Irish Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
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Bread, Cream, Malt, Caramel, Honey, Sweet Potatoes
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 9 oz / 258 ml

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From Butiki Teas

Our Irish Breakfast combines our Khongea Golden Tippy Assam and Hattialli Golden Lion Assam with our Organic Ceylon. This strong malty breakfast tea has chocolate, raisin, oak, tobacco, and bready notes with a citrus finish. Irish Breakfast is smooth and sweet with a light astringent finish. We recommend adding an additional 1/2 teaspoon of tea per serving when used with milk or sugar or if a stronger brew is preferred.

Ingredients: Khongea Golden Tippy Assam, Organic Ceylon, Hattialli Golden Lion Assam

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

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47 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

First cup of the day, bold & beautiful!
As I’ve said before, I enjoy a good breakfast blend. I’m especially excited about Stacy’s new English Breakfast blend, The Black Lotus, which I’m sure I’ll be destined to love.
Confession: I’ve been on an ordering binge this week…it’s not over yet…


Oh god terri….

Terri HarpLady

I’ll be sure to send you samples of everything :)


Haha well there are a few I icked up this weekend that will be coming your way too heh love trying out new companies and I splurged a little :)

Terri HarpLady

Just proves we’re on the same page!


And both destined to never have small cupboards….


I know… all of the new Butiki blends sound amazing and I’ve heard there are some even tastier blends that are being created!

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60 tasting notes

We are finally down to the last 5 Black Friday orders! These are the last of the “problem orders” and special requests and they will be shipped out tomorrow. This Black Friday definitely went down quite differently than anticipated. I was thinking we might do 20% more in sales than last year’s Black Friday but instead we ended up doing 6 times that. In addition to the large number of orders, a lot of teas that usually aren’t ordered as much became the stars of the Black Friday sale, like our Oriental Beauty and Anji Bai Cha. This lead us to scramble to have teas shipped in from China and Taiwan and flavorings as well as other ingredients being special rushed to us. A lot of very late nights were put in by all, including my 70+ year old mother-in-law who was frequently staying until 2 or 3 am to work. She only normally puts in a few hours a day but she was really amazing during the rush. She also wants everyone to know that a lot of love went into the teas that she made. Working with her is a lot of fun. She’s a retired chemist, so she loves making the teas. I’m trying to convince her to come up with her own special blend. We all felt bad that a lot of orders were really delayed. I’m hoping that most orders make it to people in time for Christmas (or whatever holiday is celebrated, whether it be Christmas or Yule or Kwanzaa, at that point there was no way we were getting orders out in time for Hanukkah though).

During our Black Friday sale, we ended up running out of our current Irish Breakfast. I had seriously underestimated the amount of Hattialli we would need for the year, so unfortunately, that version won’t be coming back until the summer. For this new blend, we started with maybe 17 different combinations. We just tried the final 3 and I think we have a winner. Here is a pic of the final 3: The Dinjoye Assam is the most prominently featured tea with the Khongea Assam just behind it and then our organic Ceylon from the Venture estate. This tea can be really strong, depending on how its brewed. I’m enjoying it slightly less strong by using 1 ½ teaspoons of tea for 3minutes in boiling water. At this level, I’m getting a heavy malty flavor that leaves a tingle on the tongue without being astringent. There are burned chocolate notes up front but a citrusy finish. Some bread notes are present. The citrus is somewhat like bergamot. This is very enjoyable, especially piping hot. It’s not overly complex but a great breakfast tea.

The following is a shameless plug. Sorry guys! I was lucky enough to be involved with 130 other artists (though I don’t consider myself an artist) in essentially a large complicated game of “telephone”. Basically, there are artists that work in different mediums (for instance, dance, painting, music, poetry, photography, film, etc). Each artist is given a piece of art and asked to interpret its soul in their art medium. So, I was given a painting and asked to make a tea based on the soul of that painting. Well, I did and that tea is “With Open Eyes”. That tea was then given to Wes Craven (how crazy is that) to create a character/plot. Here is a link for more info: We are used in the example, so its ok for me to mention it. You can see the painting that inspired it. Sally Taylor is the artists who ran with this amazing idea and she is just super sweet. They are looking for funding. Please check it out if you can, share it, and donate if possible. This is just such a super cool project and I really can’t wait to see the final result.


Congrats Stacy! Aside from the unfortunate stress it’s so amazing that your Black Friday business went so well :D


Thanks so much to all if you for working so hard to fill all our orders!


Yes, thank you for all your hard work (and it’s so cool your MIL was a chemist!). It must’ve been crazy stressful but on the other hand it makes me happy you’re so popular. (:

That is so funny to imagine Wes Craven getting With Open Eyes! Ha. The project sounds super neat.


Congratulations on such a great turn out for your sale! I recieved my teas and can’t wait for this cold bug I have to be over so I can try them! That is awesome that your mother in law helped out. Pass on a thank you to her from me!


Stacy – for all that you do an more, thank you!

Terri HarpLady

Yay Stacy! We all love your teas, so it is no surprise that you sold So much! I’m looking forward to trying the new Irish brekkie.
As for the art project, woohoo! You are every bit an artist! That seems so fun & exciting!

Butiki Teas

Stephanie-Absolutely! I was very excited about how well the Black Friday sale did! :)

tigress_al-Thank you! :)

ifjuly-It is really awesome that she’s a chemist. She’s very interesting. She can be very quite about her life but the deeper you dig, she has a lot of very cool life experiences. I was super excited to see that my tea went to him. I’m a big horror fan and I really had no idea where the tea was going to end up.

Dustin-Thank you! I hope your cold is over soon, so you enjoy tea again. I will let her know.

Thanks, Sil! :)

Terri-Thanks, lady! I think you will enjoy the new Irish Brekkie. It is super exciting! I really can’t wait to see the whole project. I will definitely be taking some time off, to check out the exhibit.

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361 tasting notes

Yum. This is a good breakfast blend. Super smooth and not overly bitter, just the right amount. I would definitely reorder this if it wasn’t sold out! Glad I have an ounce!

Terri HarpLady

What? It’s sold out?
Oh well, I have plenty for now. As long as Stacy makes more, I’ll be ok.

Butiki Teas

Terri-I can’t make more until next harvest of the Hattialli unfortunately. I’m working on a new Irish Breakfast that utilizes the Dinjoye.

Terri HarpLady

Bummer! I wanted to use the Irish breakfast as the base for my “Birthday Present” tea…or maybe we’ll call it “My Precious”

Butiki Teas

Terri-Sorry about that. I have high expectations for the new Irish Breakfast though. Haahaha, “My Precious” should at least be the working title. I love it! :)

Terri HarpLady

Make it so! :)

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863 tasting notes

I love a good hearty tea when its stupid-cold outside. If it weren’t for tea, I don’t know how I’d survive winter – I’m such a summer girl at heart.

What does this smell like??? It is so familiar. AH! I know – it kind of reminds me of Lao Shan black – the malty chocolate note just overpowers you (in a really good way). It smells sort of like toasted bread/genmaicha, too. Strong in the way I like my breakfast teas to be.

I added the extra bit of leaf (the 1.5 tsp) with the expectation of putting milk and sugar in, but decided to give it a sip plain just to see what it tasted like. This was a wise choice – as I’m thinking it really doesn’t need it. I was expecting some astringency just because that is what breakfast teas do – they are strong to the point where they need additives. So imagine my surprise when I just get this mouthful of smooth, chewy dark chocolate, followed by a bright – ceylon esque finish?

It was pretty blissful, I tell you.

As it cools some of the astringency I was expecting comes in, so I do add a touch of milk and sugar just to experience the change in flavor. I figured I would like it even better, since I do normally take breakfast teas this way, but I’m finding its muting some of the rich distinct flavors I got before. Still good, but its become any generic breakfast tea.

Well, future self, that settles it: a little lighter on the leaf, sans additives (or at least sans the milk) next time. It still gets good marks for those promising first sips though!


Sounds very good!


Nice! I just had Laoshan Black today, and this sounds awesome- adding to my shopping list :)

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523 tasting notes

Good hearty cup of black tea. Not better or worse than the previous Irish Breakfast available from Butiki. I was so sad to see that one removed from the website after I first bought it, but happy that a replacement wasn’t too far behind.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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333 tasting notes

So this is that morning when I’m having a hard time getting going (not to imply that most of my mornings are otherwise…). But anyway, I’m drinking this tea, and it’s just perfect. It’s strong and deep and malty and, surprisingly (since I used a lot of leaf and steeped for a long time and didn’t pay much attention to brewing parameters generally), quite smooth. There’s some astringency, but I actually like that in a tea. This may not be a refined masterwork of a blend, but it’s really hitting this particular (sleep deprived and morning hating) spot for me in a way that not too many teas can.


I love Butiki for that very reason: it lets you kind of abuse parameters a bit without losing the beauty of the tea. And I hear you re awful sleepy mornings.


Yeah, I drink most of my tea at work and am not able to measure or time anything precisely, so it’s something I really appreciate.

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1400 tasting notes

This one I snagged from the Shadowfall stash sale.

It’s bold and perfectly Irish Breakfast. A nice morning wake-me-up.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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359 tasting notes

Like I need another favourite morning tea. Really Stacy, get your act together and stop making my choices so darn difficult. I need a new favourite tea like I need to have my teeth pulled out one by one without anesthesia (ok, I’m pushing the envelope just a little here but you catch my drift).

Lol, no jokes, this is some bold breakfast tea I find myself in love with. It whispers at me «wake up girl, don’t smell the coffee, just sniff me and pouf! all morning laziness will go away, I promise.»

It just works, simple. But I hear you, you want some decent load of tea adjectives, don’t you? How bout malty, earthy, astringent, woodsy, fruity, tobaccowy (?? not sure about that last one but it fits well in my sentence, lol)

More. I want more. Hey, I HAVE more, good for me!

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790 tasting notes

Nice and hearty. With all of the smoothness I’ve come to expect from Butiki’s teas. I think I may have underleafed this a tad so I’ll hold off on a numerical rating for now. Suffice to say I enjoyed this blend but remain undecided on restocking.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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224 tasting notes

First tea of the day. It’s snowing quite a bit outside and thankfully I don’t have to go to work. So today is a stay in and drink tea sort of day.
I was going to make this last night but I read it’s more of a, well, breakfast tea, so I saved it for breakfast. Lol. Glad I did. This was a lovely way to start the day.
It’s milder than I was expecting so maybe next time I’ll use a smidge more leaves or steep longer….or maybe not since this is nice as is. It’s nicely malty and there’s just enough astringency to let you know it’s there but not claw your throat out.
Maybe a vague chocolaty note to it? Though I couldn’t be sure since I’m horrible at picking those sorts of notes out in tea.

Overall I really liked this. I think I might like the Black Lotus (English Breakfast) better, but I’ll definitely finish this batch off instead of trying to swap it.

Edit – One steep wonder for me. Second steep turned almost sharp and pokey….Which I know doesn’t make sense, but I’ll fix it later. Lol!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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