Ingwer Sonne (Ginger Sun)

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Cardamon, Ginger, Licorice, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Lemongrass, Organic Orange Peel, Rose Petals, Sunflower Petals
Cinnamon, Ginger, Spicy, Floral, Lemongrass
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 11 oz / 327 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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  • “Sonnentor Advent Day 12 I am not a fan of really hot ginger and thought this tea would be a struggle since it has so much ginger in it, but I am actually liking it, far more than I expected, in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Advent calendar 12 Ginger sun – spice herbal tea blend. “Do you know what you will give to your loved ones? I toss up gift ideas every year. When I review the year, I always realise what makes me...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had this last night and wish I had more to drink… sadly it only came in a specialty box, and I think I either grabbed the only one, or sent the other bag to Sil. Very unusual ginger tea, with...” Read full tasting note

From Sonnentor

Sonnentor Organic Sun Ginger, Tea bags is an ideal Ganztagstee and require especially good for people who heat. Helps with fatigue and exhaustion. Elegant spice and floral aromas e.g. with rose petals, sunflower petals, cardamom and Zimtstücken. With the included licorice results in a slightly sweet note.

Application Sonnentor Ginger Sun Tea, tea bags:
Can be drawn per cup of a tea bag brew with fresh, boiling water, according to taste 5-10 minutes.

33% of ginger*, lemongrass*, Ceylon cinnamon* , orange peel*, cardamom*, licorice*, rose petals* , sunflower petals*

from certified organically grown

About Sonnentor View company

Company description not available.

3 Tasting Notes

3518 tasting notes

Sonnentor Advent Day 12

I am not a fan of really hot ginger and thought this tea would be a struggle since it has so much ginger in it, but I am actually liking it, far more than I expected, in fact!

I was really feeling peckish but it is past bedtime and I should not snack this late, but realized I had not yet had my Sonnentor. Tonight ginger sounded good to me, which is not usual. And this is probably one of my favorites of this assortment so far, probably because I can really taste a few distinct things instead of getting mostly generic herbal flavor.

Ginger is the star of course, coming in at 33% of the blend according to the box. Lemongrass is listed second and is also what I taste right behind the ginger, and I like lemongrass. (Ashman thinks it tastes like Lemon Pledge dusting spray. Not that he has eaten Lemon Pledge, just thinks it smells the same.)I like the way the lemongrass swells at mid to late sip. I also like licorice root and I know I am in the minority here on that, but it is nice here and not too strong. I had to look for it. The cinnamon is softer than I expected. I would not have guessed it as an ingredient if I hadn’t read the box.

Nice one!

Martin Bednář

Sadly, it seems to be discontinued.

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2075 tasting notes

Advent calendar 12

Ginger sun – spice herbal tea blend.

“Do you know what you will give to your loved ones? I toss up gift ideas every year. When I review the year, I always realise what makes me most happy: time spent together. What about you?

Interesting – well, time together is nice, but sometimes bit annoying. I already have all the gifts bought, now just wrap them up :)

As for tea: I was bit afraid it will be too ginger strong – but luckily it isn’t. Yeah, it is there, well pronounced in taste. But other herbs are making it smooth and enjoyable. Spicy, but I notice bit of cinnamon for sure and the lemon balm there is nice!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Spicy

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

Sounds like you are ahead of the game! I finished mine last week. And I agree family time together is always priceless.


Haha, sounds like you just summed up the holiday season!

Martin Bednář

Mrmopar: Well, I had to! I have exams every day next week (including hard ones as statistics) so I did the shopping spree before.

Shae: Indeed. I mean I like to spend time with relatives, but if they stay for long – it is not very comfortable for me.

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1501 tasting notes

Had this last night and wish I had more to drink… sadly it only came in a specialty box, and I think I either grabbed the only one, or sent the other bag to Sil. Very unusual ginger tea, with something lightly and pleasantly floral in it, and then the lemongrass and cinnamon were lovely additions. I’ll definitely keep my eye out for more of this!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Floral, Ginger, Lemongrass, Spicy

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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