59 Tasting Notes

drank Lavender Mint by Tealish
59 tasting notes

THIS TEA may have just made me a Tealish convert!

I double steeped 2.5tsp of leaves yesterday. The first brew I threw into my thermos hot, and the second I iced in my travel cup.

When I got to work, I busted open the cold tea first. O-M-G….it was so beautiful. It has a nice full mint flavour the floods and cools your mouth, with the soft lavender floral. This as an iced tea is beyond refreshing. And don’t forget this was the second steep! SO much flavour for a second steep!

On my break, I got out the thermos. I opened it up and sniffed cautiously. I loved it cold. What if I didn’t like it hot? It would be such a waste of tea.

There was a little bit of ice left in the bottom of my travel cup, so I poured in a bit of the hot and sipped it back as soon as the ice melted.

Then I gave into the hot. The hot is still in the very good category.
But iced, it’s phenomenal. Toss out those damn wishy washy fruity iced teas that taste like watered down koolaide right now, and jump into THIS!

As soon as I got back to my desk I e-mailed my husband to ask him to stop at Indigo to pick up more :D

Flavors: Lavender, Spearmint

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Constant Comment by Bigelow
59 tasting notes

I attended a managers meeting yesterday at a winery, and while they didn’t serve wine…there was a chest of teas!

This one was the most “unique” out of the bunch. The majority were Bigelow. I’ve always considered Bigelow green to be my baseline for a plain jane good cup of tea, so I was sure it would at least be decent.

Following in line with my feelings on the green…this spiced tea was just a plain jane good cup of spiced tea. I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get any taste of citrus though.

195 °F / 90 °C

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L O V I N G it! I am a huge peanut butter fan. If I could just eat Reese peanut butter cups for the rest of my life and not become a huge greasy lazy slug then I would. So imagine my excitement when I heard about this one.

I jumped on the promo where I would get a sample ahead of the release by placing an order online. My order came on Monday and it was SO worth it!

I wouldn’t put this quite in the league of a Reese peanut butter cup. It makes me think more of a peanut butter cookie with chocolate chips.

Anyway, I practically ran to the mall yesterday to buy 100g of this. The $5 off coupon I got in my e-mail was certainly nice ;)

Flavors: Chocolate, Nutty, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

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drank Honeycrisp Apple by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

The smell of the dry leaves for this is amaaaazing.

I’m having a hard time picking out the green tea flavour in this one. As well, from the smell I thought it would be a bit more like a tart apple flavour vs. sweet apple. It’s definitely very sweet. (And I drink my tea black) I can’t help but be a bit curious what they are using to make this so sweet…

Anyway, still really good. But I think I’m satisfied with the small bag I bought. Not sure if I’ll restock.

Flavors: Apple, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

This one is coming in the mail for me in a 5g sample. Didn’t realize at the time it was a green tea so idk if I would restock either..I like my fruit teas to be herbal and my green teas on the plainer side.

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drank Pumpkin Chai by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

Oh my flying spaghetti monster in the sky! This tea…this tea…is nearly the best tea I’ve ever had. By far, it’s the best chai.

I taste pumpkin, and spices and caramel. It’s smooth, and not over powering. I can’t wait to try it as a latte with soy milk!!

I sampled it in store yesterday, and got a cup to go, and a 28g bag. Then as I sat in the food court of the mall texting a co-worker/friend who had had a bad week and is also a tea lover, I decided to run back and get a small bag for her. I took it into work last night and she also fell in love!

The hype is real.

Flavors: Caramel, Pumpkin, Smoke, Spices

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

I miss this one- how I wish I could drink black tea! :(

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I really, really dislike this tea.

The smell and taste remind me of chemicals. Sort of like the smell of the plastic sandals at Walmart.

When I concentrate I can taste chocolate, coconut and maybe a bit of a mocha flavour….but the chemical taste sticks out way too much to me

I took a few sips then dumped it down the sink. I’m really not having much luck with Teavana. I don’t know what I’m going to do with the remaining 45g or whatever I have…

Flavors: Artificial, Chocolate, Coconut, Mocha

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Oh no! Maybe try a tea swap in the discussion area?

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drank Spa Day by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

I’m sitting here at work wondering why in hell I thought it was a good idea to ride my bike to work today. It feels like 32 out. It’s humid and sunny. And I’m still fighting off a cold. As soon as I got in the building I quickly downed my iced Electric Lemonade.
I refilled my travel cup with ice cold water and tossed in a tea bag of Spa Day. I’d rather steep it hot and then ice it but sometimes we just have to make due. (First world problem)
I didn’t let it sit long because I was still badly in need of rehydration. The beautiful taste was already there. A creamy coconut, with a touch of lemongrass. It does in fact remind me of being at my favourite spa.
This tea is really nice cold. I’ll have to wait to find out whether I like it hot or not.
(Wow – look at how much thought I put into this log vs. the ones I’ve written at home)

Iced 8 min or more 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I picked this one up about a month ago on a tea buying binge. The CSR said that it was one of their best selling teas at the moment. How could I say no?

It does make a really nice summer iced tea. It’s a smooth lemony taste. They some how avoided it tasting like the scent of lemon dish soap which I find is a problem with many other lemon teas.

While it’s pleasant, and I’ll finish it – I won’t bother buying more. I bet some sugar would make it really good, but I try not to add sugar to my teas.

Flavors: Lemon, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I used the new feature on the Davidstea website to pick this as a sample – which is prettynifty. Too bad the rest of the website at this point sucks.

My son picked up a summer cold and passed it onto me. I woke up this morning with quite the sore throat. (maybe I need to stop telling so much at work) debated which tea would be good this morning, aha cold 911!

I opened up and the smell instantly made me believe this was perfect to help my throat! My husband and I love eucalyptus, that’s mostly what sticks out to me in this one.

A little honey and it’s perfection.

Flavors: Eucalyptus, Peppermint

1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

Yeah, I love that I can pick samples! They still need to work out the bugs though. And I love this tea too-it’s on my wish list :)


I can’t say this one was on my wishlist but I’m definitely so glad I got it! My throat is thanking me – I might order more today! (Any excuse to place another order…)

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drank Shirley Temple by DAVIDsTEA
59 tasting notes

I’m starting to think I’m an oddball in the tea community. Teas I love have bad reviews, teas I dislike get great reviews. I think you see how this review is going since this tea currently has a lot of favourable reviews.

My first steep I went hot. I know this was straight up marketed for iced tea, but I was in a hurry and I just threw in my thermos for work. All I got from it was a sickly cherry cough syrup taste.

I brought it home from work and iced the remainder. Not so sickly cherry, it was now palatable. I probably have about 20g left. I’m not exactly dying to steep it…

Flavors: Cherry, Medicinal

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

I hear you, I hate hibiscus unless it’s iced cause it tastes like hot, sugarless koolaid

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Tea literally gets me through the day. I start with something caffeinated in the morning, then usually a re-steep or less caffeinated tea mid morning and work my way to a herbal by night.

Green tea and oolong are top in my books. I recently discovered that I LOVE genmaicha – but I get why it’s not for everyone. My favourite flavours right now are lime, lavender and mint. I tend to dislike teas that have raisins or hibiscus, and I’m not fond of weak fruit infusions.

A lot of my teas come from Davidstea. I also have some Teavana and Tealish. When I can, I try to pick up unique teas. My most prized tea is a tea from Ste Anne’s Spa in Grafton, Ont called Cinnamon Glow.


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