YES! I finally obtained 100 g of this tea today at my local store. I love ginger, so this has been on my shopping list since I saw it!

Dry, this smells super peppery and gingery. Yum! It makes me cough and my nose runs, and I love it! So nice and spicy. The wet smell is more ginger, the pepper has toned down a bit.

Mmmmm this is quite delicious. As a massive ginger fan, this is excellent. There is a strong ginger flavor, but it is enhanced with the spices, they are just adding a nice amount of heat in my throat. Not enough for me to be coughing, just warming. I will definitely add some honey to the later part of my cup, and also may try a re-steep to see if the pepper comes out even more. Haha, I could even chop up some fresh ginger and add it in if I want, my boyfriend is making a stir-fry with it in it! Haha, I’ll save that for another time though.

Overall, this is pretty darn awesome. I’m very happy I picked up a tin of this, I rarely buy tins at Davids, but this will be excellent. If you love ginger, go for this tea!! I’m rating this pretty high, as it’s almost my favorite ginger tea yet (Verdant’s winter spa blend is just barely in first…for now)

ETA: I added in a bit of honey – the planets have aligned. Almost. Haha the ginger really comes out with the addition, but the spices tone down a little, but man, I do like ginger. :)

ETA again: This holds up fairly well to a re-steep. The flavors are slightly muted, but overall it’s still pretty tasty!

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec
Show 3 previous comments...
Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I love ginger!

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Me too! It’s one of my favorite ingredients in tea blends, actually, probably THE favorite lol. So spicy yet soothing!

Kittenna 12 years ago

This is one I really want my mom to try. I like ginger, but am not its biggest fan; she absolutely LOVES the stuff. Have to figure out some way to get a sample to her, haha.

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Ooh yes you will definitely have to! My mom loves ginger too, she’s going to be all over this if I bring it home haha, she’s been wanting to go to Davids for a while though, so one of these days we will have to go and I’ll get her some of it so she can have it all the time :)

BoxerMama 12 years ago

I bought this, I have yet to try it though. Also love ginger.

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Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I love ginger!

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Me too! It’s one of my favorite ingredients in tea blends, actually, probably THE favorite lol. So spicy yet soothing!

Kittenna 12 years ago

This is one I really want my mom to try. I like ginger, but am not its biggest fan; she absolutely LOVES the stuff. Have to figure out some way to get a sample to her, haha.

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Ooh yes you will definitely have to! My mom loves ginger too, she’s going to be all over this if I bring it home haha, she’s been wanting to go to Davids for a while though, so one of these days we will have to go and I’ll get her some of it so she can have it all the time :)

BoxerMama 12 years ago

I bought this, I have yet to try it though. Also love ginger.

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Hello all, I am an electrical engineer (read:NERD :D), who is a bit obsessed with tea! I discovered loose tea in 2011, DAVIDsTEA in 2012 and it took off from there. I really started drinking/enjoying tea because it was excellent to take to class in the morning and because I can’t handle coffee! (unless it’s a really good cappuccino or latte, or decent decaf haha)

I enjoy a variety of teas – current favorites being ripe and raw pu’erhs, chinese black teas and herbal/green rooibos blends. I also enjoy white, green, and oolong teas, although I tend to drink them more in the warmer months. I have also tried matcha and guayusa, but I don’t drink them too often as I am a bit sensitive to caffeine. As a result I don’t drink black teas as often as I used to, but in moderation I can still enjoy a wide variety of teas.

Oh, and I have a severe peanut allergy and try to avoid most other nuts, just to be safe. Limits my tea choices a bit, but that’s ok. However I have tried almonds and found out I can eat them, so I have been trying a few teas with them in them.

mrs.stenhouse12’s rating system
(as of 04/19/13)

95+: Absolute favorite, will try to always have it in stock, and when I don’t I pine over it!
90-94: Awesome teas, will probably purchase again a few times
80-89: Very good tea, may restock at some point
70-79: happy to have tried and will gladly finish, but not restock
60-69: not horrible, but not the best, will finish if I have some though
50-59: not a favorite, probably will have a tough time finishing the bag
-50: yuck. I don’t want to have it ever again.



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