Ashmanra sent me a little sample sachet of grapey goodness! Grape gummies seem to be the most frequent reference in other reviews and indeed, it’s got a sweet little personality. If you took a sweet red table grape and crossed it with a cotton candy grape, you’d have the beginnings of a vineyard full of what this tastes like. Being a decaf base, it’s a little milder than its counterpart (Jingle Bells, right?) but unless you tasted them side by side you wouldn’t know there’s a difference.
Perfect for toasting the end of a summer school box operation that reminded me of an Amazon Hub on steroids. (Normally, I sit at a desk. I’m getting too old to be a pack mule ;)
Happy weekend to you all.
I think there is a regular Muscat Black Tea that is available year ‘round and Jingle Bells is Muscat with a little pizzazz added. Mainly white wine flavor if I remember correctly. So glad you liked it!