Tea type
Black Tea
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Bergamot, Floral, Smooth
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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102 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Per Alicia’s suggestion and an enjoyable one at the B&N yesterday, I decided to try to make a London Fog with A&D’s Earl Grey tonight after a yummy dinner of Indian food. I knew it was late...” Read full tasting note
  • “This Earl Grey is delightful. The more I drink it the more I am liking it. I still maintain that I prefer Lupicia’s Earl Grey… but, it certainly is NOT the worst I’ve ever had either. I find the...” Read full tasting note
  • “In yesterday’s mail, a card full of tea arrived from wonderful wombatgirl! Inside the card was written in large black letters Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. I of course got the HUGEST kick out of that, being...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I finally got the Zarafina I ordered some time last century. (Or maybe the beginning of the month, I forget which.) It was very, very used. To the point where I was worried it would still...” Read full tasting note

From Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea

Many have worn the crown but few have carried the freak flag of rock to such fantastic heights as Earl Grey. In spite of a seemingly endless procession of heirs and imitators, the Earl’s star shines as brightly today as it did on first rising in the early 1970s. Listeners who might have been baffled by his colorful affectations were instead delighted by the seductive, mysterious character of his songs. Surely his childhood exposure to folk music on a remote Mediterranean island contributed to his fresh sound, as did his travels in India, but his perfect blend of style, creativity and irresistible guitar hooks always seemed like the product of other-worldly origins. Wherever Earl Grey came from, he’s ours now and this true classic continues to surprise and delight us.

Earl Grey is a black tea scented with the oil of bergamot. Steep in boiling water for five minutes and enjoy in whatever manner you please.

About Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea View company

Andrews & Dunham knows that nothing beats a perfect cup of tea, and a great tea needs no explanation. We love the romance of tea. We love that tea might just be the healthiest thing you’ll ever drink. But if the tea you’re drinking doesn’t taste fantastic, you’re missing out. Only a few teas meet our mysterious, rigorous standards and we’re proud to offer them to you. We’re always looking for that perfect cup, so you don’t have to.

102 Tasting Notes

260 tasting notes

Steepsterites, I started going through my dashboard, realized that I have way too much to catch up on, then realized that I have a lot of tea to log, and then realized that I have email from a week ago that I still needed to respond to, and then realized that it was already 1:30 AM.

When did that happen? It was 11:00 PM two minutes ago! I demand to know where all that time slipped away to. Probably somewhere on the island with Jack and Sawyer and Kate and Desmond. Mm…Desmond. But I digress. [Again.]

Anyhow, you’ll have to bear with me as I slowly, slowly, [or maybe not so much, because 14-odd days of logs is really daunting] try and catch up with what’s been going on in the Steepster-verse. I feel like I’ve finally nailed a decent rhythm so far as school goes, but I’ve got a bit of crazy week coming up and so I’m just letting you know I might be fading in and out a bit [not unlike AT&T’s wireless signal – I’m sorry but I couldn’t help it; their commercials have been driving me crazy]. Okay, on to the tea.

I’ve had some pretty bad Earl Grey in the span of my tea drinking experience. For me, most Earl Greys tend to fall in the middling to bleh range. Andrews and Dunham’s definitely doesn’t land with the majority.

Is this the best Earl Grey I’ve had? No. But it’s solid. The bergamot is visible, but not overwhelming, and I found the finish to be sweet. Overall, it was a very smooth tea, though I did notice it getting a little bitter as it cooled.

I don’t think that this is going to be an Earl Grey that knocks people over with wow factor [especially those drinkers that are more discerning in their Earl Grey tastes than I], but I also don’t think it would be disappointing. It’s one of those teas that I’ll enjoy drinking until it’s gone, but doesn’t scream for a re-order.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Is it safe to discuss the Lost premiere here? Or is this a spoiler-free tasting note?


Hahaha, Mike, I was thinking the same thing, because WTF. I watched the entire thing with my mouth half-open. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”

:D And yay for Earl Grey being better-than-average! Samovar’s is still the best one I’ve tasted.


I don’t mind no spoilers, but I’m not sure how other people feel about spoilers? But can I just throw in a mighty big WTF??? I fully trust that this season is going to rock. Hard.


I agree, generally off to a good start. Ready for more!


^ haha, my exact reactions to Lost…. WTF?!?! Dude… John Locke…. oh man….


@teaplz Did you cry? [I did, though not as bad as I did at last season’s finale.] I ask this because we have both pre-established that we are LOST criers. Not that Mike and Ricky couldn’t have cried, too…


I’m honestly glad this is the last season. If it kept going, I would of been like come on already! I’m actually not 100% won over with this series. It’s good, but not amazing. Some episodes don’t hold me very well.

Oh! Of course I cried…. o.O

Umm… so I’m confused…. what is there to cry about in Lost? The last scene? Juliet?


takgoti, I teared up pretty badly with the Locke-Jack moment at the end. Just because Locke makes me really, really upset now.

And hush, Ricky, cause Lost is amazingness! :P


So it was that moment! I knew it =P I was just shocked and like woahhhh, nice twist.

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371 tasting notes

In some breaking news, the amazing JacquelineM has won the “Courtesy Death Match” that we had going on for a swap. I received her package today and was blown away. Check out these most adorable tins:

And those labels? Each one is hand colored and decorated with absolute charm:

Yeah, she’s amazing — and the teas she gave me are amazing too. I’m am unworthy! And I’m also apparently dead cuz she won the Death Match. ;)

A&D’s Earl Grey won out as the first tea I selected to try: an Earl Grey sort of fit my mood this afternoon. Oy — this is some yummy tea! It’s subtle and gives me even more warm fuzzies (if the Courtesy Death Match hadn’t already done me in, then the sheer amount of warm fuzziness I’ve had lately would’ve done it. I’d be a warm pile-o-goo).

I think that I like my Rosy Earl Grey more. It’s got a bit more oomph and the Frou-Frou Factor. But this is absolutely lovely. And it has pushed me over the edge to purchase this series as soon as possible. Thank you so much JacquelineM!!!!! TG

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Gorgeous!!! :)


Oh and lol! on the “Courtesy Death Match”! At first I thought this was some sort of online game that I was not privy to, but then I thought oh it’s a variation on “killing with kindness” or something—how cute! Is it?


I love the way you photographed them!!!


@ Stephanie: LOL! I could imagine “Courtesy Death Match” on Adultswim.com, but you’ve got the gist. We were being so uber-polite and considerate (me being particularly hyper-sensitive since it was my first swap) that JacquelineM joked about the “Courtesy Death Match.” Sheer brilliance!

@ JacquelineM: thank you so very much! I wanted to try to do them justice! They’re so pretty that they’re proudly displayed on my bookshelves so that I can easily see them. I had them for about 10 seconds in my cupboard before I had to look at them again, so to the bookcases they went! :D


Those are adorable!


Amazingly cute!


aww cute :D love that angel thingy too

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429 tasting notes

This is just a fantastic EG. You can smell the bergamot when you open the tin. Drinking it is a pleasure, its smooth and very tasty with no harshness or bitterness at all. Its just another Damn Fine Tea that I wish I could buy on its own.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

Talk to them! Send them an email! I don’t know that anything will come of it, but it can’t hurt!


I talked to them on facebook, I love the EG and the Caravan, the Jasmine is ok but it does nothing for me. Hopefully if enough of us say something they will listen.

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1629 tasting notes

I accidently forgot this steeping in my mug for about 10 minutes or so!!! Surprisingly, it wasn’t astringent AT ALL! No bitterness. Just creamy, light earl grey goodness! So delicious! This earl grey is VERY forgiving!

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2037 tasting notes

Yesterday I started with Harney’s Earl Grey Supreme so today I’m giving the A&D a whirl.

Wow. I really like this. Figures, right? Limited edition and all.

The bergamot smells fairly strong in the dry leaf, but in an appetizing way; not oily, not perfumy, not stomach-wrenchingly acidic. When steeped isn’t too strong at all, just a little stronger than the Harney’s (which means pretty much exactly the right strength for me). And not only that, it has a very interesting quality to it. It isn’t oily, and it isn’t tart, but it has a sweetness to it, and it’s almost as though it has a floral note to it without being perfumey. In any case, it’s got a depth of character that I haven’t experienced in a bergamot flavoring before except maybe in the Samovar Earl Lavender.

The tea is mild, smooth and medium-to-light bodied. It’s a good foundation for the bergamot flavoring to show off on, and frankly I find the bergamot flavor so interwoven with the tea as to make an attempt at describing the tea separate from the bergamot futile. It has an unobtrusive, slightly sweet finish.

I’m sad that I’m going to have to distance myself from this one so as not to fall in love, it being limited edition and all.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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314 tasting notes

I’m trying to like you, Earl Grey from A&D. I really am. But it’s just not working out.

You may have an excellent pedigree, but I’m afraid your charms are lost on me. You seem too soft and soapy for my tastes. Please try not to be bitter.

It’s not you, it’s me.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Poor Stephanie, you seem to be having a bad tea day. :-(


At least you have a pretty tin? :(


(sigh) It’s not been a very good tea day! But I’ve been feeling a little under the weather so maybe my tastebuds are off?

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220 tasting notes

As an earl grey connoisseur, I’m incredibly hard to please when it comes to that classic combination of black tea with bergamot.
The aroma of the leaves is citrusy, very sweet and… interesting? Honestly, it smells like no earl grey I’ve ever tried, which was concerning at first. But the bergamot in this is so fresh, distinct and different, its as if I’ve discovered an entirely new drink! This is even delicious with milk, which I know is a cardinal sin but at least its only a splash of trim.
I’m really loving working my way through this series, I suspect by the time I hit the third one I’ll be offering these guys my first born or something. Love you long time Andrews & Dunham xoxo

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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176 tasting notes

Backlog – Took this to work in my Thermos the other day. Had an hour to kill before my shift started, and this tea and a good book made my work day almost tolerable.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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433 tasting notes

Tried this for the 2nd time yesterday and didn’t enjoy it much. I had some problems… I used a pretty large scoop for a fairly small cup and steeped it for a bit too long. I just wasn’t feeling it and only made it through half of a cup. I was really in the mood for a good cup of earl grey and this unfortunately wasn’t it. Next time I’ll watch the amount and the steep time more closely.

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40 tasting notes

Absolutely love it. You’ll get a full review later, but I’m late to see Electronic 6.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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