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Kusmi Advent – Day 3

Ooh, I’ve never tried this one before! Mostly because it only comes in giant-ass tins and it has rose in it, which is not one of my favorite flavors. But I’m glad to get the opportunity to try it once, at least!

I had myself a lovely little fika break on the patio with a pretty teacup full of this tea accompanied by chocolate and cheese. This definitely has a strong rose element, but I feel like at least it tastes like a real rose and not a perfume. The raspberry is also a nice addition, though it’s more of an accent note here. I don’t get a whole lot from the base, some mild hay notes from the white tea perhaps. It has a tinge of bitterness even with the recommended low water temperature. There’s a slight chalkiness that give this a candylike edge, reminding me of powdery candies like Smarties.

Today’s chocolate from my La Maison du Chocolat advent is a mini version of their Tapage Noisettes bar, which is a layer of dark chocolate topped with a layer of milk chocolate mixed with hazelnuts. Simple and delicious, though perhaps without the depth of flavor of the pralinés from previous days.


(today’s advent teas: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVyyA6gsud/)

Flavors: Bitter, Candy, Floral, Hay, Raspberry, Rose, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

Fika! And on the patio…one can dream up here in the north XD!

Cameron B.

It’s currently 55°F (13°C) outside. Definitely getting cooler over the past few days, which I’m very excited about! Poo-poo, 70°F weather!


I went to the green bin today and because it’s a bit of a Chinook here, it’s actually 14°C right now haha! Maybe I should be outside!

Cameron B.

I had to look up what that meant, you with your crazy Canadian jargon! :P


Hahah, ohh the chinook — it’s a very location-specific weather phenomenon. Sorry! XD

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drank Lovely Night by Kusmi Tea
1837 tasting notes

Kusmi Advent Day 2
This smells so insanely good. Like a cinnamon pear tart. Not getting much of a rooibos flavor. Tastes like raw cinnamon roll dough covered in walnuts. Getting a cooling sensation in my throat after each sip. The licorice is also very apparent in the aftertaste. Not loving this one as much as I thought I would based on the smell.

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drank Lovely Night by Kusmi Tea
1714 tasting notes

Advent Day 2

Licorice root dominates the cup. There is a fruity taste to it as well. Maybe some chamomile? There is more that I can’t quite place. It’s a pleasant enough cup, but I’m not thrilled.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

So much licorice! :|


Yeah. Butiki had a blend called So Long And Thanks For All The Licorice. It was like five types of licorice!

Mastress Alita

I would absolutely drink a tea with five types of licorice in it.

Cameron B.

I love the flavor of licorice, but the sweet aftertaste from licorice root specifically can be so cloying…

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drank Lovely Night by Kusmi Tea
4120 tasting notes

Kusmi Advent Calendar – Day 2

I’ve had this before, back when it was under the Løv Organic brand, but I always get all of these herbal/wellness teas and tisanes confused so I don’t remember it. Apparently it’s pear-flavored, which sounds nice.

Wow, what a strong licorice root aroma this has. The taste is very heavy on the licorice and sweetness as well… There’s also cinnamon blending in with the licorice and adding more sweet spiciness. I do taste a bit of the pear flavoring, though it’s mostly drowned out by the licorice. The honeybush base has a pleasant nutty wood flavor underneath the other ingredients.

This one is just too much licorice root for me. It has a cloying sweet aftertaste that I don’t really enjoy, and it makes it difficult to taste any of the other flavors. :(

(today’s advent teas: https://www.instagram.com/p/CITQgxTAHBz/)

Flavors: Cinnamon, Herbs, Licorice, Nutty, Pear, Sweet, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
1837 tasting notes

Kusmi Advent Day 1

Had an early day at work today, so was only able to squeeze in one cup of tea before going in. This was a wonderful way to start the day (and advent month!). The lemon is fresh and vibrant, and more realistic (rather than being a lemon candy). There bergamot is perfectly balanced with the lemon. Overall, a really really solid cup of EG.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
1714 tasting notes

Kusmi Advent Day 1

Bright lemon with bergamot in this cup. The tea seems a little oversteeped under the fruit flavors. Two minutes may have been a better choice. I had this on a green base previously and felt like it was similar to a Theodor tea with the same flavor profile, but lacking an edge that Theodor has. The same feeling holds true to this tea. I’d like to try it with some creamer, but I’m out. :/

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

I steeped mine at 190°F for 4 minutes and it seemed fine. Maybe this one is temperature sensitive?


Could be! I find French teas often steep at a lower temp than expected.

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
22 tasting notes

Kusmi rarely disappoints me. What a lovely creation!
It’s like a sophisticated Earl Grey, makes you feel delicate, gentle and dare I say – FANCY?
Smells lovely, you can definitely sniff orange peel, lemon and bergamot. Pure pleasure. Instantly puts me in good mood. This tea is so good, it doesn’t need any ‘extras’ or support.
Well, a biscuit or a piece of cake to go along are always a good idea ;-) no matter what tea.

I will definitely order more. This is why Kusmi remains one of my top brands and I spend crazy amounts of money at their store. I should probably have some golden VIP card and massive discounts by now. Well, instead, I have a cupboard full of colorful metal tins that make me smile each time I open it.

Flavors: Bergamot, Lemon, Orange

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 tsp 200 OZ / 5914 ML
Cameron B.

I agree, so fancy! And I’m happy that someone else is doing the advent as well! :D

anna's tea party

Hi Cameron! Oh yes, of course :D This year was such an odd one that I decided I need to spoil myself rotten and actually ordered 2 advent calendars – from Kusmi and T2. The one from T2 I already finished in November. I desperately needed something nice to wait to in the previous month as well ;-) Have you tried any other advent cals? I definitely want to continue with the tradition and order some more next year.

Cameron B.

Oh yes, I went advent overboard this year and have 7 advents, 5 of which are tea. :X

anna's tea party

Wow, good for you! And that definitely made me feel better about my second advent calendar purchase ;-) Let the festivities begin and have a great December! xxx

Cameron B.

That’s what I’m here for, making others feel better with my rampant tea purchasing. ;)

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drank Tchaï of the Tiger by Kusmi Tea
4120 tasting notes

Prepared this one on the stovetop because I felt like a nice milky chai after being somewhat disappointed by one yesterday. I added honey instead of sugar this time as it just sounded good tonight.

This tea was an impulse purchase, I added it to my cart with my advent calendar to reach the free shipping threshold. I didn’t have a chai in my cupboard and the tin was so gorgeous that I couldn’t resist!

Anyway, the tea! It has a good blend of strong spices and definitely holds up very well to this preparation. I get a lot of ginger, it’s probably the strongest note here. There are also strong clove, cardamom, and anise flavors. The cinnamon adds a nice sweetness and compliments the other flavors well.

I will say, this also has quite a strong pepper and cardamom kick at the end of the sip. Is that just a usual thing with chai that has pepper in it? It’s definitely more palatable than the Chico Chai I had last night, but I would prefer it a little softer if possible… I guess I’ll have to perfect my recipe!

Flavors: Anise, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Licorice, Spicy, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

This is one of the few from Kusmi that has somewhat intrigued me.

Cameron B.

I have little chai experience, so I can’t really comment on how it is compared to other blends unfortunately. :P


Always room to try more teas then! :)


Yep. Chais from certain regions of India add black pepper.
I usually add fresh mint leaves and brown sugar to my chais. It’s interesting to play around with chais.
I sometimes add dried oranges during the boiling process tone down the spices.

Cameron B.

Yum, mint sounds delicious. I have the Vahdam advent calendar this year, so I assume there will be many chai blends to try! :)


Oh! excited to see your reviews on some of that. Vahdam has really great turmeric blends and I have tried some of their chais and they are some of the best! I have tried a lot of chai brands and theirs is the real deal!!


I’ve not heard of Vahdam, but now perusing their website because I love how many chais they have!

Cameron B.

@anutea – I think I’ll be hard-pressed to keep up with my calendars this year, but I’ll try my best! I hope to write notes for all of them and do an Instagram post every day. Fingers crossed! I am a chai novice so I’m excited to expand my horizons a bit.

@Courtney – I know! I don’t actually have any experience with them either, but the calendar was so pretty I couldn’t help it… So it should be a good “crash course” to explore some of their teas. :D

Mastress Alita

On the discussion of chai, I feel I should throw out that my favorites come from a small Portland-based tea shop that few people seem to have hard of called “Tea Chai Te” (they sell online!) that make a ton of their own chai blends, ranging from more traditional to very unique!

Cameron B.

Thanks Alita, I’ve added a bunch to my wishlist. ;)


I’ve bookmarked Tea Chai Te for a future order too – thank you!!

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drank Prince Vladimir by Kusmi Tea
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (257)

Thank you Cameron B for the share a couple of years back. I didn’t love the first cup of this. This one is slightly better for whatever reason, but still doesn’t compare to teas like St. Petersburg. I think this is too citrus focused for me, which brings out the bergamot more than I would like. Not a bad tea but just not for me. I am bumping the rating slightly from 63.

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drank Prince Vladimir by Kusmi Tea
6444 tasting notes

This is the last of the teas from my swap from 2018 with Cameron B. Personally, I much preferred St. Petersburg to this one. I think St. Petersburg focused more on vanilla, caramel and red fruits whereas this tea is more of a citrus blend. Unfortunately for me, that means the citrus flavor builds on the bergamot. Where it was nice blended with the flavors in St. Petersburg, here it is too strong. Plus, the whole tea seems heavy and dark between the bergamot, citrus, and base and yet citrus should be light and bright. Overall, it’s okay but I definitely much prefer St. Petersburg. I am always happy to try something new though so thank you Cameron B for sharing!

Cameron B.

You’re welcome! I love St. Petersburg too. :3

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drank Only Spices by Kusmi Tea
1837 tasting notes

Got this as a sample in my advent order. The anise/fennel/licorice are all I can taste, no cinnamon or cardamom to be found.

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drank Only Spices by Kusmi Tea
1837 tasting notes

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drank St. Petersburg by Kusmi Tea
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (242)

Thank you for sharing this with me Cameron B! I have one more tea remaining from our swap back in 2018. I am sorry I left these last couple samples for so long. With that said, I have had this one before but I guess didn’t write a note. I think that is because the last time I broke this out, I ended up having dinner and didn’t get a chance to properly appreciate the tea. Unfortunately the same happened with this cup since dinner ended up being much earlier than anticipated. So I basically took two big mouthfuls of this to taste it, then had dinner.

I am now finishing the mug. I remember when it was hot, it actually had a lot of caramel and red fruit flavors. Bergamot too, of course, but not offensively so. Now that its cold, the red fruit flavors are coming out a lot more. Caramel and bergamot too but a lot of red fruits. As far as earl grey teas go, this one is pretty good. I enjoyed it both hot and cold, though definitely more so hot.

Overtime I realized I don’t love certain flavors made in French teas but things like caramel and vanilla and other “gourmet” flavors as Dammann Freres refers to them are usually pretty good. I also think their bergamot flavor is softer than more American bergamot flavoring which makes it more tolerable, especially when mixed with other flavors.

Cameron B.

I like the more subtle bergamot in Kusmi’s Russian Blends too. It lets the other added flavors shine a little more. :)

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drank White Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
1837 tasting notes

Kusmi Advent Day 11

Just had this as I received it as a sample with my advent order. Still not a fan. Wishing I was tasting the orange blossom that is included in the ingredient list, instead it’s still lemon and bergamot.

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drank White Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
1837 tasting notes

Sample that came with my advent order. Meh. It’s lemon. It’s bergamot. The bergamot is pretty muted, and the lemon tastes synthetic. Not a huge fan of this.

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drank BB Detox by Kusmi Tea
15245 tasting notes

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drank White Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
1714 tasting notes

Advent Day 11

Light, citrusy, bergamoty. I like it, but the more frequently I sip the more the citrus builds up and becomes a little bitter. This is one I should drink more slowly!

Flavored white tea seems to be kinda rare. There are a couple of AQ2T blends that were based on white that I really liked. I’m thinking of exploring that category some more. Any favorites?

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

I tend to avoid flavored white teas for the most part, as they’re often just not good. But Harney has some good ones – I like their Heirloom Bartlett Pear, Venetian Tiramisu, and Winter White Earl Grey. I also like Nearly Nirvana from B&B, but that has jasmine as well. Løv Organic had some yummy ones, but I don’t think they made the transition. Looks like Kusmi has a “Tropical White” now so that might be worth trying.


The tiramisu sounds great!

Cameron B.

It has hojicha so that’s cheating a bit… ;)


I also love hojicha!

Lexie Aleah

I really like August Uncommon Know By Heart which is a flavored white tea.


I tried that one and tasted dough. :/ I had a hard time with AU teas. I might still have the rest of the sample around somewhere. Maybe I should try it again.

Lexie Aleah

The only other ones that come to mind are Harney & Sons White Vanilla Grapefruit which didn’t taste like grapefruit more like vanilla with citrus.I haven’t tried their Tiramisu white tea because the sample always sold out but that one has gotten great reviews on Steepster. Most Flavored white teas are usually disappointing in my experience.

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drank White Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
1714 tasting notes

This was a sample that came with my order. It said to steep it for 3 minutes which seems like a long time for a white tea. This is heavy on the citrus… kumquat? It reminds me of a Theodor tea I liked, but a lighter version lacking something in that other blend. I’m guessing this would be really good cold steeped. It’s not a bad cup, but not something I’m motivated to buy.
Also, IT’S HALLOWEEN!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I need to find an appropriate tea to celebrate the best holiday of the year.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Halloween is my husband’s favorite too, mostly for the scary movies. How do you celebrate?

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drank Imperial Label by Kusmi Tea
2431 tasting notes

This is nice! It has a really authentic spiced orange flavor. I don’t really taste the green base, but that’s okay. It’s a tasty, well-balanced warm tea. I didn’t expect this to stand out over many similar teas with this flavor profile, but it’s very well executed.

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
7 tasting notes

I’m working my way through a sample pack of Kusmi Russian teas. I find this Earl Grey light and elegant. I added milk and sugar (as I normally do for Earl Greys) but this might be fine without milk as well.

Flavors: Citrus, Floral

2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML
Cameron B.

I adore Kusmi’s Russian blends, and I can never make my mind up about which I like most… This one is high on the list, and is indeed lovely taken plain.

Everybody needs a thneed… ;)

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drank Anastasia by Kusmi Tea
2431 tasting notes

This tea is quite mildly flavored, but the black tea is pretty high quality. Tasty maltiness, decently rich. Somehow, this is reminding me of the creme brulee I ate earlier. I can’t point out exactly what spices are included, but it all goes together quite well. It’s too bad there was only one serving left in the tin! I’m enjoying it with milk and sugar.

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drank Earl Grey by Kusmi Tea
2431 tasting notes

Pretty mild for an EG, but the black tea is decently tasty. I wish there were more bergamot! With sugar and milk, it’s pleasant. Not one of the better EGs I’ve had, but not as bad as a lot of the other reviews seem to indicate!

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drank AquaExotica by Kusmi Tea
2431 tasting notes

I love when a fruit tea brings something new to the table, and this one definitely has! The citrus flavor is so crisp and fresh. And it’s not like orange either. I’m not sure what it is…tangerine? I just love that they’re doing something different with this one. It’s pleasantly tart, complex, and delicious. Really the perfect cold beverage.

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Well… it is different. Unusual. Interesting. Not your everyday white tea for sure.
I actually got it by accident, I was rushing through the Paris main train station, trying to catch my Eurostar on time, I knew I wanted to try their Tropical White tea they released at the time, so I grabbed the first white can I saw. What was my disappointment when I noticed at home I got the White Anastasia instead of Tropical White – even more disappointing, because where I live (Cambridge) we don’t have a Kusmi store with all the new releases.
I wasn’t too happy about it at first but I decided to give it a go anyway – and WHAT A NICE SURPRISE!

Be careful with it, don’t steep it for too long as it becomes bitter. I prefer it brewed in colder water, around 70-75 degrees, and not for too long. Even few seconds too long will make it bitter.
But if you don’t overdo it, you will be met with a lovely surprise – it is sour-fruity, citrusy, zingy and FRESH.
Goes well with sweets (well, what doesn’t, one might ask), good for morning, afternoon and evening. Feels different, interesting and a bit ‘special’. If you’re a fan of traditional Earl Grey – this is a must try!
I’m glad I made this mistake purchase – it seems we were meant to be together ;-)|

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 0 sec 5 tsp 350 OZ / 10350 ML

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