59 Tasting Notes
I can’t believe this tea doesnt have a higher rating! Like OMG. I had an idea in my head of what I wanted this tea to taste like and it totally delivered.
I taste creamy coconut, then a bit of sweet apple/pear and then it finishes with a refreshing mint.
I only bought a small tin of it. I’m kicking myself. Should I order 250g of it since it’s on sale right now??
Flavors: Apple, Coconut, Cream, Mint, Pear
I was given this by a friend who didn’t like it. She agreed it DOES taste exactly like a pina colada, but she felt something was missing from it.
My first steep was a bit too strong. Admittedly, I did add in an extra 1/4 tsp, plus I let it steep a little longer than I should have. (I had just tried Blueberry Lagoon and found it very weak) It tasted strongly of a fruity flavour and then left a lingering creamy coconut taste in my mouth.
I just resteeped it, and it’s definitely an improvement! I can’t wait to make this into a latte.
Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Pineapple
THIS is the ultimate delicate feminine tea in my opinion.
I had asked the sales person for her opinion on what I should get as a latte. She said Cherry Blossom makes an awesome latte. I smelled the dry tea, and it smelled quite pleasant. But I had this nagging memory of having ‘cherry’ teas in the past. I remembered them as bitter and overly-floral-perfumey. But regardless I went with the recommendation.
First sip of the latte. OHHH MY – It reminds me of Betty Crocker Cherry Chip cake. I’ll drink cake all day long, thanks.
I was a bit hesitant to buy the tea, only because of the price. I waited and ended up getting it free during a promotion. (Spend $30, get 50g free of any tea)
I’m sitting here sipping it now with a small bit of honey…. Cherry, sweets, cake, roses, light, refreshing…LOVE IT.
Flavors: Cake, Candy, Cherry, Rose
I recently came to the conclusion that I do not like chocolate teas. They remind me of being a child, and my mom making me hot chocolate with too little cocoa powder. That barely there chocolate-like flavour that just makes you yearn for actual chocolate and despise this chocolate impostor in front of you. (Speaking of hot chocolate – that conjures up sore memories of my ex and I going skating…but let’s keep the lid on that can of worms)
Anyway, last week I received Davids’ Sweet Indulgence set as a Valentines Day gift., which includes four chocolatey teas. This morning I thought “Eh…let’s get this over with” and broke out Chocolate Rocket.
I opened the tiny tin, and was immediately struck by the scent of chocolate and artificial raspberry. I hate to call it artificial, that sounds so derogatory. Let’s call it a raspberry candy-like scent. I let 2.5tsp brew in 1 3/4th water at 85 degrees for 6 minutes in my French press.
I poured, and took a small sip to determine what it was going to need. Bleh, just as I expected watery chocolate. I added a touch of agave and a swig of an almond & coconut milk blend. Sitting down at the computer to write this review, I sipped away. About 3 or 4 sips in I realized….the flavour was growing on me. In fact, I border line liked it.
In conclusion, I’ll happily drink the remainder, and wouldn’t say no to a cup if someone offered. I doubt I’ll buy it again though…there’s just too many better teas out there.
Flavors: Chocolate, Coffee, Raspberry
This tea went above and beyond my expectations. Like, I received a sample in my Davids order and went to the mall the next day to buy a can. My husband who doesn’t even drink tea gave it rave reviews.
I love the strawberry flavour with a bit of tartness. It makes me think of the strawberry rhubarb smoothies I make every summer when both are in season.
Flavors: Strawberry, Tart
I don’t want to say anything bad about this tea, even though I’m not fond of it. It IS a good taste, it’s just not something where I’m like “Oh, yeah baby! Give me another cup of that!”
It’s more like, if someone gave me a cup I’d drink it respectfully and it wouldn’t be painful.
It smells like oatmeal cookies, and tastes exactly like a cinnamon bun. I love oatmeal cookies and cinnamon buns, but I just don’t feel like drinking them in tea form. If this idea does sound attractive to you though, then run out and buy this tea.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Cinnamon
I acquired this tea because Amazon foolishly priced a case of six as a single. Sure, I’ll take 6 boxes of tea for $4!
Anyway, I had been sticking it in gifts for the past few months. Now I totally regret it. ALL THE TEA MUST BE MINE! No, but seriously. I busted open a box , and it’s delicious.
I had it before bed last night to alleviate my sweets craving. It’s a robust sweet raspberry flavour. I drank it hot, but I’m sure it would be stunning cold too.
I’m just bummed that when it runs out I’ll have to order it at full price…pfff.
Flavors: Raspberry
Due to some recent financial issues, I’ve decided to drink my way through my current tea stash before buying any more. Today for my before-work tea, I found two lonely Zen tea bags at the bottom of my tea drawer. It had been awhile since I’d drank it. Zen has never been a favourite, but I didn’t remember disliking it either. I decided to do it latte style. I carefully steeped two bags according to my tea steeping app in roughly 3/4th cup of water, and warmed a bit of soy milk on the stove. I then threw the soymilk in my Vitamix for about a minute on high, producing a lovely foam.
I then mixed and sweetened with agave. (I’ve been doing this all week with various types of tea with great success)
Maybe my tastes have changed. Maybe my frequent trips to DavidsTea has put me into a new tea bracket. Or maybe when I wasn’t looking lemony cleaner fell into my mug.
I drank it, it wasn’t horrible. But, I’m definitely glad those were my last two bags.
(Though its quite likely I’ll find more because my one year old recently went through a phase of opening the tea draw and carrying off tea bags)
I find it odd that this does not taste at all of green tea.
Flavors: Lemongrass, Spearmint