Cold 911 (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Apple, Juniper, Natural Orange Flavor, Peppermint
Mint, Citrus, Medicinal, Eucalyptus, Menthol, Peppermint, Pine, Herbs, Anise, Orange, Alcohol, Apple, Berries, Berry, Smooth, Citrusy, Spearmint, Fruity, Orange Zest, Sweet, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Earth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 4 g 12 oz / 354 ml

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262 Tasting Notes View all


Bad colds require great interventions. Take this tea, for example. It’s a deliciously soothing mix of peppermint, juniper berries and orange peel. Pretty great, right? If that’s not extreme enough for you, you could try eating raw garlic, or gargling salt water, or inhaling lots of steam. Yeah…we didn’t think so. Probably better just to stick to the tea. With its soothing citrus and mint aroma we can’t guarantee miracle results, but at least we can guarantee it tastes great. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: peppermint, juniper berries, orange peel. With natural eucalyptus and orange oil.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

262 Tasting Notes

1501 tasting notes

Serious cold tea, and wish I’d grabbed some more when I went with the young’un I’ve started dating. He’s now a loose leaf convert, and I’m his tea pusher. :P

Tastes like liquid Vicks, but much sweeter and pleasant. Seriously overleafed it, as I bought the gent one of DAVID’s perfect spoons just to realize they’re 1 tb, and the measurement was supposed to be 1 tsp.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

dating are you…. loverly!


He says we’re dating. I say.. we’re still determining romantic compatibility. He reminded me that’s my definition of dating at work, and thus… I guess we’re dating. :P


Awwwwwwww, that’s so sweet. :))


Hee! That’s awesome! I totally missed this last night.


I’m glad I’m an old married woman. I’d hate to have to break a new one in ;) Is this one effective for the blechs?


Breaking a new one in already officially over. Sigh. Anyway…

I really liked it for clearing up my nasal and chest passages. I’ll definitely order more for that purpose, knowing I’ll need to overleaf it considerably to get the taste and feel I want.


well, at least you educated him a bit about tea… obviously he’s not abundantly in the know about people or women specifically, but he knows a smidgen about tea all because of you.



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6444 tasting notes

Sick tea with honey. Can’t taste it anyways so might as well drink the sample I got in my last order.


It seems like everyone is sick lately. Hope you feel better!


Thanks. And I guess its just that time of the year. This popped up out of nowhere and isn’t really bothersome other than a sore throat and some tiredness. As far as illnesses go, this one isnt so bad. Plus, its a good time to drink up all the teas I’m not loving.


Good way to look at it. :)


awe :(


Aww, hope you’ll feel better soon.

Roswell Strange

Oh no! Feel better!


Feel better!


Thank you, everyone :)

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1764 tasting notes

Longest week ever… ugh. So much going on, so very many many things… one of which has me saddened. (My Aunt-in-law passed away today. Cancer. Oh how I hate that vile word)
So I needed something to calm me down and I wasn’t feeling chamomile.
Also, it gave me the chance to try this tea while un-sick, and guess what it’s more than just a mint tea! ha.
Yep, there is something else in there, the juniper berries I am guessing. They aren’t very strong, and have a sortof woody berry taste. Not bad, really.
Without sugar, it reminded me of your average ayurvedic tea, but with some sweetening the various notes came out a bit more and I found it much more palatable.
Now that the cup is pretty much drained, I can say that it did work. I feel soothed, a little.


Sorry to hear about your Aunt… cancer is indeed a vile thing.


thx LiberTeas. Vile is not a strong enough word!


Memory Eternal for your Aunt Indigobloom!


So sorry – prayers for her soul progression and for your family.


:( That’s tough. I’m glad your exam was at least over beforehand. hugs


thank you so much for the good thoughts everyone, I will send them along xx


Sorry dear, my thoughts are with you…


My condolences for your loss. :( hugs


So sorry.


Aww thank you for the kind words everyone XO

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1186 tasting notes

Ah first note with the new layout! Exciting! I am out at my parents this weekend and this tea was one I gave my mom and I found a bit of it left in the cupboard :D perfect thing for my migraine that has been plaguing me all day..I already had some Mint Cacao before this, but the mint and eucalyptus in this tea will hopefully be just the thing to kick my headache to the curb. Smells and tastes just as good as the last time I had it, I really should pick up more of this to have on hand. There’s even a bit more orange flavor in this tonight I think! Very nice before bed. See previous notes :)

Flavors: Orange Zest

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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357 tasting notes

I had a slight sore throat last night, so I decided to take a couple of vitamins (The gummy bear kind – because they make me smile), followed by this tea. I accidentally dumped in too much leaf, but as it turns out, I think I prefer the taste this way. Inhaling the warmth of the eucalyptus is soothing, and the combined warming/cooling sensation of the sip provided some relief for my throat, something akin to inhaling hot water with vicks vapour rub (watch out for your eyes).

Personally I could do without the taste of the orange peel, but that’s just my preference. If I can find a straight eucalyptus tea, I’ll keep it stocked in my cupboard for sore throat occasions like this. I just finished this one, but I’ll be restocking this in a sample size until I find a straight eucalyptus to replace it.


haha my favourite vitamins are gummy bear ones too! Hope you feel better soon.


Feel better soon! I still haven’t tried the gummy vitamins.


I’m afraid of getting those gummies because I would want to eat them all in one sitting! Feel better!


Thanks Nitoo6of6, Incendiare and Fuzzy_Peachkin. I feel better today, so hopefully I managed to fight off whatever I felt coming on last night. I guess I’ll just have to keep taking my gummy bear vitamins ;) @Fuzzy_Peachkin – I must admit, not eating more than the daily amount does take some willpower

Is this what you are looking for?
Don’t know anything about this company, but had looked at this a couple of months ago. Hope you feel better.


Thanks Dexter3657 – That’s exactly what I want to try. Maybe I’ll have a look at the local health food stores to see if they carry that tea because the flat fee shipping to Canada pricey. It’s nice to know that it’s out there though – thanks


Sorry don’t mean to bombard you, but there is also this one on amazon.
The same tea is available on this website.

Again I don’t know about shipping etc, but it might be another one to keep an eye for at your local health food store. There doesn’t seem to be may straight eucalyptus teas out there. Hope you find one.


oooh thanks Dexter3657, I’ve actually seen that brand around somewhere before. I think it was in my step-mom’s tea cupboard- it wasn’t eucalyptus, but still, it seems very promising that it should be available somewhere locally.

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1792 tasting notes

I wasn’t exactly excited about buying this because of the medicinal eucalyptus, BUT, I know that in this case, it’s more function than smell/taste.

The smell of the dry leaves is mostly eucalyptus, followed by refreshing peppermint, then the orange. No juniperberry scent which is too bad.

But the steeped tea smells mostly of peppermint with some orange in the background. Smells like a couple other tisanes I’ve had in the past, which were pretty good, so yay, this may be alright after all.

And it really is. It basically tastes like peppermint with some orange. The eucalyptus is sort of there, lending a menthol edge to this, but it’s rather light.

After drinking a cup of this, I feel no different, but to be fair, I woke up a lot better this morning after getting the first decent sleep in days, so there’s not much of a sore throat and what not left to comfort.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1473 tasting notes

Bleeeeegh. Was up half the night with a sore throat from hell and coughing. I was too afraid to take NyQuil because if I was going to call in sick, I needed to call in around 10, and I’ve never called in sick to this job before and since they’re not real big on giving us proper breaks, I was worried about calling in and wanted to give as much notice as I could. (I was due in at 1).

Anyway. I just talked to the office manager and she said to feel better and give her a call in a few hours to let her know if I’d be able to make it in tomorrow. Painless as all get out. Because they were so great about not giving me crap about calling in so soon after being hired, I really want to be back on top tomorrow and be able to get back to work. It’s amazing what a little courtesy towards your staff can do! Anyhoo, I am chugging this and Bravissimo and about to take some NyQuil so I can beat this cold.

I can’t speak much for taste because my tastebuds are all out of whack, but it did help my throat a bit and my sinuses are writing me thank you notes as we speak XD. I much prefer this over Gail’s Cold Remedy, so I might stock up before the winter season starts.

Okay, off to gargle salt water, do a shot of honey, lemon, and cayenne, and then drink just enough NyQuil to push me into a nap.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

What’s with all the sickness lately? I’m on (hopefully) the tail end of a pretty brutal cold and so many people seem to be sick too. I’m glad you got a guilt-free day to rest and recuperate. Feel better!


I am glad I don’t live near you guys. Last winter my husband, son and I all traded the same cold back and forth. Each one of us had it for about 2 weeks but it was horrible. I would like to avoid that this year. Especially since I am on blood pressure pills so I can’t take cold medication. Sucks big time.

I did make this one last night since my nose was getting a little plugged but I added something to it. Just can’t remember what it was. It tasted great with the addition and if I think of it I will add it here.


And I hope you feel better.


And I hope you feel better.


Well, I do work in a doctor’s office. Of course, it’s an optometrist, but that doesn’t keep people from bringing in their sick kids/selves. Seriously, folks, if you’re sick, reschedule. We don’t want it, there’s no penalty, the other patients don’t want it, please please please go away >.<

My wife just informed me that everyone in her workplace is coming down with something, so I blame them. Stoppit!


aw no, feel better soon hun! sleep and hydration, oh and chicken soup!!!


I added Green Seduction to this one last night. It was great.

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1598 tasting notes

Must…. resist…. this…. cold.

It’s only a sore throat. And maybe a little bit of light-headedness (although I get that sometimes just bc?). So maybe I can fight this before it becomes an issue? At the very least I hope I can avoid getting the kid sick as I don’t want to miss work at my new job because the daycare doesn’t want her there that day.

First step: drink this tea. Second step: no kisses! Third step: get better. :)

At least I haven’t lost my sense of smell/taste. :D


Oh no. Feel better Cavo!!


believe me, i only say these words in dire circumstances….. oil of oregano.


I’ve been drinking this today too, hopefully it helps. Feel better!! :)


Thanks guys! Guess I’ll know tomorrow if this is a real cold or not. :)


Thanks! I guess I’ll know by tomorrow if this is a real cold or not. :)


Hopefully the sore throat doesn’t linger and you feel well soon!

JustJames – how do you use the oil of oregano?


I second oil of oregano.

I use it straight under my tongue, or I put it in warm/hot tap water and swish it around in my mouth and let go slowly down my throat to coat it. Usually if I have it right before I feel truly sick, I can kick the cold to the can.


I’m going to have to try that today, hopefully it works for me! My bff is getting married this weekend, and as her maid of honor I definitely don’t want to be sick.


Thanks for that info, Tuscanteal! I’ll have to get some of this as have a lot of oils but not oregano.


I’d never heard of that with oil of oregano. Interesting!

And good luck Pandeme!!!


oil of oregano: proper use: four drops under the tongue straight for two minutes… then dunk your tongue in a shot glass of milk (unless you’re lactose intolerant).

the ’i’m afraid’ method: 4 drops in water and chugged. with much more fluid then chugged.

it is the strongest natural INTERNAL anti microbial to my knowledge.


Thank you, JustJames! I do need to get this – not sure which method I’ll use yet. ;-)


the four straight under the tongue works best and fastest….. but you feel it. big time!


You learn to love it though…


Lol! Good to know! :-)

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615 tasting notes

I dog sat for my mom a couple days back and got a little overzealous with petting them and getting snuggly (I’m allergic), so I’ve had some sinus pressure for the last couple days. I didn’t really think to do anything about it because it’s an annoyance more than anything and I know it’ll clear up in a couple days on it’s own. But then I saw the little one cup sample I had of this.

This brews up smelling strongly of peppermint and eucalyptus. The dominant flavor is definitely peppermint, so if you’re not a peppermint person, this probably isn’t the fix for you. There’s orange in here, but it’s so subtle it’s easy to miss. This reminds of how I feel after I use a Vicks humidifier (need to replace ours). I don’t know how well this would work on an actual cold, but it seems pretty good at dissipating lingering allergy congestion.

I’m not going to give this one a numerical value, because I get that it’s medicinal and taste really isn’t the priority. I wish I could remember who sent this my way, because thank you. I feel better today than I thought I was going to. I almost want to pick some of this up for my week long dog sitting venture at the end of February.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Allergies suck :( Hope you a speedy recovery!


Thanks! Feeling better already :)


I will have to get some of this before allergy season starts for me, it sounds like it could be quite beneficial!


Interesting! I wonder if it would clear up my eat congestion. Feel better!

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37 tasting notes

My cold has come back with a vengeance, and since I have officially run out of my stash of Gail’s Organic Cold Remedy I’ve moved on to drinking this in my 16oz mug with some of their creamed lemon honey. And it is definitely doing the trick, my sinuses are clearing, my headache is going away, and it is nice and soothing on my poor throat. The best part though is that now I might actually be able to fall asleep. I’ll have to try this again when I’m not sick, to get a proper taste of this though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I hope you feel better soon. I have been drinking this lately to help with my cold. Creamed lemon honey sounds delicious btw. I really want to get to DAVIDs to try some out


Feel better!!! :)


Thanks guys! :) And VariaTEA Let me know what you think of it when you do get some! I’ve literally been putting it in everything, so good!


I usually drink things plain so I don’t know how often I would use it but it just sounds so tasty. I made the mistake of going on the DAVIDs website and I keep picking different teas I want to pick up.

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