The third of my birthday teas from my lovely partner! (The second was genmaicha, which I neglected to log since I was drinking it while frantically studying for finals) To celebrate being done finals, I decided to try this last tea. From the smell alone, it was the one I was most excited about.
I read on here that many people prefer this tea steeped for less time, and the long recommended steeping time (5-6 minutes) made me a bit wary, so I taste tasted it after 30 seconds of steeping. I couldn’t really taste a whole lot at that point, and was hoping to be able to taste the strawberry a bit more, so I steeped it for another 30 seconds. Unfortunately the strawberry comes through more from the aroma of the tea then the taste, but I like the flavour of the silver needles which does come through quite well so I don’t mind too much. I am planning to try resteeping for the recommended time after I finish this cup, to see if it brings out the strawberry any more.
Edit: Tried a longer steep time, it didn’t really bring out the strawberry any more, so I’ll probably just stick with somewhere between 30s – 1 minute. It takes best when I take a deep inhale to get the strawberry smell as I drink. Still quite enjoyable, will definitely be drinking this again soon.