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drank Bratapfel Tee by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

I am so happy to see this one in the Advent again. Well, when Nabo doesn’t deliver festive tea, Sonnentor took the relay baton.

I loved it back then, I love it based on first aroma I noticed. So much apple and even more cloves. Yes, it is indeed very strong in cloves today. But brewed, it is more apple-y and Cassia cinnamon like. Flavours itself are just like a baked apple. So well done blend!

I will repeat myself. I can imagine drinking it all winter long — and I am indeed looking for whole box of this. In English webshop under Baked Apples tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Bratapfel Tee by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Advent calendar 15

Baked Apples Tea – Fruit Spice Tea Blend

“When did you last have baked apple? I really fancy some. I will get apples: core out, nuts, cinnamon and jam in, butter on top and into the hot oven. The anticipation is the best part!”

I really wonder if I ever had baked apples. Oh yeah, I had, but we prepared them back then. I think it is really far away in past. Ces’t la vie! Anyway, I am happy that I am “on time” again, and this tea was most CHRISTMASSSY tea from Sonnentor so far! I was really mouth-watering blend, full of apples and winter spices. I declare that I noticed oranges, cinnamon, allspice, cloves ; even a bit of star anise! Licorice is making it bit on sweeter side, but no way annoying! Woohoo, really nice surprise.

I would really love to drink more of this tea. I can imagine drinking it in the evenings all winter.

Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Cloves, Orange Zest, Spices

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Darjeeling by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Advent calendar 14

Darjeeling – black tea.

“This year I am going to put an idea into practice. In my family, there are toys that are still in perfect condition but are no longer needed. I will donate them. Often, it’s the little things that make a big difference, right?”

I usually donate clothes I do not need anymore. Maybe it is because toys are usually still used by my nieces and nephew. And they will be. Anyway; it is always good idea to donate :)

As for tea (and background) – I am happy to see “classic” tea again. Flu is almost kicked out, so I have taste buds back. But still it is not great. Next week is full of exams (credit exams), so I need to study as well. And then exam period starts, where I will have only exams (a subject passing, I need to pass both). Tomorrow a railway transport technology, in Tuesday Operational research, in Thursday stastics. And during whole week – an exam of air transport technology (it is e-learning exam).

Now back to the tea. I brewed it for 3 minutes (although on tag 2-5 minutes, on bag 2-3 minutes). It brews beautifully into golden, clear colour with nice aroma of flowers and malt. In taste malt notes dominate, with floral and herbs. I think it is because the bag, is made from paper foil and little notes of other teas went through. Or it is some blend with herbal notes? Who knows, they only say it is tea from India, not even what flush and/or what estate. Maybe some mix of few together.

In conclusion, it is not bad black tea, quite malty (but I like malty teas) and bit off with herbal notes. But floral were there as well, could not find any specific plant to describe though. Same with herbal.

Flavors: Floral, Herbaceous, Malt

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

Very humble and generous of you Martin. Post like these do the soul good.

Martin Bednář

Thank you mrmopar!


What a wonderful “holiday” message. I 100% agree with mrmopar! <3

Martin Bednář

Oh Kawaii433, I am blushing :)

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drank Neujahrstee by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Advent calendar 13

New Year Tea – herbal tea blend
“How do you bring warmth into the cold season? I use lots of candles with lots of different colours. I collect them from wherever I go. This year I have even made some myself from beeswax. Oh, what a smell.”

We have way too much candles at home. So I actually do not bring any wtih me.

Anyway to the tea. Another herbal blend with nothing distinctive. Yep, it is nice; but somehow I am getting a headache a bit. Not caused by tea though. It wasn’t bad blend. But as I said, nothing to… enjoy. It was bit bland.

Flavors: Herbaceous

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Advent calendar 12

Ginger sun – spice herbal tea blend.

“Do you know what you will give to your loved ones? I toss up gift ideas every year. When I review the year, I always realise what makes me most happy: time spent together. What about you?

Interesting – well, time together is nice, but sometimes bit annoying. I already have all the gifts bought, now just wrap them up :)

As for tea: I was bit afraid it will be too ginger strong – but luckily it isn’t. Yeah, it is there, well pronounced in taste. But other herbs are making it smooth and enjoyable. Spicy, but I notice bit of cinnamon for sure and the lemon balm there is nice!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Spicy

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

Sounds like you are ahead of the game! I finished mine last week. And I agree family time together is always priceless.


Haha, sounds like you just summed up the holiday season!

Martin Bednář

Mrmopar: Well, I had to! I have exams every day next week (including hard ones as statistics) so I did the shopping spree before.

Shae: Indeed. I mean I like to spend time with relatives, but if they stay for long – it is not very comfortable for me.

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drank Brennnessel by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Advent calendar 11

Stinging Nettle

“Baking time again. Vanilla bows (Vanillekipferl). Rolling and turning the dough is almost meditative. Who makes most beautiful bows? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and sampling and licking has priority anyway. What are your favourite biscuits?”

We bake them too. They are maybe favourite. Maybe not most favourite, but I like it for sure. I wonder what you, mostly US members, think about this cookie?

As for tea? Well, pure nettle tea. Herbal again, bit stinging too. But nothing much to write about. It was just – herbal tea. I wonder if my taste buds are so meh, or it was just same all the time. Like it does not have any distinctive notes to write about. I know, it is herbal; but sometimes the blends are nice, something to enjoy, but recently from those Sonnentor teas I thing it is just – hot drink with herbal flavour. Maybe litte lavander or lemongrass can make those teas not so boring.

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

I’ve heard of vanilla crescents, which might be similar. Anyway, they sound good!

Martin Bednář

I think it is almost same, if not totally :) Maybe different translation :)

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This was a freebie in my Sonnentor order earlier this year. Summer was starting, so getting “Shoo, Flu!” tea was a bit funny, but now I find it very useful. :) But I was surprised to see it in my black tea box. Probably just tossed the tea bag there and I forgot about it.

I do have a red nose from all the blowing the nose. I wish I could be like the girl on the new design of the box (bright, not red one); but at least I don’t have to do much at home at all. Let’s hope it will help me at least a little bit.

I don’t remember it at all, but it was 4 years ago. It sounds like an incredlible long time ago. This time it is deifinitely minty (apple mint here!) and chamomile with rough edge of thyme. Very warming up and actually quite tasty, considering a herbal blend.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

I hope you are feeling much better!

Martin Bednář

It’s still not okay. My voice is affected but generally I feel fine. Weird stuff this illness.

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Advent calendar 10 (3 days behind).

Stormy weather tea for little ones.
“Shared joy is double joy. Every year I help at the Advent market in my neighborhood. I am usually on Maroni roasting. They are not only delicious but also really warm. What makes you happy?”

This is probably most herbal tea I have from this advent calendar so far. And against flu. We will see how much it will help. I will take medicine afterwards as well.

I notice camomile the most probably, but as it has got few other herbs in, it is somehow mellow – with little roughness by thyme.

Flavors: Herbaceous

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Martin Bednář

I hope too! :D

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Somewhere I read or heard that: “White Peony is liked by anyone, nobody hates it.”
I think it can be really true, because honestly it is so fine, smooth and enjoyable, even though it is milled quite fine for the bags. But it doesn’t turn bitter. It was strong on hay flavours, meadow flowers and overall enjoyable cup of tea, quite mouth-coating as well. Of course, loose leaf would be better, but considering a bagged form, 80 is adequate rating for it.

Flavors: Hay, Meadow

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Advent calendar 9
Pai Mu Tan – White tea

“Do you think back to your grandparents’ kitchen now and then? We always had deep red fruit tea with lots of honey. We used to play Ludo and laugh endlessly.”

Oh yeah, I miss my grandparents from father side of family. She was great. Grandpa was, as long I remember, very sick.

As for tea:
I am happy to see “proper” tea finally. I have not used exactly measured water temperature, but I hope it is around 80°C as they suggest and quite short steeping time. My flu is still going on, but I notice little bit of floral notes (of lillac).

Brews bit darker than I expected, like a light black tea. Brew is clear.
Tastes like light black tea as well, bit of malt, but mostly floral, nothing distinctive, but enjoyable somehow.

Flavors: Floral, Malt

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 14 OZ / 400 ML

My grandparents were wonderful. My grandfather was also very sick, bed-ridden in the dining room. I used to sit with him in bed for hours telling him silly jokes. My memories of him in the kitchen were of the two of us in the nook splitting a 5lb bag of grapefruits while watching a ridiculous TV show called American Gladiators. With my grandmother and a broom handle, we used to roll out giant sheets of homemade phyllo dough at the kitchen table.

I hope you kick the flu soon.

Martin Bednář

You have wonderful memories of your grandparents and mine were great as well. We were talking about almost everything, that’s why I miss my grandma so much. She was really friendly, helping with everything that she was able to do. It is 12 years already :/


oh no, American Gladiators. :D

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Advent calendar 7

Hildegard’s Energy – Herbal Fruit Tea Blend
“I love the smell of baking wafting through the house in winter. Traditionally I start with Kletzenbrot (Austrian fruit bread) according to Grandma’s recipe. How it is going to turn out is a surprise every year.

And this tea is very herbal again. It was quite tasty, but as well somehow drying in throat. Nothing distinctive; but it was hot and something to enjoy even with flu.

Maybe it is good that I drink herbals now, while I can not enjoy proper teas?

Flavors: Herbaceous

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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This was tea for today from Sonnentor and I decided to brew it right after drinking first one.

Well, I see it hasn’t changed much either. Fruity tea, a little tart, nice spices — cinnamon and little bit of cloves.

Enjoyable cup.

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Advent calendar 6

Santa’s Secret – Fruit-Spice Tea blend
Literally translated: Advent tea

“St. Nicholas was my childhood hero. Nursery rhymess were learn by heart for him and I couldn’t hide my joy about Chocolate ,Nikolo’. Today too, he still makes children’s eyes sparkle. I am inspired by the legend: sharing unites.”

Yep, still battling with flu – check other tasting note :) But somehow better today. And today just a fruit tea. Hot fruit tea.

Brews dark red, with little aroma of cinnamon. But with my stuck nose; it is not really confident :)
Tastes fruity, I certainly notice little bit of cinnamon and sweetness of vanilla. It is not tart at all, even when bag in all the time!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Fruity, Vanilla

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Frosch im Hals by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Advent calendar 4

Soothing Throat Tea – Herbal Tea Blend
Literally translated: Frog in throat (much better)

“Traditionally, we cut cherry branches on this day, put them into water and then into a vase. If they flower on December 24, it means good fortune. Tip: put brnaches briefly in the freezer, because only frozen blossoms bloom.”

We have similar custom here; but it does not bring fortune – but a wedding in family. I bet back then it could be quite funny.

Anyway, the tea – as I have sore throat is perfect. And it is very tasty too! Lime flowers (not fruits) are soothing, ribwort is making mucus and coating the throat. Rose hips make the taste with mallow. Yeah, of course it tastes herbal, but it is pretty nice.

Flavors: Herbs

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Advent calendar 3

Golden Turmeric Tea – spice tea blend
“Fir branches are inextricably linked to Christmas. I love making Advent wreaths. My creation is not perfect, but hey, it has personality! How about yours?”
We do not have Advent wreath this year. Probably my mother was too busy and didn’t made one.

But back to tea; brews, of course, golden, bit cloudy colour, taste is spicy, but not overwhelming, I notice as well some vanilla notes and cardamon, cinnamon is written as second, but it is really in background. And although it contains licorice, I do not notice it at all.

Easydrinking spice tea.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Kaminknistern by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Cozy, unoffensive fruit tea, with nice flavours, of oranges and red apples. With a little spice note to make it a bit festive.

Not much tart at all, actually quite smooth and fine. But somehow maybe too simple?

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Kaminknistern by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Advent calendar 2

Fireplace – Fruit Spice Tea Blend
“I like the pre-Christmas season. There is a very special atmosphere. Nature hibernates. It is chilly outside. Uncomfortable, yu say? Not at all! Wrap up warm, relax and cuddle up inside” – those sententes in quotes are on the tea bag. And I will share them always with you.

Unfortunately, I can not wrap up warm and relax as I need to finish some tasks. I just kept the bag in. Aroma of hibiscus, apple and cinnamon. In taste quite tart, but as well sweet + some vanilla notes are there.
Pretty good fruit blend.

Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Vanilla

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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It has been again No. 1 in Sonnentor Advent Calendar, as 3 years ago. This time there are a little poems on each tea bag wrapper, but they are in Czech and honestly I don’t feel I can translate them well (and certainly I would lose the rhytm and rhymes). So I won’t add them this year.

As I have arrived late yesterday, I had no mood to drink herbal tea just after interesting tea from Nabo.

This one, honestly, is the same. Very herbal, without much distinctive notes, mild and nothing off-putting. On their English website under Cheery name; I am keeping original German names (though it is made in Czech Republic, as they have two factories). Anyone wants to have 1 kg (1000 gr) bag? Yep, that’s bulk version they have available of this.


There’s bulk, and then there’s that! There aren’t many teas I could go through a kg of!

Martin Bednář

True, same for me! One kilo is… a shitload of tea.


Lmao, a very technical shitload.

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Advent calendar 1

Cheery Herbal Tea.
“Hello you! I will accompany you in the next 24 days and share my thoughts with you. Have a read, take on board when you like, pass it on or just enjoy the moments.”

So, first tea from only one Advent Calendar I have – and I received from redditgifts.
Strong herbal aroma & floral!

The taste is bit generic though. Yep, herbal, but as they used applemint, so no methol, it is not even refreshing. It’s just herbal. Hopefully next ones will be better ones.

Flavors: Herbaceous

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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It’s all good! Calm your nerves. is today Sonnentor advent tea and it couldn’t come in better timing for me. Everybody stressed about upcoming holidays and everything must be cleaned up, everything must be perfect and… my time for finals is running out.

I started to prepare topics for my finals for last subject and honestly it made me so sick! Moreover my brother was annoying me with his tablet, where he was playing some stupid game with sounds on and overall I felt like I was on pins and needles.

This tea didn’t helped me with psychical state too much, moreover it was very hoppy and bitter, which I usually don’t mind; but this time it was just too much. Last time I noticed lavender but not this time.

Ugh… those topics are so…

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

You can do it Martin! and maybe pick out a more calming tea too.

Martin Bednář

Thanks for encouragement Michelle!


When you’re stressed every little thing is 100 times more annoying than usual! I hope you can relax and enjoy the holidays without being too worried about your finals. I’m sure you’ll do great!

Martin Bednář

Exactly Nattie!

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It’s all good! Calm your nerves

Okay, I will try, my tea.

I have an exam tomorrow and now it is first time I am looking at it. If I fail, it is still okay. I usually fail first one. But in Thursday another one. Why?

Okay, no time to cry. Actually I feel I know it. But of course I am stressed a bit. Maybe more than I actually should. Steeped for 10 minutes, when dry I noticed mostly lavender and hops. As a beer lover certainly interesting to smell hops when drinking tea.

In taste it is very herbal like and lavender is on the top of taste followed with hoppy profile. Weird taste but it is somehow pleasant.

Flavors: Herbs, Hops, Lavender

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Guten Morgen by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

I will start with song pairing:

Yep, it is 5.45 pm (about 12 and half hours since I woke up) and I am drinking a tea with name Good Morning! Same as 3 years ago, I wonder why it is called this way, when it does not contain anything what should wake me up. Ironic tea.

And moreover, it tastes like a plain peppermint, this time with bitter aftertaste (not sure which ingredient causes that), little bit reminding me dandelion root.

Fine, but not what I would look for in stores, unless someone loves roosters or is rooster by Chinese horoscope (and that person is into astrology).

Flavors: Bitter, Peppermint

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Guten Morgen by Sonnentor
2040 tasting notes

Advent Calendar 8

Good Morning – Herbal Tea Blend

“Today I treat myself to a day just for me. I start with lazy, extended breakfast where I enjoy every moment. Apparently , happiness comes from the inside. When did you last take time for yourself?”

Well, during last weekend :)

Okay, to the tea. I will repeat, it is another boring herbal blend, soothing my throat and little bit distinctive peppermint there. Other way, it is boring, I wonder why good morning when it does not have any energy boosting ingredients?

Flavors: Peppermint

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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