Banana Pudding Black Tea

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Freeze Dried Banana Slices, Organic Coconut, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Premium Black Teas
Banana, Cookie, Creamy, Coconut, Smooth, Sweet, Custard, Vanilla, Cake, Bread, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by VariaTEA
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 331 ml

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121 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Backlog from 2 days ago.. This smelled so familiar when I opened it…and it just came to me what it reminds me of! It’s like circus peanuts! Kind of a banana + marshmallow smell. There are huuuge...” Read full tasting note
  • “And that’s a sipdown for this one! (164) I oversteeped it so the base is a bit more pronounced, and the banana is more liquorish than I would like, but it is still a nice cup. I haven’t ruined it!” Read full tasting note
  • “A big thank you to Courtney for sending me this tea as part of our swap. I’m so happy to have it back in my cupboard! I had a great big mug of this today, and it was excellent. Lots of banana...” Read full tasting note
  • “Once I was making Butterscotch Banana, I decided it would be fun to compare my other 52 teas banana tea. Having the two side-by-side, I think I can confidently say I prefer this one. Both are good...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

I was happy to have the opportunity to reblend this – mostly because I love banana teas and I’ll take up just about any excuse to make a banana tea. I find it a little funny, I’m not a big fan of bananas – I mean – I like them alright but if I’m in a produce market shopping for fruit, bananas are not usually the first fruit in my cart. But I love banana flavored stuff – banana ice cream and ice pops, banana bread, banana desserts, banana pancakes … you get the idea. And that adoration for banana flavored stuff extends into banana teas – and perhaps especially banana teas! Banana and tea just really does it for me.

So, here it is, the reblend of Banana Pudding Black Tea. The original description says:

You want to hear about pudding. Did you know that pudding was created using techniques for making Haggis and blood sausage? Eww. That’s not very appetizing…

Changing gears… Bananas are very yummy, what’s more, they are yellow and shaped funny.

Our Banana pudding flavored tea also has coconut, which some people dislike in pudding because pudding is supposed to be smooth and creamy and who wants shavings of coconut in there? But hey, it’s better in the tea. And I’m feeling a little loopy tonight and rushing to get this posted since it’s already late, but I think you’re all really going to enjoy this blend–mentions of Haggis and coconut aside.

I stuck pretty close to the recipe on this one because as I mentioned in my review of the original blend, I was pretty satisfied with it. One obvious difference is that the black tea base will be somewhat different because I’m using different teas.

And I’m really happy with the result of this blend – after a short cool time, I find the flavor to be very banana-y with nice coconut notes. As the tea cools a little more, the creamy pudding-like notes emerge – so definitely give this tea time to cool a little and your patience will be rewarded!

organic ingredients: black teas, freeze-dried bananas, coconut and natural flavors.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

121 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

Day 3 of 52 Teas 12 days of Christmas.

The dry tea smells like…banana flavoured penicillin…yuck. Ha ha. There are pieces of dried banana in the blend so that is exciting.

The brewed tea is actually not terrible, even for someone who is definitely not a banana fan. Initially it tastes like unripened bananas. As it cools, it does morph into what I recall, distantly, banana pudding tastes like. It is a thick, sweet, artificially tasting banana flavour. It is creamy. Every once in a while I feel like I get hints of creamy vanilla or caramel. There may be some nuttiness in there, pistachio or almond.

I am still not a banana lover but I have to admit this tea is not as bad as I thought it would be. I most likely won’t finish the little sample pack though.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Try steeping it for 3.5min. With some milk, this was much better for me! :D


OMG, I so remember the banana flavoured penicillin! I actually didn’t mind it. Mind you, it was fine if it meant successfully battling strep throat, but in tea? Yeah, weird haha.

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513 tasting notes

It was such a lovely weekend; such a shame I had to get up and get ready for work this morning. The winds were really howling in the middle of the night, and I woke to a fairly chilled room and only wanted to burrow further under the covers and make the world go away. But alas, that was not to be. Such is the story of my life.

So I chose this tea to have in place of breakfast, because we’re sort of out of inspiring breakfast options. So a strongly flavoured black that happens to also taste like banana medicine fit the bill perfectly. I’m a little worried that this tea doesn’t keep nearly as well, although admittedly it’s still only in its original foil packet, but I found the flavours a touch muted this morning. I maintain that a three minute steep is the way to go to extract all the flavour possible while keeping the sometimes finicky base at bay.

A great first cup, that’s for sure.


I have been thinking about this tea for the past few days. However, I am trying to get through my swap teas first and then I can return to my stash so no Banana Pudding until then.


It really is delicious and worth looking forward to!


It can be my reward tea for getting through my swaps :)

Sami Kelsh

It tastes like banana medicine? Oh man, I love banana medicine!


It absolutely does! people will either love it or hate it.


What medicine do you take that tastes like bananas??

Roswell Strange

Usually Penicillin is banana flavoured.


Yeah. I don’t think adults ever get the banana version though, sadly. :(. I’d take that shit to work in a timolino.

Sami Kelsh

It’s probably good that they don’t make banana medicine for adults. I mean, I do still get earaches (so much fun waking up not knowing which side you’re going to be deaf on that day) but if I had access to banana medicine, I’d constantly just be overdosing myself because I couldn’t keep to the recommended dosage!


Ear infections sound awful. And yes, I’d be in a constant state of overdose as well!


I keep reading the name of this tea wrong and it kind of freaks me out each time….I’m reading “Banana Black Pudding Tea”….. ew.

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4193 tasting notes

I bought a whole pouch of this from QueenOfTarts! thanks so much! One that I’ve really wanted to try! I love the big ole banana pieces and coconut flakes in this blend! As I’m sipping, I realized that this is like their Banana Coconut Cream Pie Hojicha… but I only had a sample of that one and it was one of my favorites. So this blend is the same as that, just with a black base instead of hojicha. I can live with that! I don’t think this is the assam black base that they use though… I would have liked the assam with this better. Not sure what this is otherwise. But I love this blend anyway. Nice creamy banana and coconut! Not fake tasting at all… this is like the best banana and coconut flavor that a tea can have. Both sharing the stage equally! I’m just worried since I don’t see enough banana pieces to go around for the entire pouch (and I’m sad that two big pieces of banana fell into this steep.. less banana for the other steeps!) Just like I thought there should be at least 20 pieces of candy corn in the candy corn tea pouches (one for each steep… but it’s not like I counted them!) This is at the top of my 52Teas list but assam how I wish you were here!


ah, I love banana teas. too bad I missed this one.


Banana and coconut?! That sounds like a great combo!


Yep, perfect banana and perfect coconut.


Amy oh – I’m on the site, and it says they have 16 of the banana pudding in stock.

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1220 tasting notes

Drank this last Sunday…then left it behind…and I can’t go get it back just yet. Sigh. It was my Monaco Grand Prix red flag tea because I needed something to do to at least keep me awake.

I still have some of the banana coconut pie houjicha and I can definitely smell a similarity, this one’s less heavy on the coconut…I mean I hardly knew there was even coconut in here until seeing the description and other notes. It definitely just comes off as a pudding creaminess.

As it cooled I liked it a bit less, though I think maybe just a touch of a sweetener would be perrrrrfect.

The banana flavor was of course awesome. I don’t think there’s a banana type of 52teas that I don’t like. It sometimes does have that candy taste, but in this one it was all around perfect. It reminded me a lot of this Banana Puddin’ popsicle from King of Pops I had a couple months ago…that makes me think this would definitely be a great iced tea too. Once I can get the packet back.

Thanks moraiwe!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

I have a King of Pops small local company in my town too – Charleston, SC – that makes crazy flavored small batch popsicles.

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813 tasting notes

from the traveling tea box!
my first 52teas attempt after my failures back in christmas 2012.
what’s cool is that i don’t even like banana flavored things and i do actually like this!
but it is SUPER mild. jsyk
52teas may be falling back into my good graces.

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6768 tasting notes

Many of you know I HATE BANANAS! But I have been try to TRY and at least consume them in some way lately. I thought I would finally try this one. I will say this – I HATE THE AROMA…but…that is ONLY because I HATE Bananas!

The black tea base is on the lighter note. The Banana flavors are present but also the pudding aspect is there. Because of the pudding likeness the banana seems more tolerable. I’m not saying I LOVE it but it’s certainly better than eating a banana straight-up so for that reason only I give it props!

Not too shabby – and that’s coming from someone who hate ’nanners


i agree with these thoughts on banana flavored things. though i do like actual bananas. but i still always try banana flavored things just in case.


I hate the texture of a banana. Blech. but it’s ok in a smoothie!!


Banana flavored Runts are AWESOME!


I’m the opposite… I love real banana but dislike fake banana flavor like circus peanuts, runts and laffy taffy.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

wait!! circus peanuts are supposed to taste like banana!!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

and apparently using double questions marks makes posts italic as well as the usual way =p

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615 tasting notes

After getting more than a good handful of other 52 Teas black blends under my belt since I’ve first tried this one, I was all ready to change up the steeping parameters to reflect what I learned, and found that because I’d brewed this at work the first time, the water temp was pretty much perfect the first time (195ish).

In any case, I really enjoy this. And so does Not-so-fond-of-banana-desserts-Fiance.

It’s still creamy, and flavorful, sweet, banana-flavored (in the same way that Jello pudding is, though) cup. There’s a definite coconut note chilling in the sip, and a little bit of vanilla. And at the lower temperatures, the black base stays smooth and doesn’t overwhelm the flavors (which are amazing).

This is still one of my favorite banana teas.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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297 tasting notes

My order in which I split the 2 VITs with Charoma arrived today, the delivery guy nearly gave me a heart attack today.

It smells very banana in the dry leaves with a hint of coconut that leads to a creamy scent. This definitely smells like pudding & not just banana.
This is so delicious. I used a touch less leaves than normal & did a 3 min-ish steep.
So much banana pudding. YUMMY!
This would make a fabulous iced latte, just need a recipe!
Just the deliciousness I needed today!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec



ooooh Iced Latte!!! that sounds amazing! I just made it iced the other day and was great. I hope it gets restocked soon :)

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417 tasting notes

This is delicious. The flavor is true to the name. I think I would prefer it if it were slightly sweeter, maybe if there was a small amount on nutmeg sprinkled on the banana pudding, or maybe some caramel sauce. Pretty tasty, though. Thanks, Eva for giving me the opportunity to try this!

Flavors: Coconut, Cream

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 6 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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143 tasting notes


Ok when I saw this tea I had to grab it. I love Franks banana flavor and it has coconut? YESTH!!!

Ok the dry leaf smells exactly like banana pudding. It’s a really strong sent too. Very sweet and creamy, with a lot a banana and a hint of coconut. The brew smells just as good as well.

Ok one thing I have noticed is that Franks banana flavor doesn’t come out when it is hot. I mostly tasted sweet black tea. But hey, you eat banana pudding cold right? So after I put a nice bit of lite agave nectar in my cup and left it in the freezer to get cold……. it was perfect. Supper sweet and pudding like. I loved the hints of coconut as well. The black tea base is good as well with a nice light malty flavor and little astringency. I bet this would do great as a late’.

Overall it is a very good tea and definitely taste like banana pudding. The only down side is that it isn’t as good warm, but that is fine with me.idea pops in head I SHOULD EAT VANILLA WAFERS WITH THIS!!!!


Pot: Porcelain
Water: 8oz per steep
Leaf: 1.5 tsp (5 grams)
Steep Time: 2:45 minuets; 3:00 minuets
Sweetener: a good small spoon full per 8 oz

Combined two steepings in one cup.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 45 sec

I’ve found with many of Frank’s teas that they don’t re-steep very well. So combining two steepings in one cup could have diluted the flavoring. Maybe it would taste better warm/hot if you drink one steeping at a time?

Oolong Owl

I was tempted to get this one, but I’m not a big fan of Frank’s blacks. ZOMG, latte, with whipped cream, banana slices and vanilla wafers!


@CHAroma: Yeah I have read that before. But, usually when I combine them I still get a decent amount of flavor. That and with some of his blends if I don’t combined they can be really overpowering i.e. Cuba Libre. I think it has more to do with the type of flavoring; and after the few banana flavors I have had from him they don’t do well hot.

Next time I make it though I will just do the 1 steep and see if anything changes, since the possibility is still there.

@Awkward Soul: I KNOW!!! I have been wanting to do that, but I am all out of almond milk and they were out of it the other day at the store.

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