Noël en Provence

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Flavor, Flower Petals, Lavender Flowers
Candy, Cream, Fig, Honey, Strawberry, Sweet, Vanilla, Wood, Earth, Jam, Dried Fruit, Floral, Lavender, Malt, Smooth, Earthy
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 g 13 oz / 395 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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39 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Merry Christmas! Or something. It was snowing today, does that count? This marks the start of a long line of Dammann teas that I ordered through Instant-Thé in 50g quantities. What a great way to...” Read full tasting note
  • “thank goodness the lavander in this is almost non existant. i was a little worried but shouldn’t have been. This is a delightful strawberry, fig tea. It reminds me a lot of strawbery jam – real...” Read full tasting note
  • “Day 16! I quite like rooibos de Provence, so I was expecting this one to be similar, but it isn’t really. In saying that, every company, I am sure, will have a slightly different blend. This one is...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have no idea what # of sipdown I’m on, but this is another one from the *Sil*box. This is a juicy jammy cup of fruitiness, with a building tartness. I was a little worried about the lavender,...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

A black tea with gourmet flavors of a Christmas in Provence combining in a perfumed infusion the fruity notes of fig and strawberry enhanced with a hint of honey.

Dominant note : Gourmet notes
Secondary note(s) : Orchard fruits
Type(s) of tea : Black Tea
Main flavor : Honey
Complementary flavor(s) : Fig, Strawberry

About Dammann Frères View company

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39 Tasting Notes

292 tasting notes

This was the first tea I tried from a collection of samples I got from Courtney, and I was initially a bit scared that it would be too floral based on the perfume-y scent. But it smelled lovely and teas often smell more flowery than they brew up, and thankfully, that was the case here! There was still a hint of that, but I mostly enjoyed how creamy and lightly sweet this one was, thanks to the fig and strawberry notes. Super tasty, my worries were completely unfounded.

3 min, 30 sec

HEEEEY! Unreasonably excited. XD


Me too! I think my second cup today might be my guilty pleasure Adagio candy cane tea.


That’s a great choice for such a delightful grey day!

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1444 tasting notes

After seeing tea-sipper and Cameron enjoying their DF Noël teas, I thought I’d make this one after the B&B advent this morning.

This tea is just like liquid fig jam to me, except not overly sweet, just perfect. It’s so good and a perfect morning cuppa. Who doesn’t love figs or fig jam in the morning? I can’t wait until fig season is once again upon us.

I could’ve sworn I ordered more of DF’s Christmas teas last year, so I went to check my order history on their website and I did also ordered Noël à Prague! Alas, I polished it off sometime before re-joining Steepster, so I can’t recall my feelings toward it. On a totally unrelated note, Lex and I have been working on our French since ~April and I really noticed the difference just perusing the DF site without translation. Woot!

Cameron B.

I also adore this one, yum fig. And you polished off a whole 100g bag of a non-everyday tea in a year?! Wow! #teagoals

I took several years of French in school, but I should really practice it more. I was surprised by how much I remembered when we went to France for work a couple of years ago.


Apparently! But also, I have only a few teas in comparison to your cupboard. :P I also order my 250g bag of Yuchi Wild Mountain Black annually because I always drink that in one year as well. :)

I took French for many years in school too, but I felt like I had forgotten so much. I don’t think I’ve forgotten nearly as much as I thought haha! But it would be nice to be fluent in it — especially here! So many languages I’d like to learn honestly!

Martin Bednář

Don’t even try to start with Czech Courtney and not mentioning Finnish. But I want to speak Finnish at least on basic phrases.


Finnish would be so neat! Do you speak any other languages aside from Czech and English Martin?

Martin Bednář

Courtney: Very basic German, can undestand Polish, can understand and speak Slovak (but latter two because it’s so similar to Czech. Few words in French (merci), and few words in Finnish (kiitos).

On bearable level… English and German (I claim it’s basic, but my Swiss friend thinks it’s quite okay, though it needs polishing a lot :D).


Very cool! I’ve learned lots of Italian from my partner and some Danish from my own family, but I wish we were taught French at a fluent level here, it would provide so many more opportunities, and to me it doesn’t make sense to have two official languages if so few can speak only one of them!

Cameron B.

I need to start doing Japanese again, I had fun learning some before my trip last year!


Yes! Learning languages is so fun!

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15915 tasting notes

Advent Calendar Day Seventeen

Yes, Fig and Strawberry! A pairing I know very well.

So, there are two fig/strawberry things that I buy grocery wise that I absolutely NEED in my life because I will consume them on just about everything. The first is a Fig/Strawberry balsamic reduction which is my go to sauce/dressing and the other is a fig/strawberry balsamic chevre. So obviously I like fig and strawberry things; though it’ll be interesting to see how this fairs given it’s missing the balsamic component which is present in both my fig/strawberry foods…

Fig? Check!

Actually, the fig in this one is really familiar but unlike the frustrating Apple Ale white tea I had earlier today from Q2T I actually know why this is familiar. It’s familiar because it tastes exactly like the fig notes in Dammann Freres’ Fig Fraiche blend. So no surprises here: it’s smooth and well defined, as it should be.

Strawberry? Also check!

This one is bright and fruity, and it tastes a lot like the kind of strawberries you’d eat out of your grandmother’s garden – which is to say there’s an unrefined quality, and a bit of extra tartness/zippyness to them.

The pairing is, of course, delicious. As I expected it to be. But wait, there’s more folks…

Creamed Honey!? Extra check!

So, I definitely knew this flavour was supposed to be in the blend – but I was so caught up on the strawberry and fig that I really wasn’t looking for it. As well, honey is a flavour in tea which often merges with fruit notes/the other ingredients and then just comes off as extra sweetness. However, this is REALLY pronounced and well defined. It tastes like honey, and a lot of it at that. To me that doesn’t mean it’s cloying or over the top; it’s just super clearly there. More than the fig, if I’m being honest.

I REALLY loved and enjoyed this one! Definitely one I’d pick up for myself in future orders.

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3279 tasting notes

Superanna began a Thanksgiving tradition a few years ago of bringing a Christmas tea to serve after the meal when we are playing games. This year she brought this one and Christmas by Whittard’s of Chelsea. It will not be in my cupboard long because it is delicious and youngest is guzzling it.

This is a black tea with fig, strawberry, and honey flavor. The base is smooth and the flavors really have melded with the base for a seamless flavor. I love honey flavor in tea and it really complements the fig. We are loving it!

Thank you, Superanna!

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1792 tasting notes

Ah yes, figs and strawberries, that makes a lot to sense. I pulled this out of my DF box because I wanted something French to go with my maple creme cookies after going for a walk. I couldn’t remember what was supposed to be in this one but I figured, hey, Christmas! Hey, it’s coming soonish! I should try it. Finally.

The fig note is already oh so familiar to me after having a few cups of Figue Fraiche. And the strawberry tastes like jam. I picture scones as I’m sipping on this. I wish the base were a little milder, though, so the flavours can shine through more. I was afraid of steeping this any longer than two minutes because I’m sure it could go bitter relatively quickly.

Hope all the Canadians had a fantastic Thanksgiving! What did everyone have for dinner?


I had a lovely Thanksgiving :) I made a turkey with stuffing, garlic mashed potatoes, carrots and asparagus :). I also was lazy and bought an apple caramel pie pre-made lol. That was good too.

Evol Ving Ness

I also had a lovely Thanksgiving, but it was a quiet and productive one. Celebratory, nonetheless. I did have a pumpkin pie though, with a ginger snap crust. And tea, a lot of tea. It was delicious.


Both celebrations sound great to me!

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1758 tasting notes

Ordered this a couple of months ago and managed to forget about it. It’s good. Very fruity in flavor, kind of a nutty note too. I don’t remember what is in this one but it’s good.

I brewed this once in a Teavana 16oz Glass Perfect Tea Maker with 3 tsp leaf and 190 degree water for 3 min.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1113 tasting notes

This is definitely a winner from Damann Freres! Lots of dried fig and raisiny goodness. MMmmmm!

Cameron B.

I love this one, too! I was so happy that it doesn’t taste like lavender.

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618 tasting notes

I am drinking this cup of tea while wrapping my Christmas gifts; one of my favorite things… :)

I was excited to try this tea because it sounded like it was a most delicious combination of fruits. Now that I’m sipping it, it’s perhaps a bit too subtle. I don’t taste individual fruits, but more of a medley, similar to fruit leather. It is tasty, but perhaps not a re-purchase for me. As always, happy to have tried this one!

December 16 – Advent 2014

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4055 tasting notes

Sipdown! (22 | 177)

An oldie but goodie. Although it has lost quite a bit of flavor, I think. I don’t remember it being so subtle before.

I can still bits of the honey-fig-strawberry jam combo though. It’s a very sweet and ooey-gooey, sticky flavor. Would be lovely with a cheese board, he he.

Not sure yet whether I’d reorder this one, it’s difficult with DF because you can only get 100g, and I’m not going to drink that much of a single tea easily.

Flavors: Earthy, Fig, Honey, Jam, Strawberry, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Clearly you need to have fewer teas and then 100g will fly off your shelf lol


I thought you could always only get 100 grams and up, but Youngest was in Paris yesterday and picked up 50 grams of a tea for me and 25 grams of another. If I had known you could get smaller amounts in store, I would have had a nice long shopping list ready…

Cameron B.

@Sil – That’s the goal ha ha!

@ashmanra – That doesn’t surprise me, I went to a store in Nîmes and they had the teas in giant tins and weighed it into paper bags on demand. So it makes sense that they would allow any weight you want.


Our “local” (Raleigh) tea shop says you have to buy a minimum of 100 grams. When I was alone in the shop one day they told me you could buy 50 grams as long as you were buying at least four different teas but they didn’t advertise it because the weighing is time consuming. Shortly after, they started putting out samplers of four packs of fifty grams each. So I thought it was common practice.

At Gurman’s in Dublin, though, you could ask for any amount, but I asked for four ounces and was haughtily informed that they don’t DO ounces and treated like an imbecile. Ha ha!

Cameron B.

What is this OUNCES you speak of?! Harrumph! ROFL!!!


Exactly! You must have been there when it happened. I feigned meekness in the face of his derision and asked for a hundred grams. I’m sure he was muttering that my mother was a hamster and my father smelled of elderberries. He was in a high dudgeon.


He wasn’t Irish, by the way. The Irish were so laid back and friendly, and most spoke slowly as soon as they realized we were American so we could understand them! Ha ha!


(I can just hear those coconuts clopping together as he stomped away from the counter!)


I slithered away in humility and shame, just as I should!

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75 tasting notes

I still don’t know how I feel about this tea, so no rating yet. The first time I tried it I really liked it, then the next few times I was underwhelmed. I re-read the steepster reviews and that inspired me to steep it longer. I tend to get a bit nervous about steeping black tea for more than 3 minutes unless I plan to add sugar and/or milk, but this tea really benefits from it – and no bitterness at all. I steeped it for 3.5 min, but I think I might even go for 4 next time.

I don’t really taste the figs much. I wish I did, because I adore figs. In fact, the figgiest tea I’ve tried so far is Charlotte au Chocolat, and that doesn’t have any fig in it. Sigh. I think maybe my fig-tasting faculties are off with tea, which is too bad cause I adore figs.

I think mostly I taste the honey, and then there’s a strong liquor-ish aroma (I smell it more than I taste it, but it does affect the overall impact) which I presume is the fig. Maybe a bit of strawberry. No lavender, which I’m also kind of sad about because I love lavender in tea, unlike most people who reviewed this tea, it seems :)

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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