drank Cocoa Mint Maté by Tazo
21 tasting notes

Earthy, herbal, cool, and subtly sweet. The cocoa and mint flavors are very well balanced, and the honeybush gives it’s signature very mild sweetness so this reminds me of a chocolate mint candy my grandmother used to always have when I was a child. Pleasant!

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A tea drinker from the south. I think I probably was given sweet black tea in my bottle as an infant. I don’t get to drink the finer teas that I really love as much as I would like, but I have managed to find less expensive brands that are quite good. Tea has become an accompanyment to most everything I do: reading, knitting, working, movie watching. I love all kinds of teas, but white teas are probably my favorite. I also especially love mint teas and teas with spices. Have a blessed day and happy brewing!

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