1810 Tasting Notes


I love the fancy crocodile lady on this bag. Bitterleaf art is so unique and fun. I wish I loved this tea as much as I love the art with this particular tea, though. I’m just not wowed by it. It tastes pretty average- a touch smoky? I’ll finish off the little bag I got but wouldn’t get it again.

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This smells SO good. Syrupy sweet. The sweetness in the aroma mellows out in the flavor. The syrupiness morphs into more of dark honey, with some slight bitterness playing off of the honey notes. I get fuzzy, fresh apricot coated in a super dark honey. Also getting some longan and jujube.

Flavors: Apricot, Honey, Lychee, Peach, Stonefruit

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Sipdown 24 – 2024

This was very kindly given to me as a sample in a recent Floating Leaves order. Sadly I don’t care for it. Another poor tea victim of charcoal roasting, it just overwhelms the tea.

Flavors: Char, Charcoal, Roasted

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drank Qimen Maofeng by Verdant Tea
1810 tasting notes

This tea is so interesting! I’m getting a really strong sweet nuttiness- like sesame brittle or halva. There’s a deep fruity flavor on top of the nuttiness as well- like sugared fruits, or a candy coated apple. Pretty tasty!

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Candied Apple, Nutty, Sesame

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The apricot flavor in this is just so delightful. Love having some of these tea bags at work, an easy grab and I’ve found it pretty unfussy to brew, which has also been nice for work.

Flavors: Apricot, Citrus Zest

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Finished off a bag of this and I have 1 left. Really delightful cherry flavor!

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This is okay. Not my favorite vanilla blend but not bad by any means. Would probably be better with sweetener/milk.

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Sipdown 23 – 2024

A few years ago I got really sick of any type of roasted oolong, so I stopped buying them entirely and haven’t had one in a while. This is a good reminder of why I don’t like them. The roast flavor covers up the tea itself and I just can’t taste anything except the roast.
The roast on this is light but it’s still so dominant that I can’t taste anything else.

Flavors: Charcoal, Roasted


This is also why I don’t gravitate toward roasted oolongs. It’s rare to find one where you can taste the tea.


Glad I’m not alone!

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Sipdown 22 – 2024

Yup, still kind of tastes like generic red fruits.

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Sipdown 21 – 2024

This was fine. The black base was actually better than expected and the maple flavor wasn’t too overwhelming or cloying.

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Hello! I live in Los Angeles with my boyfriend and 3 cats [+however many foster cats I have at the moment]. I’m also obsessed with all things spooky.

I became obsessed with the world of tea through DavidsTea years ago. I love to try new brands, so I’m constantly on the look out for new-to-me companies.

Favorite Brands:
Whispering Pines
The Necessiteas
August Uncommon
Jolie Tea Co.

Favorite flavors:
Sweet Potato

Red Rooibos

Though, I’ll taste anything once!

I mainly brew western style.I like my tea extremely strong, so I tend to use wayyyyy more dry leaf than suggested.


Los Angeles, CA

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