Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Hazelnut Natural Flavouring, Honeybush, Natural Almond Flavor, Natural Caramel Flavor, Rooibos
Caramel, Maple, Sweet, Wheat, Hazelnut, Honey, Maple Syrup, Almond, Nuts, Nutty, Peanut, Butterscotch, Medicinal, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 2 g 8 oz / 249 ml

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From Adagio Custom Blends

Also known as Liquid Luck. This is a magical potion. Felix Felicis makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, depending on how much is taken, during which everything they attempt will be successful. It’s meant to be used sparingly, however, as it causes giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence if taken in excess. Felix is highly toxic in large quantities and is also a banned substance in all organised competitions, such as Quidditch, along with all other methods of cheating. It is very difficult to make, disastrous to get wrong, and requires six months to stew before it’s ready to be consumed.

rooibos almond, rooibos caramel, honeybush hazelnut

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31 Tasting Notes

681 tasting notes

Tea latte again, but tonight I steeped the leaf for 4 minutes instead of 6 and the caramel and honeybush notes aren’t as strong now. It’s mostly almond, with some hazelnut notes and woody and cherry-like honeybush in the background. I prefer it this way, nutty instead of just sickly sweet. Upping my rating just a bit from 70.

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3519 tasting notes

Okay, so there are a ton of teas that I have not added to cupboard. Some of them are small amounts, some of them are not listed on Steepster and I just don’t feel like adding them. With the quarantine, I am trying to sip down small packs and get my cupboard cleaned and organized, both online and in real life.

I don’t like most red rooibos, but I DO like honeybush. This has both. I figured this blend would have enough flavoring to mask the unpleasant cough syrup flavor. Happily, I was right.

This is really strong on the caramel flavor and is sweet and smooth. I added nothing to it, but if you wanted to go wild with milk (or cream) and sugar, I can tell this would be an amazing latte.

It says there is hazelnut, and it is a bit nutty, but I still feel like caramel dominates. I am drinking it hot right now, but made a liter of it lightly sweetened to serve as iced tea tomorrow.

I might try it soon as a totally unhealthy, rich and sugary latte.


Several years ago I drank a cup of this before going to play soccer to see if it would enhance my performance. Sadly it did not :)


Michelle: Think how much of it they would sell if it really did enhance performance! But maybe a nice cuppa improving our mood is quite magical enough! I am about to gong fu some Bao Zhong to chase away the cloudy Sunday Covid quarantine blues!


It is a nice cuppa, I should order some!

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2238 tasting notes

Returning to this one today, because last time I tried it I was right on the edge of getting a cold and I wasn’t sure I’d done it justice. My main concern was that (I thought) it was supposed to be a citrus fruit flavoured yerba-oolong-rooibos blend, and I was getting…caramel.

Turns out it wasn’t a case of wonky tastebuds, because I’m still tasting caramel. It’s distinctively sweet, with a background of hazelnut, a touch of honey, and a little vanilla. It’s nutty and creamy; a little like butterscotch, a little like nut brittle. Very much not citrus, but lovely just the same.

As it turns out, I must have been very confused last time I looked this one up. The description clearly says rooibos caramel, rooibos almond, and honeybush hazelnut, which makes a lot more sense! I’m not sure which tea I thought I was drinking, but it wasn’t this one. (ETA: Actually, I do know. I thought I was drinking Chantel Isaacs version of Felix Felicis, when I actually have Robert Pirlot’s. Mystery solved.)

Now that order has been restored to the world, I’m going to say that I think this would make a decent latte, once autumn comes around again.

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp

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1968 tasting notes

Not a fan. Not a fan at all. It smells and tastes like burnt nuts and butterscotch.

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737 tasting notes

Oooooooooo….. This one is lovely! It smells strongly of maple and walnuts and it tastes like maple Mini-Wheat cereal. Yummmmmm. I get notes of sweet caramel too.

The liquor is the typical deep red characteristic of rooibos. Very very nice. Easily the yummiest Adagio blend that I have tried to date.

Flavors: Caramel, Maple, Sweet, Wheat

2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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181 tasting notes

This is a comforting sort of cup – it’s nutty and tastes kinda like fall leaves look, although at first taste it’s a bit thin, flavour-wise. A hefty slosh of soymilk helped to balance out the toasted hazlenut notes and left me with something that reminds me vaguely of cookies.

It’s not the cup I expected to get from this tea, but it’s definitely delicious. Better suited to an evening cup than a morning one, though, so I’ll save this for my pre-bed ritual from here on out.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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14 tasting notes

Mmmm… honeybush goodness. Like others have noted, I mostly get a roast, nutty flavor from this tea. An excellent cup for before bed :)

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10 tasting notes

Delicious, refreshing, and golden.

Flavors: Caramel

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 7 OZ / 207 ML

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1812 tasting notes

Hazelnut, honeybush, and rooibos…wow.

Another sampling of the 2014 Herbal TTB.

I had not yet looked at the ingredients list, when I opened the package, but it smelled amazing, and I could not wait to make a cup of it. Based on how my last two cups of the morning have gone, I fully anticipated oversteeping this one, too.

Only an extra minute got added onto the steep time. Hazelnut is prominent, but the taste itself is not overly sweet. Rather, it is more roasted nut flavor, which makes for a pleasant cup.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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114 tasting notes

Herbal Traveling Tea Box

How did I miss this tea when I was doing my Adagio sequence yesterday? Oh, well, this tea served as a great change of pace from all the fruity teas that I have been sampling recently:P Oh, pancakes..This tea reminds me of maple syrup:D Which is really quite good. So I’m quite a small person, but for some reason I can out eat my 200 lb brother when it comes to pancakes. 30 full-sized pancakes in one sitting is not too difficult for me. Ihop never sees it coming when I walk in the door— especially after the Tough Mudder Run. Muahaha>:} But anyways, I’m a fan of maple syrup. This tea also has a lovely hazelnut with a touch of….. caramel?.. It is a bit strong of honeybush but I like that flavor, so I don’t mind. :P

Flavors: Hazelnut, Honey, Maple Syrup

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 2 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

Every time we go to Denmark, it’s tradition that I cook pancakes for the whole extended family. It has become a “thing” – one brother in law ate 16 pancakes last time. Full sized ones. He was SO sick.


Oh, man. That sounds amazing!!! :D But are pancakes from Denmark made with large sums of oil like the pannenkoeken from the Netherlands? I could easily see that being an issue for a stomach.


They don’t have pancakes like we do, that’s why “American pancakes” are such a thing when we go. Maple syrup is also almost impossible to find. The closest thing they have is a crepe and they eat it with fruit.

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