Decaf Muscat

Tea type
Black Tea
Co2 Decaffeinated Black Tea, Natural Flavours
Candy, Grapes, Fruity, Muscatel, Sweet, Tannin, White Grapes, Creamy, Thick, Medicinal
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Teatotaler
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 12 oz / 357 ml

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31 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Decaf huh? Not a big decaf drinker but I had a strong tasting dinner and then (stupidly) used mouthwash so my third steep of oolong was… horrid and flat and gross. The leaves still smell good so...” Read full tasting note
  • “Second Review. In my opinion, I think the reviews on this tea are lower than they should be because people have not eaten Muscat Grapes. Most people have only had sweet Muscat Wine or Jelly...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got some of this from Auggy, so I made some last night as I was trying to trudge through some reading for school. I was eager to get a concentrated muscat [muscadine?] flavor to see if I was...” Read full tasting note
  • “Interesting! It seems this has picked up some of the scent from one of my other teas… so the taste/smell are a little muddled. That said, I can still taste some of the muscatel notes and they are...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

The decaffeinated version of our Muscat black tea with succulent muscat grape aroma and taste.

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31 Tasting Notes

911 tasting notes

Decaf huh? Not a big decaf drinker but I had a strong tasting dinner and then (stupidly) used mouthwash so my third steep of oolong was… horrid and flat and gross. The leaves still smell good so I’m going to hold on to them for a bit but I want more tea so I’m giving this one a shot. Something that will hopefully compete with the remaining mouthwash-ness going on.

This tea smells awesome. Like the Muscat gummies I’d always get at the Japanese grocery store before they went bye-bye (the grocery store, not the gummies – Amazon has them, see: ). Best. Gummies. Ever. Even the tea brewed up smells like muscat gummy. Warmed muscat gummy. Mmm. I could just smell this all day. Juicy, sweet and muscat-y. Seriously, 100 for the smell.

Okay, the taste is milder than the smell (not hard – the smell is awesomely strong) but very true to the smell. The first taste is soft muscat gummy, then warm black tea with a light sweetness and then it finishes with a poof of muscat. I’m still dealing with a little mouthwash taste so I’m not getting all the nuances but I don’t care. This tastes of muscat gummy but without the teeth-hurting sugar levels and plus a nice tea base.

I really like this tea but my taste buds are a little strangled by stupid mouthwash so I’m not getting all the details that might be there. So this rating is tentative. I don’t think it will go down at all but there is a good chance it will go up.

Muscat gummy = ♥

Second steep @ 5:00. A slightly lighter version of the first steep. The muscat still smells wonderfully gummy-y and the taste of muscat sweetness surrounds the tea. I’d be interested in seeing the difference between this and the full octane version (if there is one).

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Now I want to go and pick up some of those gummies. They are so deliciousssss!


Best. Gummies. Ever.


Muscat is a funny word. And I might need to buy some gummies sometime.


…these gummies are so going on my shopping list…


There is a “full octane” version of this tea. I have yet to try it, but I’m looking forward to it. I have the bags, but I’m pretty sure it comes in a loose form as well.

I buy the gummies at World Market. They are to die for! And the peach ones are really good as well. I can’t eat mine right now because they would pull off my temporary crown…..Maybe I could just chew on one side? It would be worth the trouble.


takgoti, I think it should technically be muscadine since I think muscat is a grape family but muscadine is the actual grape? But my first real introduction with the smell/taste was in Japan where it is muscat (muscat gum is yummy, too) so it is stuck in my head as muscat.

sophistre, Best. Gummies. Ever. Did I say that already? Because really. BEST.

fcmonroe, ah yes, the peach are my hubby’s favorite. The strawberry are good, too! And back to tea… any idea what process they use to decaffeinate? Isn’t one way supposed to change the taste less? So maybe there isn’t a huge difference between the two versions… but I’d still like to see!


I learn so many damn things from this site and the people on it.


I may have actually ordered some from Amazon this morning. >.>


<— is jealous

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676 tasting notes

Second Review. In my opinion, I think the reviews on this tea are lower than they should be because people have not eaten Muscat Grapes. Most people have only had sweet Muscat Wine or Jelly possibly, but not the raw luscious delicate grapes. The grapes are pale, slightly yellow with a purple blush and quite small (Central California Orange Muscat Grape). They are so sweet that you have to eat them soon or they will become syrupy. The flavor is like sugared sunshine so bright and unique and definately not like gummy bears.
When I taste this Muscat tea, it has that same fine fresh grape flavor. You should add plenty of sweetening to it to have the true Muscat grape flavor and no milk. This is key.
Without sweetening it is just not Muscat. Lupicia has several Muscat tea’s but I particularly enjoy this decaf because it is so good and available to drink whenever I want to drink it. I made a large pot 24oz. boiling water 1TB 1tsp. Tea and steeped 3min.
Love it. If you steep too long this will go bitter so beware! Do not oversteep! This is black tea with natural Muscat Grape!

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260 tasting notes

I got some of this from Auggy, so I made some last night as I was trying to trudge through some reading for school. I was eager to get a concentrated muscat [muscadine?] flavor to see if I was correctly identifying it in darjeeling, and it seems that I was.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

Muscat is a flavor that can go bitter on me easily. I don’t know if it’s the flavor, or the combination of muscat with tannins or other black tea compounds, or what, but the tipping point seems to be very delicate when it comes to muscat for me. Therefore, erring on the side of too-short for the steep time does me favors.

I have not had muscat gummies, but I have had grape fruit snacks, and this reminds me of that a bit. Someday, I’d like to get my hands on some muscadine grapes to see what the natural flavor tastes like because right now this particular species of grape is associated with very artificial flavors to me. In fact, I’m not only associating it with fruit snacks, but popsicles, those icee things that come in plastic sleeves, and children’s tylenol. In fact, that is what the flavor reminds me of most – children’s tylenol. And also, flavored vitamins.

Muscat is something that I can see myself liking, but I need to establish a foundation for it outside of that distinctly chalky-powdery not quite sweet grape-like bitter-ish finish taste of tylenol and vitamins. Perhaps ordering those gummies sooner rather than later will do the trick.

For now, this is okay. I’m very glad that I got to try it because it helped set a baseline for that flavor for me, and actually, the flavor isn’t consistently present [it kind of fades in and out for me], so I don’t think I’ll have any trouble finishing it off – even before I start building good muscat thoughts.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

I have the same problem with darjeelings, they just seem to be very bitter and astringent to me.

Tea Savant

great insight into your palate. i really got the feeling that we were tasting this tea together.


Haha! Oh no! Children’s Tylenol vs. Best Gummies Ever! I think this goes to show how important flavor associations are for sure. Well, that and the bitter. Sorry about the bitter. Bad bitter! (Sorry – just woke up so not that coherent but I had to comment because the vitamin bit made me giggle in “oh no, poor takgoti!” horror!)


I agree. This seems to be the theme of the week…yesterday’s sock-flavor crisis with the chai suggested the very same thing to me. Coaching your brain to go to a happy place with a good window of reference seems to be key!

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1759 tasting notes

It seems this has picked up some of the scent from one of my other teas… so the taste/smell are a little muddled.
That said, I can still taste some of the muscatel notes and they are pretty good! drying like a Darjeeling but juicy like a grape.
I just wish the grape note came through a little more.
Thank you for the sample Bonnie!… I could see this one becoming a favourite

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639 tasting notes

This was a free sample with my latest purchase. I also received a sample of regular Muscat, which I just drank. So, now I’m going to compare the caffeinated version to the decaffeinated version.

The dry leaf aromas are identical: sweet, sugary, grape fruit snacks. The brewed tea, however, is noticeably different. The muscat flavor is much more downplayed and less sweet in the decaf version. It’s still delicious, but not nearly as flavorful or robust.

I might actually enjoy the caffeinated version more even though I’m not a huge grape fan. There’s just something about this subtler flavoring that isn’t quite to my liking. It reminds me that this is a flavored tea, whereas the other one was more natural. If you really enjoy grape, then you’re probably going to want to go with the caffeinated version. But honestly, both are great.

They’re both well-balanced, expertly blended, and very smooth. It’s basically a toss-up, but I’m going to rate the decaf one point lower. Also I agree with what Bonnie said here; the reviews on this tea are lower than they should be. So, don’t be misled. This is a great tea!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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338 tasting notes

Last night I had a cup of Earl Grey Chocolat before going to bed, and I was unable to sleep after rolling in the bed for 2 hours. So I decided to have decaffeinated tea tonight before sleep…

I picked this tea bag from The Book of Tea for Ladies. I loved the smell of the dry leaves and liquor – juicy, sweet muscat! Hmm actually I have never tasted real muscat, but at least that’s how muscat gummies smell like! Sadly, the liquor had nothing to do with fruitiness or sweetness. It’s just a bland black tea… I wonder if the lack of flavour has anything to do with its decaf nature (I don’t have much experience with decaf tea). Every sip is a disappointment – you can smell the cheerful, sweet muscat fragrance as you hold the cup to your mouth, and this leads you to have a certain expectation about the tea… but after you have taken a sip you realize that there’s so little taste in the tea. Aargh.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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251 tasting notes

Have you ever had those muscat gummies? I bought a package of them from the Japanese department store at Epcot once.

Anyway, this tea tastes just like those. (Well, what they would taste like if you ate them with tea!) If you like the gummies, definitely try the tea. If you don’t like the thought of candy flavored tea, maybe you want to stay away from this one.

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248 tasting notes

My cousin donated this for me since I don’t have tea at my parents’. I’ve never had a black flavored tea before. It’s much more fruity than black teaish.

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1714 tasting notes

I’m not so sure about this tea. Muscat is an odd flavor for a tea. It tastes just like the muscat gummy candy, but not as sweet. It is just one of those flavors that my head has a hard time wrapping around in a hot drink. It is a little bitter, I may have over leafed it. I might try it once more before giving up on it.

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35 tasting notes

I got this as a sample. I prepared it iced and wasn’t expecting much because I typically only drink black teas that go well with milk. Just black tea and a bit of sugar – what a pleasant surprise! The grape flavour was juicy and crisp without being cloyingly sweet. Just enough sweetness. I agree with the grape gummy candy mention. I don’t know if I’d go out and buy a bag of this, but it was tasty nonetheless.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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