362 Tasting Notes
I confess, I got this (and Safari Breakfast, and maybe I will get choco-nut as well) for the tin. Tins, ohh I had drooled about these tins ever since I first saw them and when i spotted these on sale at iherb, thought it a good excuse to test their cheap shipping ( not bad at all, around 3 weeks to Europe for 4 dollars up to a certain large weight).
And the tins, oh they are as nice as I hoped, and they look so wonderful in my kitchen. The teas, being teabags kind of fill a need, I have a lot of tea, kilos of tea, but I do not have a lot of teabags and sometimes it´s just more practical for when making tea away from home. Individually wrapped teabags would have been even nicer, but then I guess there would be no justification for packaging it in tins.
This is a earl grey with some jasmine. I am not a earl grey person, and I am very much not a earl grey made with my local tap water person (weird alchemy, my tap water and bergamot, I just do not like the mix). I got to try this with mineral water next.
No rating till then, but first impressions, not bad at all.
This was a surprise sample from a swap with Courtney – she very kindly sent me no less than two irish breakfast mixes and a couple other surprises. The tealux cream irish breakfast was a hit, and this one, while a much more classic breakfast mix it´s also a winner.
This is a much more classic breakfast mix and a really lovely one. I do not love it quite at the level of my current breakfast infatuation (Mariage Freres´s American Breakfast) which seems to be just a bit more everything including more chocolatey (without actually having any cocoa on it) but this would definetely be very welcome on my tea shelf.
this one was a miss for me, too bitter but may need to retry with a lower temperature and quicker steep
Another taste note, just to add, that brewing this hot, it´s OK, interesting. Brewing this cold, with long steep times, it goes very very bitter. Cold steeping this for short (one hour) and then sweetening it, this is very very nice. Citrusy, herby and energizing (in a different way than regular caffeine).
Oh, I remember writing in my review I might get a small craving for this in the future, and yes, there it is.
I still want their black mate with red fruits. I think when I do that long promised order there I am going to get a mate for sure!
Now this is a multiple personality tea! The rest of Anna´s sample and she had warned me she had been baffled by it. I tried this first cold, and cold brewed and sweetened and it was FABULOUS. But Anna had tried it hot and not liked it, but seriously if so good cold how bad could it get when made hot? I decided to try it hot.
And I really really do not like it when made with boiling water. A total Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tea. It is sour somehow (how?!?), there is a very strong peach (it should be mango, mango is what they say but it tastes like peach to me!) flavour bordering on artificial and a orange rind taste (maybe this is the culprit). I truly did not like it
I am going to leave the rating as it was, because a tea should be judged by its optimal brewing method – but if I had to compare I would rate it about 85 when cold brewed and maybe 40 or 50 when brewed hot. Isn´t it weird?
Hahaha, right? It’s so weird. But I guess it’s not too much of a sacrifice to just cold-steep this. I’m glad I’m not the only one.
It is insane, I do not understand at all where the sourness (and it is sour) is coming from or could possibly be.
But it is so lovely cold..
Thanks, but seriously I am want instead to try cold a lot of likely little bits and ends of teas I got here. I want to do a major clear of all those little bits I am hoarding “use what you have” ( getting a lot counter space and tins to air for new teas, though this is dangerous, I am going oh, my teas, my hoard……)
A tea from the euro travelling box, and I think I am getting close to having tried all the samples – though for a couple I need a second tasting.
I am not a Darjeeling person. Though maybe that is because of lack of knowledge of those, due to only having tried not so good ones (Mariage Freres, can not quite forgive you for Arya Rose). Altitude tea, or at least tea from the himalayas seems to be quite a different beast to the black tea I am used to, even with all the variation encompassed by “black tea”. There is the astringency, for example, which is always there.
But recently just learnt to love a Nepal tea, and testing more Darjeelings is always interesting to me. This was a small sample I took out from the travelling box, and I might have ruined it with too long a steep, since I got distracted. Yep, astringent. But ignoring that (and rightfully so, because it is my fault) this is delightful and I can get the so-different character underneath. It´s floral and musky at the same time, like winegrapes. Nice even when tortured…
The astringency, ah, at normal levels maybe I can learn to like it. Maybe. Will test more Darjeelings.
I was like you Teresa regarding Darjeelings and now I managed to love several of them. Much 2nd flushs but I am now considering first flushs as well.Like you I am convinced the difference resides in the Gardens and in harvests.
After I try the current 2014 FF Darjeelings from Mariage Freres I’ll try to find a tea you might like. Little to no astringency, right? I’m still drinking the 2012 Vintage Darjeeling from MF so it might be a while until I order the 2014 FF Darjeelings.
Excelsior, that is a very kind offer you have made me, but really a rain check is more than good enough for me! One day i would love to try a cup of darjeeling you recommend, but seriously no hurry. Or maybe the best way is next time I am in Paris, I will go to Mariage Freres and use your notes to order a cup of tea prepared by them, maybe I am not doing it right.
Astringency might be just a mental block, on a few cases I think I enjoyed it and thought it was part of the fun – maybe like acid which is not a good thing in wine, except there is vinho verde, and if you get to used to it, the little acid touch makes it so special to have with so many other things.
Another of Anna´s surprise samples, and this is indeed a surprise and interesting. I love walnuts and can not remember ever tasting a tea with walnuts. I was doubtful if would work – walnut kernels go rancid fast, and the thin inner skin is bitter. This dried leaf showed little kernels of some nut (almond according to the site description) without skin and some other bits and pieces (after googling, must be the dried pineapple and coconut).
I was very cruel with this, by making it impulsively without googling it first , water too hot and too long. It survived it graciously, though if anything my problem with this tea is its base being a bit anonymous. There is a lovely walnut flavour, and something else in the background, a hint of strangeness which was not bad, just a bit surprising. I could not ID it on my own, but googling it, thereis dried pineapple and coconut here, and that is the tropical strangeness I was detecting. The flavours go together better than i would think, and quite well with the green tea, but they go against my expectations of what I would want in a a walnut tea (maybe something more pastry like: caramel, maple, pecan, cinnamon or just plain lovely walnut).
The tea base, sencha according to seller, is not unpleasant, but totally anonymous IMO. I guess the best way to describe this would be one of those german blends – in the surprising fillers and combinations and weak tea base, though a nice example of a certain kind of tea.
Another (and still a few to go!) tea from the euro travelling box, this just seemed a perfect tea to celebrate spring equinox.
It is a lovely, very pale (I must have underleafed, will try again) green oolong. Small leaves, a sweet wild flower flavour, just as expected. Maybe a hint of a cinnamon like woodyness as well? A nice tea, must experiment with the rest of the sample
Another of Anna´s what-do-you-think-of-this surprise samples, and I am impressed with myself, trying 3 different teas in one day. Though I started preparing this yesterday so not sure it counts – Anna had warned me she had loved this when iced, and thought it awful when hot, so I decided to cold brew this. About 24 hours ago I put one of her samples in my trusty cold tea container ( which some might mistake for an old yogurt flask with a lid), added water conservatively, and put it on the fridge. I think I might have shook it a couple times since yesterday. Today I sweetened it generously (iced cold brewed tea needs sweet) and strained it. And two things:
- this is lovely! Very fruity but in a very elegant way and a natural seeming way. Supposedly mango with citrus, which i agree with but reminding me of peaches or apricots as well for some reason. Really intense flavour without being too much, which is rather miraculous.
- and so, this is non-rooibos rooibos. Rooibos for rooibos haters. I like very much green rooibos, my first rooibos was green rooibos, and am always interested in the so rare flavoured rooibos (and make my own, very simple mixes using plain green rooibos I got at hand). The green rooibos is there, I know that, since this is more than flavoured water, but I can not spot it at all. Not sure if i am disappointed about it – it is just lovely as it is. But the rooibos, should I be missing it or not … Unsure.
Now I am unsure if I take the other sample of this and try it in boiling water for comparison (I am curious) or just make another glass of this deliciousness. And cold brew iced tea season is officially here!