Peanut Butter Cup

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Almonds, Apple, Chocolate Chips, Cocoa Nibs, Cocoa Peels, Safflower
Nutty, Peanut, Sweet, Chocolate, Watery, Apple, Cocoa, Fruity, Cream, Heavy, Creamy, Almond, Butter, Coconut, Brown Sugar, Nuts, Powdered Sugar, Toasted, Roast Nuts, Honey, Roasted Nuts, Tart, Earth, Hazelnut, Milk Chocolate
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 45 sec 6 g 26 oz / 781 ml

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Butter yourself up

Whether you’re looking for an afternoon pick-me-up or a sweet treat on the go, nothing beats peanut butter and chocolate. Sweet, rich, salty and addictive, it’s a classic combo for a reason. And with this smooth and satisfying blend, you can indulge your sweet tooth anytime, guilt-free. With almonds, cocoa beans and chocolate chips, it tastes just like the real thing. And since it’s completely peanut free, you can take it with you everywhere. Want to take it to the next level? Try it as a latte with frothed chocolate milk. You heard it here first…

Ingredients: Apple, Cocoa peel, Cocoa bits, Almonds, Chocolate chips (sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa beans, cocoa powder, soy lecithin), Artificial (peanut, chocolate) flavouring, Safflower petals

Price per 50g: $7.50

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

94 Tasting Notes

346 tasting notes

Sip Down & Backlog

I brewed the remainder of this on Monday. I made myself a massive mug with the remaining 4 tsp of PBC. I let this sit in the cup for 10 minutes and never took the sachet from the mug as I topped off the cuppa. I love this blend and it’s sad that the reception isn’t too high. I understand that the chocolate is weak, but hot dang does it taste peanut buttery! That’s the main event in a peanut butter cup, anyway. I love to dip a spoon into a jar now and then, whenever I have a sweet tooth. Not often, but probably more than most folks. This was a fairly good cup and would buy more.

Flavors: Nutty, Peanut, Sweet


I had a spoon of peanut butter this very morning. :D


I like to dip into a jar of peanut butter quite often, too!

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60 tasting notes

It sure ain’t Reese’s!

I love chocolate and peanut butter together, so when I spotted this tea, I just had to try it! It’s tasty, but disappointing. It was a bit like drinking watery hot chocolate. I would rather eat my peanut butter cups along side a different kind of tea.

Flavors: Chocolate, Watery

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1271 tasting notes

While my favorite Girl Scout cookie is Samoas, I’ve really gone gangbusters on clearing out all my coconut teas, so for the sipdown prompt “tea with a flavor note/ingredient from a favorite Girl Scout cookie,” I’m going with my second favorite, Tagalongs.

This tea reminds me a lot of a tea I really loved that TeaSource used to carry called “Chocolate Stout.” I’m guessing that tea was discontinued by whatever wholesaler produced it, as I haven’t been able to find it anywhere anymore.

Both this tea and Chocolate Stout have a strong sweet apple/cocoa flavor for the base, while Chocolate Stout edged a little more into chocolate liquor territory, and this one veers into nutty territory. I actually do taste peanut butter from the nutty flavor notes, but that may be because it is quite sweet and paired along with the chocolate. I’m really enjoying it!

Flavors: Apple, Chocolate, Cocoa, Nutty, Peanut, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

I’m same: 1) Samoas 2) Tagalongs haha :D

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252 tasting notes

Smells exactly like a peanut butter cup! But missing the chocolate flavor which makes me sad and honestly the peanut flavor is also very subtle

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1013 tasting notes

Advent Calendar Day 14

This smells EXACTLY like a Reese’s peanut butter cup, but the flavor isn’t living up to the aroma for me. It’s a very smooth, light flavor, with some nuttiness and also, unexpectedly, a fruity note…apples, maybe? Amanda sent a very generous sample, so I’m going to try this again with milk and maybe some sweetener to see if I can coax out some of that delicious chocolatey flavor I’m smelling!

Flavors: Apple, Fruity, Nutty

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

My preferred way of making this is on the stove in oat milk, with a Lindt truffle melted in!

Lexie Aleah

That sounds amazing!


Oh wow, that sounds super yummy and indulgent, Amanda! May have to try it as a Christmas treat. :) How long do you simmer the tea in the oat milk?


I’ll usually do a 50/50 water and oat milk blend and simmer for about 7-10 minutes on the stove. It’s quite decadent!


Thanks for the tip! I never would have thought of trying that, but now I really want to.

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1968 tasting notes

I absolutely love this as a decadent treat. Steeped directly in oat milk on the stove…with a Lindt truffle melted into the cup. SO GOOD. It’s one of my go-tos when I’m craving something rich and decadent.

Silent Kettle

Wow! This one sounds really good. I sadly don’t see it on the website right now! But will try to get some when I can to try :)


It’s been discontinued, unfortunately. Hopefully it’s brought back at some point.

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1783 tasting notes

Hmmmm… interesting. This was much tastier when hot and has lost a lot while cooling over an entire Ghibli movie. It still smells good with peanut butter and chocolate. I can still taste it too, but there is a flatness to it, almost alkaline, now that it’s cold. I might try resteeping and drinking it all while hot.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

Ooh, which Ghibli movie?! ❤️


Howl’s Moving Castle. We have been watching Ghibli with the tiny roommates lately. Also watched My Neighbor Totoro and Porco Rosso recently. I really liked HMC. It had a storyline that was easy to understand and was low in comparison on the machismo and sexist sterotypes and had interesting fantasy points. MNT was a little weak on the story line and Porco was too heavy on male rivalry for me. Need to rewatch Mononoke, it’s been years!

Mastress Alita

I like HMC too. KDS is my favorite, and my friend brought me back an adorable Jiji teacup from the Ghibli museum in Japan. I treat it like a grandma that has “china too good to use” and have never taken it out of the box, much less put tea in it… shifty eyes


I probably last watched KDS when I last watched Mononoke. 15 years easy!

Roswell Strange

I think Pom Poko was the one I most recently watched (for the podcast) and it was… something! MNT is probably my favourite, but largely for nostalgia reasons. Spirited Away is also veeerrrryyy high on my Ghibli list, as is KDS. I need to watch Mononoke – I know it’s one of the better known ones and very well regarded, but I’ve somehow just never seen it. Grave of The Fireflies is also hauntingly beautiful, but reaaalll fucking sad.

Lexie Aleah

Castle in The Sky has always been my favorite.

Cameron B.

I love all of them! Depends largely on my mood which I watch, but Howl is definitely high on the list. I live Ponyo as well, it’s so whimsical and cute!

Also Mary and the Witch’s Flower is very good, though not Ghibli. It reminds me in some ways of Howl. ❤️


Oh that’s right! I listened to that episode of your podcast! Lots of balls was the take away. I wonder if that is one we should skip viewing with the little roommates. I’d be super annoyed (and maybe a tiiiiny bit amused) to find the boy child pantsless on the couch pretending his balls were camouflaged as a cushion the next day.

Roswell Strange

Yes, our general takeaways were testicles and deforestation is bad. A real mixed bag of a movie, imo. That’s probably my favourite episode we’ve done even though I just thought it was an alright movie XD

Mastress Alita

A very unknown Ghibli that I quite like is “The Cat Returns”. It’s different, but quite good.

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34 tasting notes

Actually tastes like peanut butter and chocolate. Very cozy.

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50 tasting notes

This tea was a creamy delight. From the peanut butter smell to the smooth taste. I very much enjoyed this tea.
I tasted the peanut butter, a little bit of chocolate. It was not a peanut taste, it was definitely a peanut butter taste and that is strange because I had always considered the flavors to be very similar but after tasting this tea, I feel like I can understand the complexities of the difference between peanuts and peanut butter.
I would say I taste less chocolate than in a traditional peanut butter cup, but I would not change that about the tea.
I am still learning about teas however I was surprised this was an herbal blend. It had a lighter taste than a black tea would have, I think it really brought out the peanut butter without weighing down the tea.

This is a tea I hope to enjoy for a long time.

Flavors: Chocolate, Creamy, Peanut

5 min, 45 sec

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2609 tasting notes

This one gets nothing but bad reviews, but it was on sale, and I was intrigued, so I grabbed some anyway. I preemptively doubled the amount of leaf I usually use and steeped it for like 20 minutes to make sure I’d get some flavor out of it. The smell is totally peanut butter. It tastes similar to a smores tea I had a few years ago. The apple adds a bit of sourness to the end of the sip that doesn’t fit, but the rest of the sip is decent. It’s not really peanut butter, but something vaguely chocolatey. I added milk after drinking half the cup, and that was nice, but go easy with it since these flavors can be easily overwhelmed. So what do I think of this tea? It’s okay! I guess I’m kind of craving more. There are definitely better chocolate teas, but I am certainly interested in trying other peanut butter teas if there are more! I also partially filled the cup with water and got a nice second steep.

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