reviewed Timolino (12 oz) by Timolino
814 tasting notes

The Best Tea Thing I Own.
hands down.

i love it so much i own multiples!
and they are the most beautiful things ever. http://instagram.com/p/WurPoDIc1x/

i am a sipper. and i am easily distracted. and with a timolino my tea doesn’t go to waste.
also now i can make tea for my friend when we meet at the movies.
or i can have multiple teas with me for an all night hangout with friends.
it’s just perfect.

Show 29 previous comments...
Daisy Chubb 12 years ago

I was coming on Steepster to make the exact same review! I just got my Timolino a few days ago and already it’s perfection.

Ellyn 12 years ago


ohfancythat 12 years ago

What would the difference be between this and a Contigo from Costco? (minus the basket for the leaves)

ohfancythat 12 years ago

I just got a bunch of Davidstea gift cards for my birthday so I’mm all over the idea of this

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

Timolinos keep your tea hot longer. Mine actually has a mesh screen instead of a basket, so I use it for long steeps (green jasmine pearls, herbal teas, some puerhs, etc) when I’m hiking. The contigos don’t make you unscrew a lid before drinking, so I find them easier when on the go.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

Thanks for the comparison!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Not sure about the Contigo, but I like how the Timolino is leakproof.I want to put it in my purse and not worry about my kindle!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

omg i love my kindle too! but there is love for both in my heart. timolino meet kindle, kindle meet timolino. now double high-five all of us!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

i mean i love my kindle so much that i immediately went and bought my boything and my sister each one. like when you love a song so much that you want the whole world to hear it really loud so they understand!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Hahah, yeah I totally understand those feels! I bought my sister a kindle for her birthday and she just… neglected it. :O Then my boyfriend bought a Kobo reader but he barely uses it either. OMG PPL IDEK.

Double high-fives!

Oh, I recently took up knitting and someday I hope to create a tardis cover for my kindle. That’d be SLICK. (and bigger on the inside)

Shmiracles 12 years ago

well my boyfriend neglects his too. BUT my sister uses hers enough for all 3 of us so it all balances out :) (yay english major)
the doctah + kindle cozi = just too much

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

I put mine in my purse with my ipad! I usually have lunch and a reusable shopping bag (for padding) in there too, so all my mugs stand upright. I have started to carry 2 in my purse and one in my hand…

Kittenna 12 years ago

Agreed with OMGsrsly – Timolinos have better heat retention, which is good and bad. Contigos are still pretty good though! Timolinos are also smaller (at least, I haven’t seen them in bigger sizes), and they are easier to clean – the Contigo has bits up top that are irritating. Contigo – definitely easier for on the go, and although both are leakproof, and I’ve never had a problem, I’m more concerned about the Contigo than Timolino. I’ve heard mine slowly taking in air if the vacuum got to be too much.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

That’s it you guys, I’m buying one this weekend!! Davidstea gift cards ftw!!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

one other note about timolinos…(and i feel this way about beer or wine too)…if i am going to fully appreciate and enjoy the drink i need to be able to smell the liquid as i drink. meaning it’s best to have a somewhat open top to my drinking container. (thus a travel mug with one little drinking hole or a beer bottle are not ideal. phooey).
i like that the timolino has a strainer type top so the scent of the tea can still easily reach my nose. but i also often times just twist the whole lid off so i can really get my honker in there.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

I didn’t end up buying one because I didn’t like the plastic basket, wouldn’t it absorb the smell of every tea you made and get dirty really quickly? It seems sort of cheaply made which made me nervous. For $30…

Ellyn 12 years ago

I got the pink/purple one last night! eeee! am using it right now.

Shmiracles 12 years ago

YAY! welcome to timolinoland Ellyn

Rob Rauschenberg 12 years ago

Ellyn, Where did you buy it?

Ellyn 12 years ago

I bought it from the david’s store in the south end of boston, Mass.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

So no one else finds the plastic basket thing questionable? Does it get all stainy?

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Whatshesaid – I found my older one has a few stains on the basket, and along the rim, but I don’t think it interferes with the taste. I didn’t take very good care of that one though – I think the stain was from leaving a full tumbler of tea in there and forgetting it but to be fair I wasn’t getting a lot of sleep at the time. Also I drank coffee in it. (Don’t do that!)

My new timolino has been taken care of much better and I don’t see any stains. But even with the old one I don’t notice that the stains impact the flavour of the next tea. Hopefully Shmiracles can clarify.

I have to second that it’s important to be able to smell the tea too! I’ve been steeping both timolinos, and then taking turns drinking out of both by pouring the tea into my little bubble cup. Lets me enjoy the tea, without it getting cold, and then I can switch back and forth too! I find I waste less tea now because I’m not dumping cold cups down the drain.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

I love your picture btw. I just want to grab all those timolinos and hug them. #YesThatsAStrangeThingToSay

Shmiracles 12 years ago

you said it Covocorax!! no more cold cups down the drain ever! and i can brew a different tea for each timoliono and just cycle through them as slowly as i want! you said it!!

(sorry but i can’t say much in regards to the brewing baskets. i’ve gotten lazy and i’m always running late and i basically only use disposable tea bags these days.)
(i’m not sure who but somebody mentioned using unflavored denture cleaner for removing stains, and it seems to have worked nicely for my one super stained one. i’m gonna try it on some of the brewing baskets later this weekend.)

ohfancythat 12 years ago

I still have a gift card to Davidstea so you never know. I do find them kind of small though! But I am a tea guzzler, haha

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

I totally advocate for the use of unflavoured denture tablets. :) It might take a few goes, but they really help loosen the stains (and smells).

keychange 12 years ago

Wow! Multiple timolinos so you can sip different tea throughout the day? utter and complete genius. Wow wow wow. I’ve actually been lusting after the white one, and now I feel justified in pursuing this temptation.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

I finally got one, keychange! I actually got the white one, and today right after I opened the box and cleaned my shiny little Timolino, I saw on Facebook that Davids now has them in 16 oz. Now I really really really want the bigger one! I figured that I’ll use the 12 oz one to make sure that I at least like it instead of mailing it to exchange it. If I like the 12 oz I’ll just buy a 16 oz. :)

keychange 12 years ago

Haha Josie jade, don’t you just hate buying something only to realize something else has appeared that you want even more? How much do you want to bet that within a month or so, you’ll own a 16 oz one and I’ll have it in white? hahaha! Do you think the white one will get dirty/fingerprints on it easily? I want one!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

16 oz?! haha oh no!
i don’t want it but i want it. i still use mine every day, in some combination or another.

looseTman 11 years ago


Have you thought about writing a review of the Contigo? I for one would be interested in learning more about your experience with it and how it compares to the Timolino or Zojirushi. Thanks!


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Daisy Chubb 12 years ago

I was coming on Steepster to make the exact same review! I just got my Timolino a few days ago and already it’s perfection.

Ellyn 12 years ago


ohfancythat 12 years ago

What would the difference be between this and a Contigo from Costco? (minus the basket for the leaves)

ohfancythat 12 years ago

I just got a bunch of Davidstea gift cards for my birthday so I’mm all over the idea of this

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

Timolinos keep your tea hot longer. Mine actually has a mesh screen instead of a basket, so I use it for long steeps (green jasmine pearls, herbal teas, some puerhs, etc) when I’m hiking. The contigos don’t make you unscrew a lid before drinking, so I find them easier when on the go.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

Thanks for the comparison!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Not sure about the Contigo, but I like how the Timolino is leakproof.I want to put it in my purse and not worry about my kindle!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

omg i love my kindle too! but there is love for both in my heart. timolino meet kindle, kindle meet timolino. now double high-five all of us!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

i mean i love my kindle so much that i immediately went and bought my boything and my sister each one. like when you love a song so much that you want the whole world to hear it really loud so they understand!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Hahah, yeah I totally understand those feels! I bought my sister a kindle for her birthday and she just… neglected it. :O Then my boyfriend bought a Kobo reader but he barely uses it either. OMG PPL IDEK.

Double high-fives!

Oh, I recently took up knitting and someday I hope to create a tardis cover for my kindle. That’d be SLICK. (and bigger on the inside)

Shmiracles 12 years ago

well my boyfriend neglects his too. BUT my sister uses hers enough for all 3 of us so it all balances out :) (yay english major)
the doctah + kindle cozi = just too much

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

I put mine in my purse with my ipad! I usually have lunch and a reusable shopping bag (for padding) in there too, so all my mugs stand upright. I have started to carry 2 in my purse and one in my hand…

Kittenna 12 years ago

Agreed with OMGsrsly – Timolinos have better heat retention, which is good and bad. Contigos are still pretty good though! Timolinos are also smaller (at least, I haven’t seen them in bigger sizes), and they are easier to clean – the Contigo has bits up top that are irritating. Contigo – definitely easier for on the go, and although both are leakproof, and I’ve never had a problem, I’m more concerned about the Contigo than Timolino. I’ve heard mine slowly taking in air if the vacuum got to be too much.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

That’s it you guys, I’m buying one this weekend!! Davidstea gift cards ftw!!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

one other note about timolinos…(and i feel this way about beer or wine too)…if i am going to fully appreciate and enjoy the drink i need to be able to smell the liquid as i drink. meaning it’s best to have a somewhat open top to my drinking container. (thus a travel mug with one little drinking hole or a beer bottle are not ideal. phooey).
i like that the timolino has a strainer type top so the scent of the tea can still easily reach my nose. but i also often times just twist the whole lid off so i can really get my honker in there.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

I didn’t end up buying one because I didn’t like the plastic basket, wouldn’t it absorb the smell of every tea you made and get dirty really quickly? It seems sort of cheaply made which made me nervous. For $30…

Ellyn 12 years ago

I got the pink/purple one last night! eeee! am using it right now.

Shmiracles 12 years ago

YAY! welcome to timolinoland Ellyn

Rob Rauschenberg 12 years ago

Ellyn, Where did you buy it?

Ellyn 12 years ago

I bought it from the david’s store in the south end of boston, Mass.

ohfancythat 12 years ago

So no one else finds the plastic basket thing questionable? Does it get all stainy?

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Whatshesaid – I found my older one has a few stains on the basket, and along the rim, but I don’t think it interferes with the taste. I didn’t take very good care of that one though – I think the stain was from leaving a full tumbler of tea in there and forgetting it but to be fair I wasn’t getting a lot of sleep at the time. Also I drank coffee in it. (Don’t do that!)

My new timolino has been taken care of much better and I don’t see any stains. But even with the old one I don’t notice that the stains impact the flavour of the next tea. Hopefully Shmiracles can clarify.

I have to second that it’s important to be able to smell the tea too! I’ve been steeping both timolinos, and then taking turns drinking out of both by pouring the tea into my little bubble cup. Lets me enjoy the tea, without it getting cold, and then I can switch back and forth too! I find I waste less tea now because I’m not dumping cold cups down the drain.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

I love your picture btw. I just want to grab all those timolinos and hug them. #YesThatsAStrangeThingToSay

Shmiracles 12 years ago

you said it Covocorax!! no more cold cups down the drain ever! and i can brew a different tea for each timoliono and just cycle through them as slowly as i want! you said it!!

(sorry but i can’t say much in regards to the brewing baskets. i’ve gotten lazy and i’m always running late and i basically only use disposable tea bags these days.)
(i’m not sure who but somebody mentioned using unflavored denture cleaner for removing stains, and it seems to have worked nicely for my one super stained one. i’m gonna try it on some of the brewing baskets later this weekend.)

ohfancythat 12 years ago

I still have a gift card to Davidstea so you never know. I do find them kind of small though! But I am a tea guzzler, haha

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

I totally advocate for the use of unflavoured denture tablets. :) It might take a few goes, but they really help loosen the stains (and smells).

keychange 12 years ago

Wow! Multiple timolinos so you can sip different tea throughout the day? utter and complete genius. Wow wow wow. I’ve actually been lusting after the white one, and now I feel justified in pursuing this temptation.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

I finally got one, keychange! I actually got the white one, and today right after I opened the box and cleaned my shiny little Timolino, I saw on Facebook that Davids now has them in 16 oz. Now I really really really want the bigger one! I figured that I’ll use the 12 oz one to make sure that I at least like it instead of mailing it to exchange it. If I like the 12 oz I’ll just buy a 16 oz. :)

keychange 12 years ago

Haha Josie jade, don’t you just hate buying something only to realize something else has appeared that you want even more? How much do you want to bet that within a month or so, you’ll own a 16 oz one and I’ll have it in white? hahaha! Do you think the white one will get dirty/fingerprints on it easily? I want one!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

16 oz?! haha oh no!
i don’t want it but i want it. i still use mine every day, in some combination or another.

looseTman 11 years ago


Have you thought about writing a review of the Contigo? I for one would be interested in learning more about your experience with it and how it compares to the Timolino or Zojirushi. Thanks!


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