Super Ginger (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
Not available
Ginger, Pepper, Stevia, Honey, Peppercorn, Herbaceous, Lemon, Spicy, Sweet, Spices, Bitter, Black Pepper, Chicken Soup, Medicinal, Rooibos, Dirt, Earth
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 6 g 14 oz / 415 ml

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151 Tasting Notes View all

  • “YES! I finally obtained 100 g of this tea today at my local store. I love ginger, so this has been on my shopping list since I saw it! Dry, this smells super peppery and gingery. Yum! It makes me...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s only fitting that my 500th tasting note is with this superhero of a tea, right? I mean, I drink it more than any other tea in my cupboard of late while trying to bite whatever stomach issue my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Woohoo! 300th tasting note! I always hesitate to buy ginger tea. It just doesn’t seem like something that I’d like, but every time I drink it, I enjoy it. I tend to only drink ginger tea when my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tasty, but not gingery enough! I know, I know. It’s just that when I see SUPER ginger, I expect it to be SUPER gingery! Good thing I have ginger in my freezer. I’m gonna grate some of that sucker...” Read full tasting note


How it tastes
Very potent and soothing
Sweet hot ginger taste, with extra spice from the peppercorns

This potent herbal infusion of anti-inflammatory ginger, green rooibos and peppercorns is so soothing, you might even say it has superpowers. It’s the spiciest, most comforting tisane imaginable – the perfect ginger tea to reach for when you’re fighting a cold or sore throat. The best part? It’s caffeine-free, so you can heal fast and still enjoy a good night’s sleep.

What makes it great
• Ginger is an ancient Chinese digestive remedy, so this is a great option after a heavy meal.
• It’s the ultimate throat soother – and it’s caffeine-free so you can drink it at night and still get your rest.

Organic ginger, Organic green rooibos*, Organic black pepper, Organic white pepper, Organic pink peppercorn, Natural flavouring with stevia extract.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

151 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

YES! I finally obtained 100 g of this tea today at my local store. I love ginger, so this has been on my shopping list since I saw it!

Dry, this smells super peppery and gingery. Yum! It makes me cough and my nose runs, and I love it! So nice and spicy. The wet smell is more ginger, the pepper has toned down a bit.

Mmmmm this is quite delicious. As a massive ginger fan, this is excellent. There is a strong ginger flavor, but it is enhanced with the spices, they are just adding a nice amount of heat in my throat. Not enough for me to be coughing, just warming. I will definitely add some honey to the later part of my cup, and also may try a re-steep to see if the pepper comes out even more. Haha, I could even chop up some fresh ginger and add it in if I want, my boyfriend is making a stir-fry with it in it! Haha, I’ll save that for another time though.

Overall, this is pretty darn awesome. I’m very happy I picked up a tin of this, I rarely buy tins at Davids, but this will be excellent. If you love ginger, go for this tea!! I’m rating this pretty high, as it’s almost my favorite ginger tea yet (Verdant’s winter spa blend is just barely in first…for now)

ETA: I added in a bit of honey – the planets have aligned. Almost. Haha the ginger really comes out with the addition, but the spices tone down a little, but man, I do like ginger. :)

ETA again: This holds up fairly well to a re-steep. The flavors are slightly muted, but overall it’s still pretty tasty!

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec
Terri HarpLady

I love ginger!


Me too! It’s one of my favorite ingredients in tea blends, actually, probably THE favorite lol. So spicy yet soothing!


This is one I really want my mom to try. I like ginger, but am not its biggest fan; she absolutely LOVES the stuff. Have to figure out some way to get a sample to her, haha.


Ooh yes you will definitely have to! My mom loves ginger too, she’s going to be all over this if I bring it home haha, she’s been wanting to go to Davids for a while though, so one of these days we will have to go and I’ll get her some of it so she can have it all the time :)


I bought this, I have yet to try it though. Also love ginger.

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1501 tasting notes

It’s only fitting that my 500th tasting note is with this superhero of a tea, right? I mean, I drink it more than any other tea in my cupboard of late while trying to bite whatever stomach issue my body seems to want to hold onto.

As always, this is tasty, to the point of being syrupy ginger in liquid form, and I’m quite happy with that.

Boiling 8 min or more
Roswell Strange

Yay! Congrats on 500!


Congrats on 500 MissB!!


Good show, MissB!


Yay 500! Hope you start feeling better soon.


I drink this tea so often as well, love it! Happy 500 notes!


w00t 500! Hope you’ll feel better soon.


Congrats on 500!!!


Congrats on 500, feel better!!

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357 tasting notes

Woohoo! 300th tasting note!

I always hesitate to buy ginger tea. It just doesn’t seem like something that I’d like, but every time I drink it, I enjoy it. I tend to only drink ginger tea when my throat feels sore (although I’m starting to think I should drink it more often). This one is particularly effective, the warmth of the ginger, the peppercorns, and the other ingredients are a welcome sensation to soothe my throat.

Sometimes I’m not sure if my sore throat is because I’m dehydrated, or if maybe I’m fighting something off. Thankfully, this tea takes care of both issues. Tonight I suspect I’m just a little dehydrated, but the guy who sneezed on my neck while I was on the skytrain does make me a little nervous :O




very exciting!


ew! just read the last line of your post…. i hope you gave him the stare equivalent of a whallop and lectured him on good manners! (and personal space)


Hooray for your 300th review!!!


300 Yay! Sneezy guy boo!

Hesper June

Congrats on 300!


Thanks everyone :D
@JustJames- No lecture (he was wearing headphones), but a few of the passengers (including me) gave him a disgusted look – he seemed oblivious. I can’t fault him on the personal space because the skytrain was pretty full, but not covering his mouth -ugh!


Yay! Congrats on reaching 300!


Oh, I totally would have sneezed right back on him! :P


@CHAroma – bahahaha! That would have been awesome!


Félicitations Canadianadia!


Merci Beaucoup :)

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2291 tasting notes

Tasty, but not gingery enough! I know, I know. It’s just that when I see SUPER ginger, I expect it to be SUPER gingery!

Good thing I have ginger in my freezer. I’m gonna grate some of that sucker up and boil it with palm sugar for some seriously super gingery tea.


(I like this tea, and it would be handy at work if I pre-bagged it, but I usually want gingery tea when I’m at home and sick, so it comes in second to grated ginger.)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

What a great idea! I’ll have to remember that next time I’m not feeling well.


I want to try this one, but disappointing to hear you don’t think it’s gingery enough. Freshly grated ginger is amazing.


It’s very gingery for a ginger tea, but dried ginger is missing some of that fresh bite that makes my nose run. :) That’s what I’m looking for. Overpowering ridiculous gingerness. I’ll grate about 2" of ginger with a microplane for 16 oz of ginger tea when I’m feeling awful, so YMMV.

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1403 tasting notes

This is actually a lovely tea. I avoided this one for a time, then I discovered Bangkok, which has ginger, and decided maybe ginger wasn’t so bad after all. I didn’t want to buy a bunch of this myself, so MirandaGou was awesome and sent some in a swap. It’s sweetly gingery with a little kick of peppercorn.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

this looks good! I love ginger….


You should try it! I went out and picked up 50g immediately haha.

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871 tasting notes

Sick Tea.

Not feeling well. I am unsure about my stomach currently. It could be any number of things really – eating way too much holiday food, bad left overs, drinking too much tea (totally true), gas/bloating, hypochondria, or a real illness, etc. Yesterday my sister in law informed me after we spent an afternoon together that she had been suffering from the flu all the previous night. Then I sneezed twice so I am sure I picked something up from her. And now they (ie. the people) have been talking about a recent mini epidemic of the H1N1 flu virus. (Now I am not an epidemiologist, but I am unsure if an epidemic can be “mini”). Anyway, I have had my seasonal flu shot a couple months ago and I have been taking tonnes of vitamins and fluids. I fully understand the flu (AKA influenza) is a respiratory illness and it is common misconception that is it a gastrointestinal illness, but all that aside, I feel gross. Side note: paranoia anyone?

Now this one is definitely super ginger. I was thinking of chopping up and steeping some fresh ginger, but that was too much work (because I am so very sick right now, you know – ha ha). I think this one is pretty close to steeping fresh ginger as you could get. There is spice, but it is not overpowering. It feels good on the stomach. This one has a bit of saltiness to it. I never knew this one had any rooibos in it until reading the ingredient list. I can’t taste the rooibos at all, but it probably blunts the power of the ginger a bit. Ginger Power! (I believe I am now becoming delirious). This tea always reminds me of sushi, because the first time I had it, I was eating sushi. Ugg, the idea of eating sushi right now is making me feel nauseous.

Another sidenote: I am currently watching Red Dragon (of Silence of the Lambs series). This could be making me feel sick, but I doubt it, gore and horror have never bothered me. I love Hannibal Lector. Minus the whole serial killer and eating humans thing, he is educated and smart and cultured, he is sensitive, can cook, and has a career, he knows what he wants out of life. Is that too much to ask for… that is probably why this is based on a fictional character. Hmmm.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Haha I love the picturesque view of Hannibal Lector.


I almost fainted in the shower yesterday and was told after the fact that there is ‘something going around’ so I understand. Feeling indeterminately crappy sucks.

Josie Jade

Hope you feel better. The norovirus is going around our area and so many people have had stomach flu symptoms. :(


Oh gosh, upset stomaches are the worst. I hope you feel better soon!


Thanks for the well wishes everyone. My tummy felt better after two cups of ginger tea and a gingerale. Still a little uneasy but if I watch what I eat I’m ok.

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615 tasting notes

On an appreciation for ginger scale, I fall somewhere between ‘tolerates’ and ‘enjoys from time to time’. So I was understandably a little leery of something named Super Ginger. Shmiracles sent me this months ago and the tea and I have been staring each other down for the whole time.

But I brewed it up today and realized that it wasn’t the stink eye I was getting. Silly moraiwe, this tea just wanted to love all over your tastebuds.

It’s definitely a strong ginger flavor, but it’s not as biting as raw ginger. It reminds me of pickled ginger or candied ginger, both of which I quite like. There’s a tingly, kicking pepper feeling in the back of my throat that elevates this one just a bit more.

So, thank you Shmiracles for expanding my tea horizons. This tea and I are gonna be super tight, I think.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

I feel like I’m somewhere similar on the ginger scale, yet for some reason I’ve been meaning to pick this one up. I’m happy to see you enjoyed it.


ya i agree the ginger’s not bitey. it’s a really friendly ginger cup, with all the good qualities ginger has to offer, but barely any of the harsh ones. i think this is my roommate’s gateway tea i just know it! i encouraged her to drink a cup maybe a week ago, and i’m pretty sure she’s had one EVERY NIGHT since :) (+1 for tea tea)

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125 tasting notes

Nice strong ginger tea. I like ginger a lot. The spice and sweetness of ginger is there, and some peppery-ness remains in my mouth after each sip. I added some honey, it’s pretty yum. Would still be good straight. I will probably pick some up for colds because it would definitely clear your sinuses.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

I’m excited to pick some of this up next time I’m at DavidsTea! The last ginger herbal I had (Rishi’s) also contained hibiscus, and that completely ruined it. Ginger is so great when you’re sick!

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90 tasting notes

This is absolutely the ginger tea I have been waiting for my entire life. I am going to buy some fresh lemons tomorrow and try it with lemon juice as well as honey.


I want this sooo bad!!


Argh i want this but im afraid i wont like it…


Whole-heartedly agree! Love ginger. Love the bite of the pepper. Love that it’s caffeine free so I can enjoy it day, afternoon, or night.

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513 tasting notes

I can’t say I’ve ever really had a hankering for ginger tea. I’d always associated it with elderly people who are in poor health, or people into wacky healing techniques or what have you. But then I’ve heard the suggestions that ginger is gentle on the stomach, and since I seem to be prone to…um…some digestive issues, I figured it wouldn’t help to pick up a sample, so I did. My digestive issues decided to make themselves known over the past few days (not least of the reasons being because I’ve been consuming a lot of lactose when I’m lactose intolerant), so I figured i’d try this one with breakfast this morning. As it brewed, it made my entire kitchen smell of ginger. I obviously didn’t add anything to it, and let it steep for about five minutes. I was worried when i read there was green rooibos in it, although I had nothing to worry about: nothing in the tea tasted remotely rooibosy, which made me very happy. Perhaps it’s red rooibos I can’t stand but green is alright?
It does indeed taste like a spicy, ginger tea, and I imagine it would feel divine when you’re stuffed up with a cold. It actually didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would (I was also worried it would taste a bit too much like a savoury soup, which I expressly forbid for myself in tea), but it was honestly quite fine. Granted I don’t think I’d reach for it as a delicious treat, but I do think I’ll keep some on hand for that time when I inevitably get really sick and want something that tastes like it’s good for sick people.


puerh resolves alot of stomach issues too.


Oh does it? I have to admit I haven’t tried any!


start with the softer ones is my recommendation…. like the yunnan golden puerh from teavana. the verdant ones tend to be heavier, mandala lighter. teavana NOT DAVID’S is a good place to start on this one.


Thanks for the suggestions. I have to go to Teavana anyway to restock on rock sugar, so I’ll keep that in mind.

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