Mango Sticky Rice

Tea type
Black Food Fruit Green Blend
Black Tea, Dried Coconut, Genmaicha, Mango
Coconut, Roasted Barley, Toasted Rice, Creamy, Mango, Rice
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 g 7 oz / 200 ml

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Mango Sticky Rice is a blend of genmaicha, black tea, roasted barley, mango dices & candied coconut. Very much inspired by the Thai local dessert, the tea brews like a platter of roasted glutinous rice with the coconut and mango coming in towards the finish on the palette.

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16 Tasting Notes

1843 tasting notes

Sipdown 179-2021

This is the last of the very much appreciated Ette shares from Dustin.

I’m not getting much mango flavor, it’s just a perfectly nice genmaicha with perhaps a bit of pandan flavor.

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15267 tasting notes

Another sample from beelicious thank you!!!

this one tastes like an average genmaicha to me. Not that it’s bad, but the mango flavour is a little lost in the brew. I was hoping for something that tasted much more like actual sticky rice, whereas i found this one to be a genmaicha…with a hint of mango. Still enjoyable, but not what i wanted this tea to be :)

FInal Count: 118 but i picked up 2 of the new teas from david’s to try and received a couple from dex that i still need to add in. :)

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1113 tasting notes

This tea has so much potential!
I’ve had sticky rice teas before that remind me of rice from Japan, while it sounds odd they are quite good :)
Unfortunately, this blend uses a toasted rice which will not produce a sweet and savory taste that sticky rice has- so the title is misleading. If you add cinnamon to this, which I did not do, this would count as a dessert tea because the roasted taste and mango come off that way. If there was say botan rice candy in this tea with the same ratio of mango and tea leaf, this tea would excel. The mango is good yes, but the way it is paired with the toasted rice does not and will not work.

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16384 tasting notes

Sipdown (119)!

Made the last of this one in my timolino to take for work – it was just as delicious this second time as it was the first time around. Definitely worth note that this one travels well! Though there were some flavor differences, there was less of a coconut flavor but the mango flavor was much stronger. It was equally pleasant to the flavor first time around!

I was working a file maintenance shift yesterday; one of the things I put sale tags up for was this new line of Gelato we’re carrying. What was one of the flavours? Mango Sticky Rice! Of course I 100% bought a tub. I haven’t tried it yet – but look forward to it!

Today’s word of the day is… Whodunit: “a narrative dealing with a murder or a series of murders and the detection of the criminal”.


It that gelato made by Chapmans by any chance?

Roswell Strange

So I’m trying it out now; it tastes delicious and actually really similar to the tea (minus roasty notes); but the occasional piece of rice mixed in is weirding me out. Like, I KNOW it’s “Mango Sticky Rice” gelato but I didn’t expect the texture of actual rice.


Would you say it’s worth trying? I tried their Amaretto Biscotti and it was pretty good, although I would have liked more flavour.

Roswell Strange

So I bought both Amaretto Biscotti and Sticky Rice Mango (‘cause sales!) and both are good (I REALLY love the pistachio in the biscotti one) but I think Sticky Mango Rice is better. But only if you’re cool with coconut ’cause I thought the coconut flavor was pretty strong.


Yes! I wanted more pistachio in that one. Have you tried Compliments pistschio ice cream? It’s SO good.

And I love coconut, so you’ve talked me into picking it up sometime. :)

Roswell Strange

Yes! It’s perfection. I’ve tried a lot of the Compliments/Sensations ice cream/sorbet/froyo products ‘cause they’re just so easily accessible. Right now I’m also really big into the Pineapple/Lychee and Saskatoon Berry sorbet they sell…


I haven’t seen those at my Sobey’s since it’s so freaking tiny but those both sound awesome.

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818 tasting notes

This is the tea that convinced me to go in on the group order. My husband and I always get mango sticky rice when we go out for Thai, which is usually at least once a week. We Love it! So, when I saw there was a tea that tasted like it, I couldn’t resist checking it out!

We just got back from Thai for lunch, and guess what we ate? ;) So let’s see how this compares! I love genmaicha, so this should be good. It smells amazing. Actually, the aroma of the steeped tea is exactly like mango sticky rice! Sweet, creamy coconut, mango, rice…it’s all there! Unfortunately, the flavor doesn’t pop in your mouth. It’s kinda blah. I noticed I was tasting it more after I drank it all, like it lingered in my mouth, but you really gotta inhale the aroma as you are sipping to really get the flavor.


Too bad – this sounds really interesting.


Yeah this one sounded amazing…


Hi Tealizzy,

Thank you for the honest review of our Mango Sticky Rice tea. The dominant flavour would be that of the roasted rice & I am really glad that you waited for the finish for the creamy coconuts & slightly tart mango aromas.

Just like how Mango, sticky rice & coconut coulis are served somewhat separately in the actual rice dish. One has to allow the 3 flavours present in Mango Sticky Rice tea to interact in the palate. You have to wait for the magic!

Thank you and have a great week ahead!


Victor, ETTE TEA


OH MY GOODNESS. So I actually had a sample of this tea from someone (I have absolutely no idea who; it was probably a secondhand sample from Sil or VariaTea), and I was crazy about it. It smelled AND tasted absolutely amazingly creamy/ripe mango-y. I definitely found that the flavour lingered in the finish.

Sorry for hijacking your post; I just know I have this written in a backlogged tasting note somewhere, and wanted to share it. I seriously steeped the one serving I had of this like, 4-5 times.

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217 tasting notes

There’s a storm a’brewing here tonight.. the winds are swirling the dirt around and whipping the palm trees and the sky is quickly darkening… its actually a really nice change from the blue skies, no-weather-weather we tend to get here every single day! I really miss living in Texas and watching the storms start like clockwork from the balcony each day in summer!!

Storms, tea and books – is there a better combination? Since this was the tea I was most looking forward to trying in the Ette group order it seemed like a good choice to sip and watch the storm with. Thai Sticky rice is one of my absolute favorite Asian deserts and Ette does it amazing justice with the mix of genmaicha, roasted barley, mango pieces and coconut… the only thing missing is that sticky glutinous feeling you get with sticky rice. Looking forward to drinking a whole lot more of this tea!!

One more day til the weekend peoples!!!

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1714 tasting notes

It’s National Popcorn Day! I feel like I should have a bowl of popcorn for lunch as well as a genmaicha to celebrate!

The winds of change arrived late last night here in the California bay area, just in time for the presidential inauguration. What that means is that all the pollen that has settled was whipped up in 26mph winds making misery for allergy suffers. The house I live in is 130 years old with the original windows, so we feel the breeze inside which means the pollen is getting in too and boy can I feel it! It’s distracting me from my tea as well! I’m having a hard time figuring out if my sense of taste has been effected.

I love this tea. I love that it takes the natural rice flavor in the gen and builds off it to taste like the dessert. The mango is faint in some sips and that surprised me this morning. It’s usually pretty present, but today I’m getting intermittent mango…. which would make an awesome band name! Still a really nice cup and one of my two favorites from ETTE.

Now to make popcorn! The ladyfinger popcorn is my favorite!

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

That reminds me that I have some spicy Cheeto popcorn in the pantry..

Mastress Alita

I restocked some microwave popcorn and forgot about it! I’ll have a bag tonight for my nightly ritual of TV-with-the-cat.


Is your cat obsessed with popcorn? Mine go wild for it and will tear into bags of it if I don’t hide them.

Mastress Alita

No, but she is obsessed with cheese! Any time I make a sandwich, after slicing the cheese I have to pull all the scrappies off the knife, roll them into a ball, and give it to her because I’m a terrible fur mother. side eyes


Maybe it’s the butter? I made the mistake once of putting my butter dish on the table before dinner and caught my cat licking the stick just a couple minutes later.

Cameron B.

The puglets love cheese too! Although, really, they love everything…

Lexie Aleah

My family’s new puppy will literally try to eat popcorn from your mouth. She’s very motivated.


Omg, the wind! It gusted to something like 90mph last night somewhere here in Sonoma.


I love the term puglets!
My popcorn lunch was delicious, but not very filling!
90mph is intense! Anything damaged? The wind here must have been faster than 26 during the night. Woke up to power outages and the sounds of early morning chainsaws, presumably dealing with fallen limbs.

Mastress Alita

We get crazy bad winds like that frequently where I live. Takes tree arms right off.

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