ICED. umm actually a bad idea. i won’t ever ice this again. i even had to re-strain it today cuz there was some strange residue in it. it was an experiment. i’ll drink what i have, but i really won’t ice this again.
i think i’m gonna take the sprinkles out of this tea next time i drink it.
seriously, birthday cake tea with 90% less sprinkles is 100% better. and still smells like cake!
Tea is about adventures! You’d never know unless you tried it, and now others can benefit from your experimenting. ;)
Tea is about adventures! You’d never know unless you tried it, and now others can benefit from your experimenting. ;)
I coldbrew this one so the sprinkles don’t melt! :3
I am not a fan of sprinkles in tea. They’re icky. (Actually, I don’t like sprinkles period.)