oh Watson!
“Does yours rub off too?”
“Are you going to keep that?”
“Seriously it’s not a joke, you’re keeping that?”
stiff upper lip and all that…
this fuzzy tea is irish breakfast with a crumb of chai. not too much chai.
(that was really my main concern you see. balance.)
but it’s yummy! yummy like john.
keep the ‘stache john! you’re an independent man! celebrate!
you go gurl!
what am i even saying, we all know john is, well, maybe not entirely that.
john is in pain. and this tea is comforting. comforting like the little blanket he has there on his upper lip.
thanks so much to the darling jump62359! this was the tea, that lead to the swap, that started it all.
fyi i’m looking for fandom blend swap buddies
haha gotta love Sherlock!
Blanket on his upper lip! That just gave me the heebie jeebies! :)
Ah, I just rewatched the moosetache episode. :D