White Peony

Tea type
White Tea
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Flowers, Gardenias
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Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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25 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I have joined the CULT OF TIMOLINO! bows down We were out shopping today and my bf spent a lot of money on boardgames, and so it was decided that I could have a treat too! And so I snagged a...” Read full tasting note
  • “A lovely light tea, fairly typical of a white tea. I’ve never had a tea with peony in it before, so I was expecting this to taste overwhelmingly floral. Thankfully the floral aspect is equally...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well, I’ll leave DAVIDsTEA to fix the image quality/description here… I’m not used to having to add teas myself! Picked this one up while in store today to get October’s TOTM – I had seen mention...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve never had a straight white tea before and I’m enjoying this one. Nothing too special about it from what I can tell. Perhaps once I’ve tried more unflavoured white teas I’ll have more to...” Read full tasting note


A breath of fresh air
Sometimes we all need a little time out. And this fresh, delicate white tea is a first class ticket to cloud nine. With its silvery leaves, bright colour and fresh aroma, it’s like drinking a spring day. It’s naturally sweet and mellow, with a hint of green vegetables and fresh corn silk – richer and fuller than most white teas. Maybe it tastes so beautiful because it grows in such a breathtaking place: China’s Fuding City, a lush green gem set high above the sea in Fujian Province. So steep a cup, lock your office door and enjoy a five-minute getaway.

Ingredients: White tea from Fujian Province, China.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

25 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

I have joined the CULT OF TIMOLINO! bows down

We were out shopping today and my bf spent a lot of money on boardgames, and so it was decided that I could have a treat too! And so I snagged a precious purple timolino! And this time I will love it and treat it much better than my teal one. NO COFFEE.

I wonder if I should dedicate this one purely to whites/greens/oolongs, and My sad teal one can be for blacks/other strong teas? Does that make a difference?

At the very least I will now be able to pack 2 of these into the diaper bag when I am out. MOAR VARIETY on hand = never having to buy a drink again.


yes i have one for greens etc and one for blacks and intense herbals.
i heard that eventually the tea tannins or whatever does tend to make them taste a little off in the mug? but personally, i just thought it was a great excuse to buy more than one :)


I could see it. My teal one has some tea stain, and the rubber is looking a little ick. So I’ll just treasure my purple one and hope the teal one doesn’t get jealous.

The purple one rattles a little bit. Do any of yours? Strange! But it works fine…

I’m all for excuses. I think I bought this because of you and Kittena getting me all excited. I just WANTED MOAR. So thanks for converting me.


…the other nerd in me wants to know more about the board games…timelino be damned! :)


Also important!
We picked up the Tide of Iron board game. It’s a miniatures war game for 2-4 people. It looks like it’d be a lot of fun, and not nearly as intense as Axis&Allies (which I’ve never actually finished).


that’s it.
it’s gonna be a thing.


Neither of my Timolinos rattle (I can’t think of what would?) But the cream-coloured one “works” better than the black, as in, it keeps the tea noticeable hotter for longer. And yes, I’d recommend reserving the new mug for lighter teas. Flavour carryover from a strongly flavoured tea to a nice light one is unpleasant, at best.


Thanks. You’ve been doing this for longer than I, so I’ll take your advice. :D


I’ll post here, too. Denture tablets! Unscented (usually store brand) ones! Might take a few goes, but wow, do they ever work. They uncoffee’d my old Contigo.


I just made a note in Evernote so I remember!


Yes! :)


Everyone has been talking about these so much that I’m absolutely buying one on Saturday. Just have to choose between purple and teal now!!

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357 tasting notes

A lovely light tea, fairly typical of a white tea. I’ve never had a tea with peony in it before, so I was expecting this to taste overwhelmingly floral. Thankfully the floral aspect is equally delicate and complimentary to the white tea, rather than competing with it. There’s also a lovely subtle sweetness to this.

I bought only a single serving packet of this and in the future I’d buy another sample of it from time to time, but I don’t think it’s one that I’d need to get in full size. It’s good, but it doesn’t jump out at me as a “buy me now” kind of tea. The bonus is that this tea comes with a built-in conversation starter…how to correctly pronounce “peony”. I say “pee-ownee”, my Dad says pee-eny…I suspect we’re both wrong


Jumping in with useless information! The dictionary correct pronunciation of peony is ‘PEE-uh-nee’. Pee-OH-nee is a Southern US regional pronunciation, and from there I’m sure there are plenty of other regional pronunciations (to our north and what have you) that I’m not familiar with :)


I love useless information :D it’s right up my alley!


I believe that White Peony tea, also known as Bai Mu Dan, is just the name of an unflavored Chinese white tea. It doesn’t actually have peony flowers or flavoring in it. It tastes like hay and sunshine to me. :)


Thanks CHAroma. Clearly I didn’t read the ingredients – whoops!


LOL! No worries. I recall I first wanted to try it because I thought it had peonies in it too. ;)

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6119 tasting notes

Well, I’ll leave DAVIDsTEA to fix the image quality/description here… I’m not used to having to add teas myself!

Picked this one up while in store today to get October’s TOTM – I had seen mention of the straight tea promo, but hadn’t realized that 9 new straight teas had come out! So I picked up sample bags of five teas they had available (at least one wasn’t new though). A couple cups’ worth of tea for $1? Heck yes!

So the roommate and I shared this one tonight, as neither of us have really tried many (or any) straight white teas. Used the whole 2g bag of tea for 3 cups of water (less whatever boiled off). The end result is quite light, and in my opinion, a bit too bland (not underleafed though, I don’t think). I definitely get the corn silk association they mention, but there’s nothing special about this one at all. There’s a bit of a lingering “tea” taste at the end of the sip. Not sad that my sample packet is gone. I imagine this is fairly akin to most white peony teas; my expectations weren’t super high, I must admit! For those that like white peony, I’m sure this is a fine tea, but apparently I’m a touch picky :)

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

And now like $25 more in tea gets tacked on to the order I was already contemplating…shakes fist


Wha??? I’m not totally sure you need to try all the new teas…. not sure they’re anything special necessarily! A couple I’m interested in though :D


I want the Gyokuro Black and Genmai Hojicha the most, and the Vietnamese Tung Ting sounds pretty cool, but it wouldn’t kill me not to get it I think.


Gykuro Black? Sounds very interesting!!


What’s the promotion? totally missed it. I’m excited about a couple of the new blacks though!


Hrm. Less of a promo than I thought… $1 straight teas. But I imagine you’ve heard about it now, and I’m just super late in responding here!

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1404 tasting notes

I’ve never had a straight white tea before and I’m enjoying this one. Nothing too special about it from what I can tell. Perhaps once I’ve tried more unflavoured white teas I’ll have more to report.

Update: Great resteeped as well!

Kasumi no Chajin

my favorite white tea (a sliver needle) resteeps about 5 times (at least) very nicely


That’s great. I’m on my third re-steep now and I’m still really enjoying it. I’l’ have to update on many steeps I manage :)

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Sweet aroma reminicient of fresh corn silk and vegetables.

Liquor: Clear, bright liquor with a lovely yellow/green colour and sweet aroma.

Flavour: The liquor has a fresh full flavour, laden with freshly picked and steamed vegetables, corn silk and fine green tea. Unusually round and full for a white tea. There is a hint of incense in the cup that floats above the liquor and lingers on the palate. This is an exceptionally bud filled Bai Mu Dan, which distinguishes it as a very high quality tea. The flavour is affected by these buds as they bring an exceptionally sweet character to the liquor. It is the leaf that brings the corn silk and vegetal notes.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I just tried this today! So great :D


i loved this one! such a clean taste!

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836 tasting notes

I used 2g of dry leaf (2 tablespoons) for 375 ml of water.

Aroma of the brewed tea is swampy with hints of sweetness. I’m detecting peppery notes and possibly even hints of cinnamon. There is a strong floral tone.

Mild tasting. Light floral flavour thoughout. Slight saltiness is detected. Sweetness closer to end of sip which carries through into aftertaste. I’m detecting hints of pepper and vegetal in the aftertaste.

Lingering aftertaste develops into a corn-like flavour.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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250 tasting notes

It’s been a while since I posted a proper review on here, but my excuses are valid! A new year means a new house and a new baby (in April), but due to the holidays + pregnancy, we’re still organising/unpacking/sorting through all of our stuff! Believe me, our living room looks like an episode of Hoarders and since I’m 29 weeks along and the belly is protruding more and more, I’m only allowed busy moving/sorting smaller boxes. The pace is agonising!

I need a break. I need tea. Stat.

Now, I’m no white tea aficionado, usually preferring them to be ever-so-slightly-flavoured. I love that DAVIDsTEA mentions corn silk in the flavour profile, since I never would have thought of it as a flavour note, but can actually kind of taste it here. I also get hints of moss for some reason. Hmmm, interesting. Two steeps out of the leaves, with enough dry tea leftover for another brew on another day. Not bad for a tea sample that cost me $0.50 due to the Boxing Week sale!

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 45 sec

congrats on the kiddo! :)


Thanks Indigobloom! We still have so far to go with preparations for the little gaffer though…


I’ll bet! you’ll get there. Just be prepared not to sleep for a month! :/

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180 tasting notes

Had a sample packet of this from my last order, so I thought I’d give a taste today. It’s good, but nothing special enough that I’d buy a full 50g of it. I’m pleased to discover that it’s not too floral – it just tastes like a nice cup of white tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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464 tasting notes

After having the guayusa this morning, this tea seems particularly bright in comparison. It was vegetal, slightly sweet, and just a little astringent. It got creamier and even the teensiest bit floral as it cooled, but it never reached that creamy deliciousness I was looking for.

As far as white teas go I enjoyed White Petal by Steven Smith (which I had yesterday) much more than this tea. It just seemed to have more going on, especially with the addition of the floral elements.

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60 tasting notes

This is literally like a spring day. I feel like there’s memories. Flowers. Maybe this is just me being tired of the city in winter, but this tea made me very happy. I can’t really say whether this is a good white tea or not, because I don’t usually drink whites, but I enjoyed this one.

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