Herbal Traveling Tea Box

How did I miss this tea when I was doing my Adagio sequence yesterday? Oh, well, this tea served as a great change of pace from all the fruity teas that I have been sampling recently:P Oh, pancakes..This tea reminds me of maple syrup:D Which is really quite good. So I’m quite a small person, but for some reason I can out eat my 200 lb brother when it comes to pancakes. 30 full-sized pancakes in one sitting is not too difficult for me. Ihop never sees it coming when I walk in the door— especially after the Tough Mudder Run. Muahaha>:} But anyways, I’m a fan of maple syrup. This tea also has a lovely hazelnut with a touch of….. caramel?.. It is a bit strong of honeybush but I like that flavor, so I don’t mind. :P

Flavors: Hazelnut, Honey, Maple Syrup

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 2 g 4 OZ / 118 ML
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Marzipan 11 years ago

Every time we go to Denmark, it’s tradition that I cook pancakes for the whole extended family. It has become a “thing” – one brother in law ate 16 pancakes last time. Full sized ones. He was SO sick.

albertocanfly 11 years ago

Oh, man. That sounds amazing!!! :D But are pancakes from Denmark made with large sums of oil like the pannenkoeken from the Netherlands? I could easily see that being an issue for a stomach.

Marzipan 11 years ago

They don’t have pancakes like we do, that’s why “American pancakes” are such a thing when we go. Maple syrup is also almost impossible to find. The closest thing they have is a crepe and they eat it with fruit.

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Marzipan 11 years ago

Every time we go to Denmark, it’s tradition that I cook pancakes for the whole extended family. It has become a “thing” – one brother in law ate 16 pancakes last time. Full sized ones. He was SO sick.

albertocanfly 11 years ago

Oh, man. That sounds amazing!!! :D But are pancakes from Denmark made with large sums of oil like the pannenkoeken from the Netherlands? I could easily see that being an issue for a stomach.

Marzipan 11 years ago

They don’t have pancakes like we do, that’s why “American pancakes” are such a thing when we go. Maple syrup is also almost impossible to find. The closest thing they have is a crepe and they eat it with fruit.

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Tea is a new hobby of mine. The crazy amount of available teas is amazing and I’m just now wetting my toes. One of my favorite parts about teas is sharing it with my friends and family.. It is the best when you finally discover a tea that a “tea hater” loves. For me, tea is a bit of happiness in a mug and I’m always willing to explore.

Besides tea, I’m a scientist who adores long hikes in the mountains, dancing around the house listening to the Beatles (and other wonderful bands), and playing with my dog. Life is a beautiful thing that deserves to be explored and cherished.

I will try any tea at least once and my palate is continually changing as I delve deeper in the tea world, but these are my current preferences:
-Interesting flavors (root beer float, ice cream cake, etc.)

And I would love to try a purple tea… :]

Shall we explore together?:]



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