This is the tea that made me realize that I might just not like white tea.
I followed the brewing instructions from Davids, and found it to be bland and dusty tasting. And then I tried again, steeping for only a minute, and still, it’s dusty.
So I left it for a few months. And then when I became overwhelmed by the sheer volume of teas I own, I decided that I needed to give it another shot so I can finish it off.
Let’s see what icing it does. And maybe just 30s of steeping?
It’s much gentler, but the strawberry seems to have come to the fore. There is a definite tea flavour, but it’s not the slightly bitter dust I’ve come to expect. It’s a delicate, almost floral note that is actually quite delicious. I like that this isn’t overwhelmingly fruity, because some of the other Davids whites that have come out over the summer seem like a bit of a waste of such expensive tea.
So, the final verdict? I like it. Not my favourite, but maybe if Blazing Strawberries never comes back, this could take it’s place in the rotation.