This is the third tea I’m trying (out of 4) from my 52 Teas order. I kind of put off trying this one because I figured it wasn’t going to work for me. I almost didn’t order it because I was pretty sure I wouldn’t like it, but I thought I’d take a chance. Unfortunately, I was right. I brewed it in a pretty big mug, so I might’ve miscalculated the proper brewing time, but it was pretty terrible. The smell reminded me of a sweet incense, which was a huge turnoff, and the taste was kind of similar. You know how you can “taste” a smell sometimes? That’s what happened here, and it wasn’t very appealing. There was a slightly medicinal aftertaste, which I assume was the cherry, but otherwise there wasn’t much in the way of vanilla cola as far as I could tell. I had to dump it out halfway through—I just couldn’t finish it.

I will definitely try this again, in a smaller cup with a shorter brewing time, but for now I have to say this was a big disappointment. Bummer.

6 min, 0 sec

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