i’m way behind on my tea notes. so apologies in advance but having a big backlog is when i tend to write nonsense notes that have very little to do with actual tea.
i guess i just treat the note like a bookmark. — i dog ear the page saying ‘i drank this’ and hopefully when i have a second cup i will be inspired to make a more flavor specific note.
this tea is a tea of things i love. i like all the teas used in this blend consistently.
and i know it’s mean’t to be a sort of stern and dark tea. management is uptight right? and ancient. and terrible.
so what does that say about me? hahaha jokinnng
any tea that can add aniseed has my respect.
when i’m making adagio blends i always wanna add things like cardamom accents and saffron. but usually the tea is intended to be shared with a friend… and i don’t wanna do that to them. i know not everybody enjoys my flair for the weird when it comes to tea.
did you guys notice the “Similar Teas” listed under this one?
Also, flair is awesome! Add that flair! I made three blends in a row that all had sprinkles. nods
Saffron and cardamom in a tea sound pretty amazing, TBH.
They are!