Sick Tea.
Not feeling well. I am unsure about my stomach currently. It could be any number of things really – eating way too much holiday food, bad left overs, drinking too much tea (totally true), gas/bloating, hypochondria, or a real illness, etc. Yesterday my sister in law informed me after we spent an afternoon together that she had been suffering from the flu all the previous night. Then I sneezed twice so I am sure I picked something up from her. And now they (ie. the people) have been talking about a recent mini epidemic of the H1N1 flu virus. (Now I am not an epidemiologist, but I am unsure if an epidemic can be “mini”). Anyway, I have had my seasonal flu shot a couple months ago and I have been taking tonnes of vitamins and fluids. I fully understand the flu (AKA influenza) is a respiratory illness and it is common misconception that is it a gastrointestinal illness, but all that aside, I feel gross. Side note: paranoia anyone?
Now this one is definitely super ginger. I was thinking of chopping up and steeping some fresh ginger, but that was too much work (because I am so very sick right now, you know – ha ha). I think this one is pretty close to steeping fresh ginger as you could get. There is spice, but it is not overpowering. It feels good on the stomach. This one has a bit of saltiness to it. I never knew this one had any rooibos in it until reading the ingredient list. I can’t taste the rooibos at all, but it probably blunts the power of the ginger a bit. Ginger Power! (I believe I am now becoming delirious). This tea always reminds me of sushi, because the first time I had it, I was eating sushi. Ugg, the idea of eating sushi right now is making me feel nauseous.
Another sidenote: I am currently watching Red Dragon (of Silence of the Lambs series). This could be making me feel sick, but I doubt it, gore and horror have never bothered me. I love Hannibal Lector. Minus the whole serial killer and eating humans thing, he is educated and smart and cultured, he is sensitive, can cook, and has a career, he knows what he wants out of life. Is that too much to ask for… that is probably why this is based on a fictional character. Hmmm.
I almost fainted in the shower yesterday and was told after the fact that there is ‘something going around’ so I understand. Feeling indeterminately crappy sucks.
Hope you feel better. The norovirus is going around our area and so many people have had stomach flu symptoms. :(
Haha I love the picturesque view of Hannibal Lector.
I almost fainted in the shower yesterday and was told after the fact that there is ‘something going around’ so I understand. Feeling indeterminately crappy sucks.
Hope you feel better. The norovirus is going around our area and so many people have had stomach flu symptoms. :(
Oh gosh, upset stomaches are the worst. I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. My tummy felt better after two cups of ginger tea and a gingerale. Still a little uneasy but if I watch what I eat I’m ok.