Shanti Tea

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drank Om Chai by Shanti Tea
4843 tasting notes

This is indeed a mellow chai. Perfect for those who tend to find most chai to be a little heavy on the cinnamon or ginger – this blend is just black tea, cloves and cardamom. It isn’t at all spicy – the spices offer just a hint of a warm background flavor which allows the bold black tea to come into focus.

A really nice change of pace. Not a chai I’d want to drink all the time because I do like spicy chai, but, certainly would like to keep it on hand for when I want something a little milder.

Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea!

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This is my first matcha ever. I must say it is super good and super messy. (Almost lost most of it as I opened the jar). I mixed this up with some frothy Silk Soy Milk and wow was it tasty. I agree that it tastes more like the baking cinnamon but still yummy.


Biggest advice ever when dealing with matcha: do NOT sneeze, cough, or breathe around matcha :) This would be good in a matcha latte I think.


Yeah I didn’t do anything but open the container. Thankfully I thought ahead and placed a paper towel under the canister.


This sounds yummy – and you’re a fellow Silk fan. :) We do have lots in common! :)


I love Silk…I can’t drink anything else anymore. :) I can send you a little if you like?

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This one is a little strange but good.

It smells of a gentle black tea, cocoa, mint, floral. The taste is a nice cross between cocoa and mint but it’s a tad vegetal and floral, too. It’s like Mint Chocolate Chip Cake sitting next to a floral arrangement.

Tasty tho!

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GREAT Tulsi Blend!

The Tulsi is wonderful but I LOVE that it’s paired with the black tea! It’s almost the pioneers of both worlds coming together to collaborate – almost like Run DMC & Aerosmith to come up with an awesome blend of flavors for a hit than will stand the test of time!

If you like Tulsi and you like black tea – this is darned nifty!

The tulsi is like sweet basil herb and mint tied into one with the black tea for a nice TEA base! REALLY like this!

Brilliant! I have been waiting for someone to do this and Shanti did! THANK YOU!

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Basically if you were to take gentle Indian Spices and pair them with sweet basil – this is IT.

This is herbally and spicy and comforting…one of the better herbal-tasting tisanes and chai tisane’s I have had. Doesn’t leave a funky aftertaste either

I’m trying to get Jason to add not only a Tulsi Category but a Matcha category to steepster as we are adding more and more of those :)


Possibly a broader “stone ground” (or microground) category would be best. Then that could be checked in addition to the type of tea (rooibos, white, pu erh, black)… Instant chai could even fit into that category.

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drank Kong Fu Black by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Well, that didn’t last long in my stash! A nice black!

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drank Kong Fu Black by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Backlogging from last week…really LOVE this…only enough for one more go-around tho…eeeeek

See other tasting notes :)

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drank Kong Fu Black by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

2nd cup/infusion was a little bit less sweet and more bread-like…more like toast, really…still yummy!

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drank Kong Fu Black by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Wonderful black tea – medium strength – with what ‘hit me’ as berry notes on the nose!

The taste of this is AWESOME! I really like it! It’s juicy but also a tad bakey. It has incredible natural fruity notes without have any actual fruit in it! Amazing!

I think I am going to have a 2nd cup!

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drank Cocoa Matcha by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Dry smells like cocoa powder, sure!
once mixed – it smells like hot chocolate and croissant-like bready or caky or something.
It looks like coffee with cream in it.

The taste is pretty darned tasty! It’s creamy and fairly cocoa-E and almost coffee bean like. The aftertaste is when the ‘matcha taste’ comes in to play.

This is very different yet good! Nice one!


Also got some of this. I have a feeling the flavored matcha will be something I prefer over straight up matcha…I hope!


There are some awesome flavored matcha’s out there! :) Have you looked into Domo, too?


I did, but that seemed a bit pricey as compared to this one. If I really like it I’ll consider an upgrade.


Pure Matcha is great but unflavored and Red Leaf has some awesome new ones, too!


Good to know. I’ve been signing up for newsletters all over the place this last week.

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This is glorious!

Juicy Pom! Sweet and refreshing!
There isn’t a grassy or leafy-green taste but wonderful fruity notes!

This flavored match is RIGHT UP THERE!

Oh! I LOVE the Juicy-Goodness! Heaven!


Doesn’t seem like it could be matcha w/o the grassy or leafy green taste…


But it’s SO GOOD!!!!! Regardless!


I bit the bullet and purchased some of this. Also when the husband says “eh try it” I’ve learned he’s serious. So yay! :)


You are so lucky! That’s not a common response from men of tea lovin’ women. And I don’t think I’ve ever heard that in response to matcha before. Share some w/ him and let us know how you both like it. :)


Well, he really doesn’t want me to drink coffee anymore. I’ve only had one cup since I gave it up for lent/lent ending. So he’s ok with my trying to drink something that’s a little better for me. I always try to get him to drink whatever it is I’ve made but no luck yet!

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The powder is more light brown/gray than greenish as shown in the picture. It looks and smells like cinnamon powder you would cook or bake with.

Once mixed with water it’s a deep olive green type color.

It tastes like green tea (matcha) and cinnamon…so it’s pretty true to the description.

It’s accurate and tasty if you are into cinnamon…again, it’s more of a cinnamon powder type taste than a cinnamon candy type taste.

LiberTEAs…I’m sending the rest to you! Be careful, tho, it’s messy! LOL


Note to self: Stalk Shanti Tea. Dang. lol:)


I need/want to try a matcha…where to start?


Wifey_Woman: I’d strongly suggest doing a discussion search for “matcha” here. After that, 52teas’ flavored matchas since they’re a limited quantity offering.


Ohmygosh… Just read their info on matcha. Drives away the devil? Don’t believe it but it sure explains my love for it. LOL

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backlogging see other notes ;)

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Hefty!!!!! Backlogging…
see previous reviews :)

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A little bit goes a long way for a smooth cuppa but this can have heft to it…see my other notes :) This is darn tasty today…

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Another Bold Brew from Shanti! NICE! Dry…this had a burly black tea aroma to it with an underlying hint of sweet. Once infused this was VERY DARK in color and pretty strong in black tea flavor/taste. There is a HARDCORE Black Tea Taste paired with something that wants to be chewy but doesn’t quite get to that point. The taste starts off with a smidge of bitterness – but in a good way – and trails off into a more even taste as the sip progresses. The aftertaste is much more smooth than I anticipated based on the beginning of the sip. I really like it tho! A great morning tea! Nice-Bold-Black Tea!

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drank Champion Black by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

Perhaps that’s why it didn’t last long in my stash! Perfect for helping you wake up and get-going!


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drank Champion Black by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

back logging 3 cups from earlier this morning :)

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drank Champion Black by Shanti Tea
6768 tasting notes

The SororiTEA Sisters will be featuring a full length review on this one at 6pm EST this evening! In the meantime…

This is really bold and a nice solid black. The color is of deep burgundy and the aroma makes you crave multiple cups!

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drank Blue Unicorn by Shanti Tea
411 tasting notes

This tea, for me, has all these hints of flavor and sweetness… but they’re only hints. I wish it had more flavor and more of the elements only hinted at.

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drank Lemonade by Shanti Tea
86 tasting notes

I’m feeling very homesick today. It’s my niece’s 4th birthday, and it’s the first time I haven’t been with her to celebrate. I said Happy Birthday over the phone, and she asked me why I didn’t come to her house. I said I’m far, far away. So she said to drive fast. I told her I don’t have a car. So she said maybe her daddy (my brother) could drive really fast and pick me up and drive really fast to get home! She’s so adorable and smart, and it’s killing me that I’m not there right now.

So I thought I’d make a nice iced lemon tea to pick me up. I loved this hot, so I thought it’s about time I tried it cold. Great! Not great enough to lift me from my self-pity, but it’s quenching my thirst. It’s not like the lemonade taste I had while hot. It’s more of a grassy, green tea taste with lemon tones. I’ll probably really enjoy it tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Bella Boo! Tita misses you terribly.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemonade by Shanti Tea
86 tasting notes

Mmmm…lemonade. Was in the mood for something citrusy tonight so I went for this. It smells so wonderful as you pour it into your mug. Warm and lemony…very soothing.

With a dash of honey, it tastes like hot lemonade (go figure!). I love how this tea mellows out the tangy bite you can get with some lemon infusions. With most of my teas, I take my time to sip and savour. I love this one so much that I’m already on my 3rd mug!! This tea is definitely going on my reorder list.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Trying a cup of Jasmine green tulsi while goofing off on this holiday weekend. I love jasmine tea, and I was intrigued by the tulsi or holy basil.

The scent of the steeped tea is nice and relaxing; it isn’t flowery like jasmine, more earthy which I’m guessing is the tulsi. The taste is earthy too; I’d say it’s like green tea with almost a slight minty aftertaste. I think I may have steeped it too long – a mistake I make quite often with my green teas. I will definitely try it again at half the steep time to see if the jasmine comes out more when it isn’t overpowered by the tulsi.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Om Chai by Shanti Tea
86 tasting notes

I agree with the previous review that this is a really mellow chai. So mellow in fact that I can’t taste anything other than black tea! Not that that’s a bad thing, but I was really expecting the spiciness of a chai. That’s the only reason I’m giving it a low rating. (As a black tea, it’s decent.)

Now the company, Shanti Tea, I’m very happy with. I took advantage of a SwarmJam deal to buy as many sample tins as I could. The sample tins are very generous, and at $3.45 each they make it very affordable to try out their variety of teas. The shipping was super quick. Depending on what I think of the other teas, I’ll be shopping there again in the future.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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