Shanti Tea

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drank Roasted Maple by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

This is AWESOME! If you like roasted and you like maple this is IT! Wonderful notes of Roasty, Toasty, Maple, Sweet, and Nutty! This is JUST what I needed today! This is great both hot and cold! I’m TOTALLY digging this!

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drank Cinnamon Matcha by Shanti Tea
4843 tasting notes

Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this Matcha.

This is incredibly yummy. I made mine as a latte, adding half hot water and half steamed milk to it. It reminds me a bit of horchata which is a favorite Mexican beverage of mine (in fact, I will dock points off a Mexican restaurant if they don’t serve horchata… I WANT horchata when I go to a Mexican restaurant!)

This one is going on my shopping list!


I cannot believe how quickly this one vanished from my chawan. Seriously good.


Hmmm, don’t think it would be a winner for me. Just can’t imagine the two together.

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drank Apple Crumble by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Honeybush, vanilla, apple, honey, creamy goodness in a cup! NICE!!!

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drank Smokey Jasmine by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

This is what I would consider an unusual yet ballsy flavor! I think that is why I LOVE Shanti Tea! They are NOT afraid to push the envelop! This is neat! Here’s why…

I’m quite the fickle pickle when it comes to jasmine teas. I usually find them either artificial tasting, too much like everyone elses Jasmines, not enough flavor, or too much flavor. Rarely do I find a flavored Jasmine that makes sense. This one is different in every sense!

It has a HINT of Smoke…just a slight HINT. It works well! It counteracts the Jasmine but you can still taste it. It’s almost the best of both worlds. But I think the smoke also adds a bit of a pepper taste to it. It’s truly unique and pretty good!

Interesting on every level. I like it!


Smoke AND Jamsmine?!! My brain is refusing to accept that combination as possible O.o


teehee – LOVED this comment :)

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If it didn’t say “Ceylon” on the label and if I didn’t see the dried leaves before steeping, I’d say this could almost – almost – be mistaken for an oolong if you were simply judging by aroma and initial sips alone. It’s delicious, but it’s subtle. It finishes the sip a bit more stridently than it starts. I’m smelling the same sweetness my palate’s come to know in various Tie Guan Yins. I can now comprehend how the more processed Ceylon teas get their reputation for notes of honey if this is how they “begin.” More akin to a China green or a weaker black tea as it goes down. Definitely a heavier mouthfeel than a sencha, regular green, or an oolong.
Intriguing! I may need to steep another pot or two to round out my full opinion, but great quality.

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drank Sweet Spice by Shanti Tea
72 tasting notes
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Iron Goddess by Shanti Tea
54 tasting notes

I’ve tried a few Tie Guan Yins before and this one is in my top 2 choices as far as leaf quality and taste. The aroma is fresh, sweet, and the leaves are truly whole – it only took one steep to see the original leaves come back to life. The oxidation of this organic variety is lighter than some, which might explain the fresh, bright quality I’m picking up from it. More green leaves than browner ones in Shanti’s version, it’s therefore perhaps not as “deep” of a flavor than some might be looking for, but I’ve prepared 28 ounces’ worth of good tea from the 2-cup measure of dry leave. Not too shabby.
If you’re not a fan of traditional senchas or chinese green teas, this oolong would be a good alternative as it retains many “green” vegetal qualities but with a sweetness the regular green teas don’t normally have Almost as if it’s been perfumed, but not as strong as a jasmine.

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drank Spiderweb Oolong by Shanti Tea
4843 tasting notes

This Oolong reminds me of a Darjeeling in several ways. It has that muscatel flavor, it is crisp and light, much like a Darjeeling, and it has a lovely wine-like finish of a Darjeeling. There is also a really lovely malt tone to this. Not a strong, overwhelming flavor, just a hint. Overall the cup is sweet, grape-like with beautiful muscatel notes, and a deep woodsy tone in the distance. I’m liking it very much… I’m on my sixth infusion!


When you say muscatel do you mean gunpowder like as opposed to milky Oolongs?


No. Muscatel refers to a flavor that is similar to the flavor of the muscat grape (which is used in wine). It is grape-y, somewhat musky, and with hints of spice. Muscatel flavor is often found in Darjeeling, but not so often found in an Oolong.


Interesting. Thanks!

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drank Silver Needle by Shanti Tea
1629 tasting notes

Delicious! I received this during one of the tea exchanges. Now I’m all done with this. I’m a little sad to see it go. I love silver needle teas. It is so airy, light, and floral. This one has such a nice scent to it too. IMO, this is a good silver needle. Pretty basic and similar to all the other silver needles I have tried. A staple for sure!

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drank Silver Needle by Shanti Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank Irish Breakfast by Shanti Tea
2 tasting notes

a little milder than others i’ve tried but still very enjoyable

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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drank Strong Assam by Shanti Tea
2 tasting notes

this is definitely my favourite tea in the world!!!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Kashmiri Chai by Shanti Tea
4843 tasting notes

This is nice! Very nice, indeed.

It’s been terribly hot over the last month or so here in the Pacific Northwest, but today, it is overcast and rainy. It is cooler. And I like it like that. Days like this are Chai Days.

This chai is a little different because some of the usual suspects are not appearing in the line-up of ingredients. Specifically, this chai does not have ginger or cloves. But that’s quite alright, because the cardamom and cinnamon are very flavorful here, supporting a delicious, rich black tea and the almonds give it a deliciously nutty flavor.

A very pleasant chai, made even more pleasant with a drizzle of honey and a splash of milk to make it a latte. YUM!

The Seattle Tea Snob

Terribly hot? I think you need to get out more. :P

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drank Japanese Chai by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

This is a neat blend! Black and Green Teas! Then I can taste the Tusli and Fennel more than the other ingredients but I am fine with that. This is interesting, different, and good! Very creative! I like it’s a goodie!

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drank J'aime Caramel by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Pardon me while I backlog!

This is really special! I’ve never had a caramel white tea and this is FAB! It’s a great white tea base with a smooth and sweet caramel.

The white tea i slightly floral and slightly grassy but this caramel is a nice assist! It’s not overly powerful but it works very well here!

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drank Dragon Mint by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Plain and Simple…rooibos and Mint – both nice, both sturdy…ahhhh…minty freshness with a sweet side! Very nice!

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Ahhhhhh! LOVE this! Perfect white tea and mellow notes of grapefruit…not just the ‘meat’ of the grapefruit but the pith too – balances a juicy citrus with a hint of bitter! NiCE!

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drank Midnight Magic by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

It’s near a mellower gunpowder like green paired with a good amount of citrus and floral flavors! This is very nice! The Citrus is the KEY!

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The dry aroma sort of reminds me of caramel candied apples or something – with a hint of cinnamon and orange, perhaps?

Post infusion I can smell the ginger and cinnamon and less of the citrus and fruit.

There is a woodsy yet spicy flavor to it. Underneath that I can taste the cinnamon and ginger more-so when it cools at room temp for a few moments. The ginger and citrus notes draw out well on to the aftertaste.

This is unique. Pretty good, too!

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SIPDOWN! This one didn’t last long! This is just want I needed and wanted this morning!

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Dry – This is malty and ever-so-slight-berry notes trying to hide underneath! Very nice aroma!

The color is a reddish-brown.

The taste is sweet and malty with a semi-creamy finish. Fruity notes linger into the aftertaste.

Yet another winner from Shanti! They are ROCKIN’ the Straight-up black teas lately!!!!

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A little bit on the lighter side than i remember it but still tasty. I am sharing a cup or two with a friend…keep watching for those packages people!!!!

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Now here’s a straight-up black tea I could sniff all day! WOW! LOVE this aroma! So fresh, crisp, and malty! The taste is malty, too, medium-strong in black tea taste, but the highlight for me, with this one, is a “cheery” sweet and sour yet CREAMY flavor that is very memorable! I like this very much! YUM!!!!!

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