For the May prompt “a soda tea.” This is a 2018 reblend.
I’ve pretty much already sipped down my soda-flavored teas because I’m such a fan of them, but I still had this 15g packet. Which will only get me two litres worth of ice tea and feels like a waste, but I want to drink my soda tea like I drink soda… namely, ice cold and carbonated.
Dry leaf smelled strongly like rootbeer, with a sort of creamy vanilla undertone. I brewed hot and then chilled overnight, and once cold, I added carbonation with my DrinkMate C02 infuser. And now I basically have delicious rootbeer soda, sans all the sugar, in my water bottle. It’s still plenty sweet in my opinion, and I love the extra brisk bite the carbonation adds.
Not really what my mind goes to when it thinks of “butterbeer,” but since I really like rootbeer teas and they are hard to come by, I’m never disappointed with those interpretations, either. Maybe it has more of a butterscotchy element when brewed warm, but I am very happy with my bubbly iced tea.
Flavors: Root Beer, Sweet, Vanilla