Cherry Vanilla Cola Black Tea

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Black Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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  • “The success of the coconut cream pie inspired me to try one of the other ones I bought from the forgotten 52teas order. I’m not surprised I ordered this one and it was sort of screaming to me....” Read full tasting note
  • “Cherry Vanilla Cola tea soda! This is too good, it’s too bad I don’t have much of this left. I steeped a teaspoon of leaves in my gaiwan because all my measuring cups were being washed, lol and I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea became mine in a swap with silvermage2000. I was curious about this one after reading others tasting notes, but it wasn’t available any longer. I’m so happy to get to sample some…well,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tried this out today to see how it compares to cuba libre. I think i like it. haha i want to try this out as a cold brew but it’s not too shabby. Another 52 tea i split with kittenna so yay for...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

We’re pushing the envelope again this week! With some bottled beverage manufacturers offering sodas made with tea, we thought we would put a different spin on it and offer a tea flavored with soda! Here’s our Cherry Vanilla Cola flavored black tea.

Proving once again that we’re not your Aunt Beatrice’s tea blender, this blend has real cherries, vanilla bean pieces and all natural cola flavor. It’s a great tea for a tea soda, so we’re posting our tea soda recipe for those of you who are interested.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

59 Tasting Notes

28 tasting notes

Cherry Cola takes me back to when I was growing up. I remember drinking ice cold cherry cokes on a hot summer day in the yard or even over at the local (sadly, long since gone) DQ. I was thrilled to get my first shipment from 52teas and pulled this one out right away to try it first.

The smell is a bit much for me, it is really quite strong. While I like the overall flavor, after much consideration I’ve decided that there is too much cherry flavor for me. I do like it but am looking forward to now trying the second steeping as others have mentioned it stands up well to such. I also look forward to sharing this unique tea with friends.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Have you tried it iced w/ soda water? I love root beer black prepared that way so I was curious if this’d be just as good. I don’t like cherry coke (only vanilla and the discontinued coke blak for me) so I’m depending on someone like you that loves cherry coke to tell me about it:)


I have not. In fact I rarely drink iced tea at all, which may be strange since I love hot tea. I’m from SW KS where practically the only tea people drink is iced. I imagine it would be tasty that way though.


No, it’s not because I used to be the exact opposite:) I was just wondering how much it would taste like cherry coke (especially if you sweetened it before chilling) vs. tea.

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516 tasting notes

Thank you Jenn for your sample full of huge cherry chunks yum. I ate the cherries after the tea steeped and all was right with the world.

I tried half a cup hot and half a cup in the freezer to be iced. Yay grammar.

I, sadly, was not a fan of this tea. The smell was amazing! Like Sodalicious candies (man I miss those), and my nose even felt the carbonation bubbles – VERY cool.
You know, I bet I would enjoy this tea if it was super concentrated and made into one of those tea-sodas, but as it was I didn’t get a lot of flavour and what was there was strange.

I added some sugar to try to re-create the smell, but no luck!

I’m so glad to have the chance to try this tea though, even just to smell it. It smelled like soda heaven :D

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64 tasting notes

I apologize for the sheer cheek, but as my veins are likely at least 50% full of cherry coke…I am wondering if there is any way to procure this long extinct tea. I could swap/purchase/loan a kidney if that would tantilize anyone.

Thank you fo consideration of the matter,

Southern Boy Teas

We do have a cherry cola honeybush now via our My Sweet Honeybush project:

.snowglobe angel.

Oh my gosh! You are fabulous.
(and I see root beer float as well!!)
Quick query tho, can we order from 52teas and combo it with things from MSH?
(and is international shipping still okie dokey?) :D

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1113 tasting notes

Okay… So I hate cherries. I hate pig bellies. I hate wet socks.
This is one of those thres, but my mom likes cherries so…

We are only the 6th gallon at my place. This stuff brews a lighter colored liquid with some nice smells and a smooth taste. A little silk like texture from cold brewing as well. My brother thinks it’s one of the best things.

I grew up on cherry medicine, I can’t overcome the hatred

Solid iced tea for my family though :) they all really like it

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1254 tasting notes

Not a fan TTB. I’m hoping people reading my reviews from this TTB aren’t thrown off by the name of it. Anyway, 52 Teas I’m sorry you are going out of business. I wasn’t a big fan but I will admit you had some of the most inventive tea names ever.

As far as this tea goes. It’s not bad. Not quite cherry cola but it works. In a subtle way. I think when you call a tea a soda name it throws your brain off because your brain expects bubbles. The base of this tea is really nice. Slightly woody. Works well with the other ingredients.

3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

I think out of everybody who has tried this, you liked it the most :)


Maybe this tea would work well as a tea-soda

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296 tasting notes

The first tea I tried from the Not my cup of Tea TTB!

I frickin LOVE cherry vanilla soda. I have some Cherry coke zero and vanilla coke zero in my fridge. Right. Now. So when I was digging through this massive (and well packed, might I add, MAJOR Kudos to Michelle!) TTB last night, this one caught my eye.

I’ve had maybe one or two ‘soda’ flavored teas and I really like that concept. Especially for introducing soda lovers to the idea of flavored teas as a substitute. I’m currently working on a kombucha flavor using Root Beer Barrels as a base.

Too bad this one was a big ‘ole flop. It could have been executed so well too! The cherry flavor was too strong, I only got a whisper of actual cola flavor, the vanilla was light to non existent and the base tea was not right, I tasted dust, wood, and dry potting soil.
I’m hoping it was just a shade too old, or the fact that the TTB is traveling in lots of climate changes, etc. I had such hope for this one!

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217 tasting notes

Not My Cup Of Tea TTB #2

This sounded really interesting this morning, I’ve had good luck with a number of 52 Teas in the past but haven’t made an order in the last six months or so due to starting to focus more on straight teas and my handful of favorite blends… Brewed up I get a slight artificial taste which is strange since the tea contains real cherry and vanilla bean pieces and the end of the sip has a bitter edge to it… Maybe I oversteeped? I remember 52 teas can be a little ‘temperamental’ if not treated exactly right… The tea does have a cola/ slight sarsaparilla taste which is pleasant enough but I’m not getting any of the cherry or vanilla…Back into the box you go for someone else to enjoy… This one isn’t my cup O’Tea either but I know I’ll find a winner for my tastebuds soon!

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553 tasting notes

Another 52Teas picked up from KallieBoo! Thanks!

Not sure about this one. It does taste just like a Cherry Coke. Not picking up the vanilla portion of it so much but definitely the Cherry Coke. Glad I was able to try this one. Not one I think I’d ever need to have again tho.

Flavors: Cherry

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433 tasting notes

This is the third tea I’m trying (out of 4) from my 52 Teas order. I kind of put off trying this one because I figured it wasn’t going to work for me. I almost didn’t order it because I was pretty sure I wouldn’t like it, but I thought I’d take a chance. Unfortunately, I was right. I brewed it in a pretty big mug, so I might’ve miscalculated the proper brewing time, but it was pretty terrible. The smell reminded me of a sweet incense, which was a huge turnoff, and the taste was kind of similar. You know how you can “taste” a smell sometimes? That’s what happened here, and it wasn’t very appealing. There was a slightly medicinal aftertaste, which I assume was the cherry, but otherwise there wasn’t much in the way of vanilla cola as far as I could tell. I had to dump it out halfway through—I just couldn’t finish it.

I will definitely try this again, in a smaller cup with a shorter brewing time, but for now I have to say this was a big disappointment. Bummer.

6 min, 0 sec

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