If it didn’t say “Ceylon” on the label and if I didn’t see the dried leaves before steeping, I’d say this could almost – almost – be mistaken for an oolong if you were simply judging by aroma and initial sips alone. It’s delicious, but it’s subtle. It finishes the sip a bit more stridently than it starts. I’m smelling the same sweetness my palate’s come to know in various Tie Guan Yins. I can now comprehend how the more processed Ceylon teas get their reputation for notes of honey if this is how they “begin.” More akin to a China green or a weaker black tea as it goes down. Definitely a heavier mouthfeel than a sencha, regular green, or an oolong.
Intriguing! I may need to steep another pot or two to round out my full opinion, but great quality.