Gold Rush

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
Coconut, Natural Flavours, White Mulberries, White Tea
Cream, Sweet, Coconut, Fruity, Honey, Raisins, White Grapes, Dry Grass, Toasty, White Chocolate, Vanilla, Butter, Caramel, Floral, Almond, Creamy, Jam, Alcohol, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Butterscotch, Smooth, Berries, Maple, Berry, Custard, Maple Syrup, Burnt Sugar, Candy, Rum, Thick
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec 4 g 19 oz / 571 ml

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208 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I was in DAVIDsTEA today and bought myself the little gong fu teapot and some clear double walled tea cups for my birthday tomorrow. And the new mate teas. I told the girl working that it was a...” Read full tasting note
  • “An oh so drool-inducing sipdown. It’s a coconut caramel cloud. This is a sad moment here! I’d buy more but it’s quite expensive so maybe I’ll reward myself later, like when I finish the semester or...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (197) I picked up 10 g of this which does not go very far and so I was saving it for when I needed it most. Today my tea experiences have been less than stellar and so when I brewed up...” Read full tasting note
  • “Time to start getting ready for work soon… Really want to call in sick, but can’t afford to again. At least I have tomorrow off, right!? Right! And dentist Monday morning. Ick. I was inspired to...” Read full tasting note



Hit the jackpot

Mulberries are a pretty precious fruit, so you don’t find them in tea very often. After all, mulberry trees are usually reserved for silk making, as they’re the only thing silkworms will eat. No wonder – they’re naturally sweet and rich, with an almost caramel-like flavour. In a word, decadent. Here we pair golden mulberries with creamy coconut and delicate white tea, for a tea that is guaranteed to give you gold fever. Eureeka! (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: mulberries, coconut, white Silver Needle tea. With natural and organic flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

208 Tasting Notes

4071 tasting notes

Taking a break from Lupicia teas, and saving the other 4 or 5 I have left to try tomorrow! This tea is yet another sample from Dexter’s big box of tea love. This blend is very…chunky. There are whole mulberries and big chunks of coconut and other “food” things. I do see a few scant silver needles mixed in with all of the additions. Dry, it smells very sweet and almost vanilla-y with some tart fruitiness.

The steeped tea smells quite mild, but I can definitely identify coconut in there, along with something that reminds me of vanilla. Hmm, this one is a bit too much for me I think. It’s very strong on the coconut, which is fine, but the flavor combined with the mouthfeel gives me the impression of drinking straight coconut milk mixed with butter. There’s definitely too much richness here for me! It’s like eating a coconut candle… :P

Flavors: Butter, Coconut, Cream, Custard, Sweet, Thick

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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27 tasting notes

I think I read another reviewer call this tea scrumptious and I think that is the perfect word for it! It is creamy and coconutty and sweet from the mulberries… Very yummy! The only negative thing I could say about it, is that since I literally had Chocolate Macaroon just yesterday, which is also coconutty and which I am IN LOVE WITH… then this one doesn’t quite measure up for me. But that is only because I love Chocolate Macaroon SO MUCH and if I hadn’t just had it, I wouldn’t be comparing it so directly!

Flavors: Caramel, Coconut

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894 tasting notes

When I smelled this I couldn’t resist picking some up. The dry leaf smells AMAZING. Rich and sweet and boozy, like some cream liqueur (maybe Irish Cream?)

Sadly, while the tea is nice, it just doesn’t measure up to how amazing it smells in the bag. In the cup there’s a lot of caramel and coconut notes, on the nose and tongue, but I’m not getting much of the white tea (which is pretty sparse amongst the other ingredients). I expect white teas to be light and delicate, but this is just missing something, in the same way I find a lot of white-fruit blends, which are heavy on the fruit and light on white, to be.

I’ll have to give this another try, maybe fiddle with amounts, steeping time and temperature. I have the tea and it was expensive, so maybe I can make it work better.

Flavors: Alcohol, Caramel, Coconut, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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2238 tasting notes

A sample from Memily! I’ve been hanging on to this one, because I’ve wanted to try it for so long, and it sounds delicious. I was waiting for the perfect day, I guess. Today fits the bill — I had to work yesterday, so I think I deserve a treat today. Also, it’s raining heavily and fairly dull, so a sweet, cheering cup is just the ticket!

I gave 5g of leaf (about 2 tsp) 3 minutes in water cooled slightly. I felt I had to do that in honour of the silver needle base, although to be fair there isn’t much of it here. It’s mostly mulberry and coconut!

It’s absolutely delicious. As it cools, it’s just like drinking liquid caramel with a sprinkle of coconut. There’s the tiniest hint of silver needle in the background, which helps to round out the flavour somehow. If there was ever a dessert replacement tea, this is it! I’ve got a gruelling week ahead, so I’m glad it’s starting on a high tea note! This is one I’d definitely try again should the opportunity arise. It’s sweet, warming, caramelly wonderfulness.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp

Oh huzzah! I’m all out of mine. The silver needle was definitely quite sparse in the blend, I think that’s just part and parcel of it! I was bulking mine out in the end with some straight silver needle to try to get it to last longer.


Don’t blame you for trying to stretch it. It’s delicious!

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1812 tasting notes

Drinking the last bit of this. Tasty!

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168 tasting notes

This is a great tea if you add more silver needles to it.

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43 tasting notes

Steeped for around 8 minutes and from the other reviews I am seeing that I should have let it go for longer. It’s a nice light flavor but not a lot there- and when I dumped the bag out into a bowl there hardly seems to be any actual tea in there, mainly just mulberries and coconut. Have to hold off on a rating for now.

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1165 tasting notes

So today was just awful. I really felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown this morning. Thankfully I was able to take the afternoon off work. And tea is an excellent respite from the world.

I had a coupon for a free cup from Davids. This seemed like a good opportunity to use it.

The salesperson was super nice. I told her that I wanted something vanilla and she pulled down at least 6 cans. I smelled the Vanilla Orchid first and was sure it was the one. None of the subsequent teas smelled nearly as fabulous. And then she brought down this one. Oh. my. goodness. It smells amazing. I just wanted to climb right into the can. Or maybe eat it. It smells creamy and vanilla and… warm, if that makes sense. The salesperson brewed this up in my travel mug and I was on my way. She suggested just leaving the bag in, so I did. This brewed for at least 15 minutes before I actually tried it. Nom nom nom! There was no bitterness or other unpleasant indication of oversteeping. Only wonderful, creamy vanilla and caramel. I’m not really tasting the coconut except in the creaminess. I’ve never had a mulberry, so I can’t speak to how true-to-nature this blend is. I rather don’t care. Whatever it is, it’s fabulous. Highly recommend.


Sorry you had so much anxiety today—looks like a lot of us struggled on that front today, if that makes you feel any better. I’m glad you got a chance to rest this afternoon, and that you could enjoy this wonderful tea.


Thanks for the kind words, keychange!

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173 tasting notes

First tea I’ve tried from the “sweet indulgence” sampler set. OMG. This one is going on the wish list for sure. It smells amazing! Creamy coconut with the fruity sweetness, I’m in heaven. The taste is smooth and not too sweet. I just can’t get enough of the scent though! Someone make this into a perfume asap please! If anyone is into perfume and can recommend something to remind me of this, I would love you forever <3

Flavors: Coconut

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1024 tasting notes

OK, today’s cold brew isn’t as sour. I suppose it’s how you feel about that mulberry flavour at any given time, but in the cold brew it’s less sour and more sweet berry (maybe overripe berry is a better way to describe it).

I’m happy to keep my rating at 60 for Gold Rush, and I’ll drink my final leaves hot this afternoon.

I’m starting to run out of easy sipdowns. With 70 teas in my house, I’m starting to run out of easy sipdowns. How is this even a thing. And I have 15 Butiki teas winging their way to me as I type. Sorry, 15 Butiki teas plus free samples, AND a swap.

Help. Send help.


Haha! Tea overload!



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