I ordered this because my eldest daughter is a Harry Potter fan and threw a fit when she heard about the blend! She is not, however, a black tea fan. In fact, she practically hates the stuff! She began drinking green tea for health less than a year ago but still had not made friends with black. Nevertheless, the Butterbeer we must have!
I made a pot after lunch today when daughter came to visit. The dry leaf has quite a unique aroma. There is a sharp high scent that at first reminded me – not unpleasantly – of camphor. But really, it was overwhelmingly a root beer aroma, and it had the strong, natural scent of the many, many sassafras roots I tugged out of the ground in my mother’s yard.
There is such a great, pure, natural root beer flavor to this. Don’t think of cheap soda, think artisan, old fashioned, natural flavors root beer. My daughter said if we added milk and vanilla we would probably be convinced we were having a root beer float.
One cool thing was that my daughter really liked it! The next cool thing was that my iPad dinged a notification just as we finished our pot of tea and it was a message from her boyfriend in N. Ireland saying that the box of tea I mailed him had arrived today and he had just had a cup of Butterbeer and loved it! He loved it so much that he said if all the teas in the box we’re as good as this one, then he would count himself very fortunate. To quote him, “I am hugely impressed.”
So, Frank, can we start begging, wheedling, pleading, for this one to come back somehow?
OMG, Butterbeer? Like in Harry Potter Butterbeer?
Hum…chicory is loosely related to endive but the root is used in the production of sucrose and substances to help fend off parasites and worms. It’s good for you. May help humans with weight loss. Oh well, of course it’s good for you, if it was bad for you, you’d love it. Poor dear!
Congrats, Indigo, on your board member appointment!
Wow. What a shame. :(
@Heather Martin: Yep … like Harry Potter’s Butterbeer. :)
Heather- yup! sounded amazing to me to! :P
Bonnie- I have a few working theories about this. Potatoes seem to have no effect on me so it might not be nightshades. So I am looking at solanine or salicylate concentration. Ah well. What can ya do!
TerriHarpLady: hehe mucho thanks!!
DanielScott: I know right?! can’t have em all I guess
Azzrian: thanks!! I’m still bouncing :)
LiberTeas: I LOVE HP!!!! the butterbeer at Universal Studios was amazing though
man I’m in a huge harry potter mood, I really want to try this.
I love HP too, and I had soooo much Butterbeer at WWoHP at Universal. Mmmmmm!
Wow how did I miss these notes.
Thanks Nina!!
CupofTree if you ever get a chance, I’d recommend it! if you don’t have a hate affair with chicory haha
Heather: Ah I wish they sold the carbonated version in Canada!