first experience with bergamot was too much for me, so I’ve kind of been avoiding citrus and tea together.

Earlier this week, I had a cup of Three Friends, by Butiki… Loved it! The citrus was present for me, but as a nice surprise at the end of the sip, and so pleasant. I admit I had been kind of holding off on both Three Friends and this one because of their citrus notes. After trying Three Friends, I decided I was ready to venture on to something with even more citrus flavor… this one.

Dry it smells sweet and lightly of orange zest.

Steeped I got wonderfully sweet orange, nothing like the bergamot experience that was too much for me or the acidic addition of lemonade, but pleasant sweet orange loveliness with a hint of chocolate. The flavors don’t compete & it is mild and delicious. I’m glad MissB thought enough to send both of these teas my way as they were a nice introduction to orange & tea… From someone who didn’t think they would like citrus in the main flavor of their tea… Thank You!

Flavors: Chocolate, Orange Zest

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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