I was gifted 2 packages of this tea from a neighbor. I had two cups this morning while working on the grocery list. The scent of the tea leaves was lovely, reminded me of a cherry almond pastry I have had in the past. Cherry flavoring is not one I generally reach for due to my association with all the artificial cherry flavored medicines of my childhood. I do enjoy fresh and dried cherries though. This was my first cherry tea
Steeped as recommended on the package and it was a nice dark red color. During tasting there was a hint of cherry flavor with a stronger almond flavor. It did not carry over well in a second steep, but I anticipated that.
I did notice after that the best by date was for 12/2020; so I would assume that a fresher package would have different tasting notes. I would be open to trying again.
Flavors: Almond, Cherry