21 Tasting Notes


The mint and cocoa in this tea definitely take the foreground along with the sweetness from the stevia leaf. The green rooibos seems to take a background note, but it is there. I would actually like to see this without stevia already added. I think it might take on a slightly darker, earthier tone which might be nice. Overall a great tea!

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Really delicious! At least the way they had it prepared for sampling at the store. Definite sweet, dark, warm, almost burnt caramel flavor. The chai spices and rooibus take a bit of a backseat, but you can tell they are there.

Flavors: Caramel

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Definite apple sweetness up front. It took me a few sips to find the secondary note of the caramel, but when I did it was warm and mild. The rooibus taste is there but as more of a playful backup that grounds the apple.

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I like this tea! The vanilla blends well with the rooibus for a grounding earthy flavor. I have a cup or two after a heavy meal, and it really does help me feel lighter. As to actual “detox” benefits, I am not sure.

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Got this as the free sample with the catalogue a few months ago. DELICIOUS!! Lightly sweet, refreshingly cool and herbal. The melon taste was very well balanced with the mint AND I could still taste the black tea!

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Floral beauty! This tea has a sort of natural sweetness to it that is extremely pleasing to the palate. The aroma and the taste make this tea refreshing, and I get a good kick from the natural caffeine!

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drank Cocoa Mint Maté by Tazo
21 tasting notes

Earthy, herbal, cool, and subtly sweet. The cocoa and mint flavors are very well balanced, and the honeybush gives it’s signature very mild sweetness so this reminds me of a chocolate mint candy my grandmother used to always have when I was a child. Pleasant!

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Yay for this tea! I don’t like to add sweeteners to my tea, so I have struggled for a long time with hibiscus teas since they are so tart in nature. This one, however, is splendid with the addition of a bit of stevia leaf in the blend. The blueberry works so beautifully with the hibiscus. Refreshing! It makes me think of Summer!

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Spicy, rich, soothing. A great tea for after a great workout! Turmeric and ginger are fantastic for their anti-inflammatory properties. Definitely delicious!

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drank Organic Apple Red by Tazo
21 tasting notes

As soon as you open the package you think you have just cut into a ripe, juicy apple or opened a crock pot of spiced apple cider that has been stewing for hours! The color is a gorgeous golden-red. The cinnamon note is prevalent, followed by the sweetness of the apple and the earthy rooibus. The apple definitely clings to your pallette and lingers with the spice and rooibus. Excellent conglomeration of flavor with nothing overpowering. Aromatic and playful! This tea is Fall and I love it!

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A tea drinker from the south. I think I probably was given sweet black tea in my bottle as an infant. I don’t get to drink the finer teas that I really love as much as I would like, but I have managed to find less expensive brands that are quite good. Tea has become an accompanyment to most everything I do: reading, knitting, working, movie watching. I love all kinds of teas, but white teas are probably my favorite. I also especially love mint teas and teas with spices. Have a blessed day and happy brewing!

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