drank Apricot Afternoon by Tea Guys
814 tasting notes

the first time i had this tea i was so surprised and delighted that it smelled so much like Apricot**, the baby in Strawberry Shortcake cartoons.
but i made some last night and then sipped it but didn’t drink most of it. so this morning i dumped it out and made a fresh mug before work, and even now i’m not jazzed or anything about drinking it. i guess i’m just not in the mood for this tea as much as i thought i was? (the weather is going to be 60 today! and it was a wacky blizzardy type weather just 4 days ago)

I KNOW i should have saved last night’s cup and iced it. i bet this is a great great summer iced tea!

it’s a bold happy apricot jam sort of scent and the black base mixes with it in a very friendly way.

Apricot is a little white-haired baby with an unusual vocabulary of oversized words. Apricot and her pet bunny Hopsalot lived in Big Apple City, down the hall from Lemon Meringue and T.N. Honey, and like them, she re-located to Strawberryland at the conclusion of Strawberry Shortcake’s visit.


i drank half of this tea. which is a fine enough tea don’t get me wrong! but then on a whim i added half of my pineapple coconut water to the mug!?! and it adds a tang to it and is tasty! i suspect something like this will be happening in tall iced glasses all summer long for me.


I’m impressed with your knowledge of the world of Strawberry Shortcake


haha i had the dolls of course. (cabbage patch, sea wee creatures, rose petal dolls, glamour gals, etc) i have two sisters and we grew up in the 80’s. dolls and dance routines were basically our 24/7 business.


I had that doll too! And wasn’t there a line of Strawberry Shortcake dolls that when squeezed, blew a whichever fruit she was scented kiss at you? I remember having an apricot one of those….


yes classielassie! my sister had that one :) they were like the baby doll version of the small play dollies.

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i drank half of this tea. which is a fine enough tea don’t get me wrong! but then on a whim i added half of my pineapple coconut water to the mug!?! and it adds a tang to it and is tasty! i suspect something like this will be happening in tall iced glasses all summer long for me.


I’m impressed with your knowledge of the world of Strawberry Shortcake


haha i had the dolls of course. (cabbage patch, sea wee creatures, rose petal dolls, glamour gals, etc) i have two sisters and we grew up in the 80’s. dolls and dance routines were basically our 24/7 business.


I had that doll too! And wasn’t there a line of Strawberry Shortcake dolls that when squeezed, blew a whichever fruit she was scented kiss at you? I remember having an apricot one of those….


yes classielassie! my sister had that one :) they were like the baby doll version of the small play dollies.

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