Another sample from Roswell Strange, I am very glad to have tried this high end shou blend. It’s got a lot of complexity and a thick buttery mouthfeel. I also found it to be very warming throughout the body and it’s effect on the mind to be quite attention-focusing.
The aromas are sweet with dominant notes of vanilla, cream, and black raspberry. Taste is sweet, mineral, herbaceous, and woody relative to the average shou. I wrote down that the flavour reminds me of sawdust, dry earth, walnuts, gin, caramel, and tree bark.
There is a strong huigan and the aftertaste is quite cooling and fragrant. I also noticed additional hints of bananas and soy sauce.
Flavors: Alcohol, Bark, Caramel, Cream, Earth, Herbaceous, Mineral, Raspberry, Sawdust, Soy Sauce, Sweet, Thick, Vanilla, Walnut, Wood