I placed a small Chroma order, as I could no longer resist the lure of the interesting ingredients and blends (especially after the sandalwood discussion!)
This is the blend I was most excited to try- sandalwood, honeysuckle, vetiver, star anise, cardamom, and aloeswood? Generally things I enjoy in perfume….and that is exactly what this blend smells like. A really expensive fragrance you’d find in a perfume or candle. The scent translates directly into the flavor. Tastes like incense in the best possible way. The vetiver and star anise are strongest, with a bit of sandalwood and (what I’m assuming is) aloeswood. I’ve never tasted aloeswood (I generally know it by agarwood), but I’m decently familiar with the scent.
This is one heck of a tea. I wish there were more unique, interesting blends like this out there.