Gold Rush

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
Coconut, Natural Flavours, White Mulberries, White Tea
Cream, Sweet, Coconut, Fruity, Honey, Raisins, White Grapes, Dry Grass, Toasty, White Chocolate, Vanilla, Butter, Caramel, Floral, Almond, Creamy, Jam, Alcohol, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Butterscotch, Smooth, Berries, Maple, Berry, Custard, Maple Syrup, Burnt Sugar, Candy, Rum, Thick
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec 4 g 19 oz / 571 ml

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  • “I was in DAVIDsTEA today and bought myself the little gong fu teapot and some clear double walled tea cups for my birthday tomorrow. And the new mate teas. I told the girl working that it was a...” Read full tasting note
  • “An oh so drool-inducing sipdown. It’s a coconut caramel cloud. This is a sad moment here! I’d buy more but it’s quite expensive so maybe I’ll reward myself later, like when I finish the semester or...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (197) I picked up 10 g of this which does not go very far and so I was saving it for when I needed it most. Today my tea experiences have been less than stellar and so when I brewed up...” Read full tasting note
  • “Time to start getting ready for work soon… Really want to call in sick, but can’t afford to again. At least I have tomorrow off, right!? Right! And dentist Monday morning. Ick. I was inspired to...” Read full tasting note



Hit the jackpot

Mulberries are a pretty precious fruit, so you don’t find them in tea very often. After all, mulberry trees are usually reserved for silk making, as they’re the only thing silkworms will eat. No wonder – they’re naturally sweet and rich, with an almost caramel-like flavour. In a word, decadent. Here we pair golden mulberries with creamy coconut and delicate white tea, for a tea that is guaranteed to give you gold fever. Eureeka! (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: mulberries, coconut, white Silver Needle tea. With natural and organic flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

208 Tasting Notes

17 tasting notes

*Came in the dessert collection
Lightly coconutty, but over all just light tasting. Went well with breakfast.
Not outstanding, or oh my goodness I need this, but a nice drink, and will not stop me from buying another collection with it in it.
Exactly the same flavour on a 2nd (slightly longer) steep.

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21 tasting notes

This tea is LIFE. That is all

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1379 tasting notes

Thank you David Webb for this tea. The result of our recent Davids Tea/Whittard Tea exchange.

This is the first tea I am trying from those I received purely because the ingredients sound particularly delicious. Mulberries, coconut and white silver needle sounds inspired.

Steeping this in my new ceramic Chinese steeping mug, if you haven’t seen the pics on Instagram it’s the type that you remove the ceramic filter from the middle. Since this was large leaf/fruit blend it was suitable for use.

The raw blend smells super sweet and juicy with elements of fruit custard and jelly. Very strong but delicious, enough to tempt me to eat a mulberry from the mix :D Infact even when it’s finished the steeping time I found myself picking at the mulberries, my husband ate a few too!

Flavour is custard and cream like but the fruit has toned down from it’s raw form, though it is still noticeable (particularly in the after taste). Still rather jelly/jam like on the fruit front, probably because it’s so sweet. After a few sips the coconut comes through towards the after taste. The custard and cream really dominant, is it vanilla? Something similar if not. It lingers in the mouth nicely.

I love this one, didn’t expect to but it has everything I look for in a fruit tea. It’s sweet, fruity, creamy and it lingers in my mouth…plus additional bonus for ingredients of such good quality that you can eat them! Looks like another DavidsTea that has made it to my “Seriously need more” pile.

Flavors: Berry, Coconut, Creamy, Custard, Fruity, Jam, Vanilla

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 OZ / 300 ML

oooh! this sounds delightful! :D (and I adore your new mug!)

David Webb

I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It’s such an unconventional tea. I find it a wonderful surprise every time.

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772 tasting notes

I believe this one was sent to me by Roswell Strange quite a while ago, back when I was in the tea chat all the time. I can’t do that anymore because of work restrictions unfortunately.

Smelling the dry blend, it smells sort of like sugary maple syrup. That’s not quite right, but I can’t think of anything closer. I’m currently waiting for my water to get to an appropriate temperature (aka, not boiling) in my water heater. It’s being a bit stodgy today.

Waiting for the tea to cool off a bit, it smells lovely. Moreso than the coconut tea I just drank that had gone off.

I accidentally put some milk in this tea, forgetting it was white tea, but thankfully it doesn’t completely ruin it. The tea now tastes quite sweet and very creamy and smooth. There’s the tiniest tingle on the tip of my tongue that tells me that I’m glad I drank this now rather than waiting and having it go off on me, which would be a shame for a tea that was gifted to me.

Flavors: Coconut, Maple Syrup, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML


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415 tasting notes

I only bought 12g of this tea just to try it. My sample was pretty much all mulberries and coconut flakes and very little white tea, so when I brewed it up I grabbed some white tea and mixed it up so that it would be actual tea. The main flavour of the tea is coconut, and I believe the mulberries add a bit of sweetness as well. It’s a nice taste, but I dunno if I like it with the white tea because it completely masks the taste of it. I would like this better as a herbal tea, especially because adding the white tea into the mix jacks up the price to nearly $12/50grams. To me, this tea isn’t worth the cost and I prefer just a plain white tea instead. However, if you like light tasting coconut tea, this tea is indeed for you.

Flavors: Coconut

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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56 tasting notes

I am currently drinking Gold Rush while writing this, and let me say, it is deeeeelish!

I had 100g free to use up, so today I went into David’s Tea and picked out some teas. I ended up using 50g free towards Bubbie’s Baklava, and another free 50g towards this tea. Honestly, one of the main reasons why I wanted to try this one was because of its price. This is a fairly expensive tea compared to some of the others at DT. I thought that it might be more expensive for a good reason, maybe the ingredients were just THAT much better, you know?

Anyways, I smelled it in the store and it reminded me of butter rum lifesaver candies. The fellow helping me said right away that he gets a very strong rum scent from it, which definitely went along with the candies that I thought of. I don’t get coconut by itself in this tea, if that makes sense. Lots of people have said that the coconut is very noticeable, but I see this more as a cohesive flavor, not so much coconut + mulberries + white tea = caramely goodness. I just get the butter rum flavor right away.

Now that I have actually tasted it, I will say that it is very sweet. I wouldn’t put any sweetener in it. With that being said, it is very, very tasty. It definitely isn’t too sweet. I left the teabag in like I normally do and it wasn;t too strong either. Just right!

I am really glad that I used this as one of my free teas. It was a great tea to try out, especially because it is more expensive than some others. I look forward to drinking this again and might have to splurge once this is done!

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Candy, Creamy, Rum, Sweet

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55 tasting notes

Ooooh yay!
This was the Tea of the Day at DT today and so I bought a full sized cup. The small sample was pretty weak but a nice hot cup with the smidgiest of smidges of honey brought out the really nice coconut flavour of this tea and – what I’m assuming is mullberries (I’ve never had them ) but if that’s what I’m tasting then they’re very nice! I also bought some of their milk oolong so once I taste that one I’ll decide on which I want to use my free 50g on!

Flavors: Coconut, Sweet

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338 tasting notes

Again, another tea that’s a bit to expensive for my tastes. The coconut and caramel taste is a bit of a weird one to me, so I don’t like this as much as most other people appear to. I think I like my coconut flavours blended with fruit above all else. The cup of this I had a while back was good, but I don’t think I’ll go for it again on my own.

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343 tasting notes

I bought myself an ounce of this to try the last time I was in NYC, thinking I would redeem my rewards on it. It’s only ok. Did I do something wrong?

It’s nice, slightly creamy, and coco-nutty. A mild hint of caramel, but even after steeping for the recommended 7 minutes, I still needed to add sweetener to it. It was fine without, but it was missing the oomph. I can see people who generally don’t sweeten their teas to really like this, but I dunno, even sweetened, there’s something missing. I just can’t put my finger on it.

If anyone has any recommendations let me know (if I did something wrong, etc.). Good, just not great given the hype or price!

185 °F / 85 °C 7 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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818 tasting notes

I went to DavidsTea last week to pick up some teas for my mom and of course, couldn’t resist picking up a little something for myself! I’ve been wondering about this tea, so I picked up a small amount to give it a go. Tonight is my second cup. The first time, it was very sweet, but I could also taste the silver needle in the background. Tonight I decided it tastes like rum. Not bad, but almost too much flavoring for me. I think I’m really starting to move away from heavily flavored teas. There’s just so much to love about great quality unflavored teas.

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