
Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Anise, Apple Pieces, Blue Cornflowers, Coriander, Fennel, Lemon Balm, Rose Hips, Spearmint
Fruity, Herbs
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Organic, Vegan
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 10 oz / 300 ml

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  • “SONNENTOR ADVENT DAY 22 Hmm, I think this is one of my favorites from this advent! Schutz means protect and Engel means angel. So Schutzengel means Guardian Angel. Lots of good herbs and spices...” Read full tasting note
  • “Advent calendar 22 “After all this baking in the hot kitchen I want to get out into nature today. Breathing in fresh, clear winter air. Wrapped up warm, walkingg in the forest or the park in the...” Read full tasting note

From Sonnentor

For Angels and rascals! Guardian Angel tea shimmers with a rich yellow colour in the cup and is particularly multi-faceted: Spicy and fruity with a floral note. It complements meat dishes and sweet snacks. The tea blends perfectly with Guardian Angel Honey. Off to cloud 9!

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3 Tasting Notes

3522 tasting notes


Hmm, I think this is one of my favorites from this advent!

Schutz means protect and Engel means angel. So Schutzengel means Guardian Angel. Lots of good herbs and spices here – coriander, fennel, spearmint, anise, and lemon balm, as well as apple, rosehips, and cornflower. Most of these are good for the tummy, I think.

First sip was so round and sweet I thought it had licorice root but there is none. I guess the apple is just that sweet. It steeps up a goldy-brown and really isn’t too tart or overpoweringly minty. It is a little drying but not puckery as too much rose hip can be. The more I drink the more earthy it tastes.

Mild cup and very chill.

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2076 tasting notes

Advent calendar 22

“After all this baking in the hot kitchen I want to get out into nature today. Breathing in fresh, clear winter air. Wrapped up warm, walkingg in the forest or the park in the company of dear people. Have you been outside today?”

I was. For 3 minutes while I was taking groceries out of car. Haha. Otherwise, I would not like to be outside, it is quite warm (around 5 °C) and no snow. I miss white Christmas (and whole winter) that was usual before. It makes me sad. And winter in Finland was indeed wonderful (3 years ago). And I have feeling to get out again.

This tea – was okay. Indeed bit fruity but as well herbal. It was nice refreshing tea; as for daily drinking tea it was nice – but nothing really to say WOW.

Flavors: Fruity, Herbs

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML
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derk 5 years ago

It’s 5am here with a cold rain outside. I’ll be putting on the coat and boots to venture out in a few hours.

Maddy Barone 5 years ago

I live in Fargo ND USA. We usually have snow for Christmas but not always. Today’s high will be around 1 degree C. Christmas will be -5. That is a little warmer than normal. I imagine Finland being beautiful with fir trees covered in snow. I could be completely wrong. I’ve never been to Finland. But in my mind it is a winter wonderland.

Martin Bednář 5 years ago

Maddy Barone: You can peek into my album here:

Others can of course too! Without a context it will be bit hard to have some feeling about it, but – why not to share? I was there 3 years ago for 4 months. I miss it!

ashmanra 5 years ago

I looked at the photos! The berries that look like our blueberries – are they bilberries? What is the giant rabbit that is lit from within? And there are people swimming – was it cold then?

I do not remember any true snowy Christmas, but we have had one or two with ice that were like a white Christmas for us. But also we often have a 10C Christmas and I remember several that were 21C! I got a bike for Christmas as a child and rode it in short sleeves!

Martin Bednář 5 years ago

Ashmanra: Yep, bilberries should be correct name. I haven’t thought there are difference between blueberries and bilberries. But apparently it is different plant. All teachers were teaching me “blueberry” form for those fruits.

Giant rabbit – they have each year in September a festival called “City of Light” Website of Jyväskylä city says: “The purpose of the event is to highlight the importance of urban lighting and related themes.” They select artists from all around the Globe to make some light-related stuff. And then, just whole city comes to look and it is cojoined with good mood, music and so on. As it is dark soon there (around 5-6 pm), even kids take part. It is quite nice festival.

Swimming people – yeah, it was quite cold, I think it was around 15 °C, but those crazy men and women were in sauna beforehand. And saunas in Finland? Well, my maximum teperature to enjoy is 110 °C and that is considered cold for Finns. Jumping into cold water is traditional and they say it is even better when there is ice on the lake, so they prepare a hole to jump in before they go to sauna. Crazy guys, but I love the mentality. They do not speak much, being close friend with Finn is worth (and hard to be).

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