206 Tasting Notes
Traveling Tea Box C #21
Oh man where has this been all my life! This tastes EXACTLY like those caramel apple lollipops that I love so much. The ones you have to eat all the caramel off of before you get to the yummy sour apple middle! This like that! Liquid candy in a cup! Outstanding! I need some of this (actually a lot of this) in my life!! Now I need to find it! I’m hoping world market has it here! Wish me luck!
Traveling Tea Box C #20
I totally forgot I had sampled this already from a swap from moraiwe months back. Same as I remember stronger aroma then the taste. It was nice running into this one again. A minty tea with great spices. Nice and relaxing.
Traveling Tea Box C #17
Hmmm, I love coconut, and you can definitely taste it here, but hmmmm….. maybe it is too plain? Maybe too artificial for my liking. I’m not too sure what I didn’t agree with in this tea. I never seem to agree with a lot of adagio teas so maybe its just mental ha ha. Sorry for the short notes, but I am so behind with everything steepster related. The travelling tea box, swaps, Secret Pumpkin Group Swap, and drinking tea in general, School is becoming consuming as well as my everyday early early morning shifts at the bakery are wearing on me after recovering from the flu! I apologize to everyone! I’m trying! and Wednesday is my deadline to try and get everything done and out the door!
Traveling Tea Box C #16
My moms whole side of the family is pure GERMAN and live there. So instinctively I HAD TO TRY THIS. It was definitely a reminder of Germany and the many tea times I enjoyed there as a little girl. Just because of the memories it brought back I will have to keep a few Tablespoons of this one for myself. To whoever added this(I don’t have the list on hand right now) I thank you for helping bring back a great part of my childhood.
That was me!!! So glad u liked it. I purchased it in Oberammergau. I have to get thru a lot of my stash before we go again next fall…love getting teas as souvenirs.
Darby – Wieder? Reist du regelmäßig?? wie glücklich! (you travel regularly?) I haven’t even been there once yet. soon, hopefully!
Traveling Tea Box C #15
I cold steeped this one the other day and had it yesterday! hmmm.. this is an interesting flavor, definitely mostly ginger, hints of kiwi with that tart lime taste that I love so much. It was a nice refreshing cup, not one I would go out and buy but definitely worth trying, and glad I did:)
Traveling Tea Box C #14
This is surprise in a cup. It lingers in your mouth. It warms you up from the inside out. I want this as a latte pronto. I must drive to the store after work tomorrow and buy this. I hope they have it! They better have it! I love it! It’s like Mexican hot chocolate with spice! And tea! A lot lighter but I love that kick! Thank you! Yay!
Traveling Tea Box C #13
This is a very roasty oolong. I steeped it 4 times. The first steep smelled like burnt coffee but was definitely a creamy tea. Dark chocolate is not supposed to be creamy. It’s bitter. I took a whole class on chocolate and tasted what raw cacao tastes like and all types of high quality dark chocolate taste like. And this resembles that perfectly. And I love it. I will be keeping the last teaspoon of this :) thank you Shelley_Lorraine for adding this! I had this all day today!
I had this all day today, too! :D
There’s a new harvest of this coming in the next week or so. If you’d like, I can let you know what it gets in. It’s tastier than the one you got! :)
This tea takes on so many different flavor attributes depending on how you steep it. You should try whispering pines super-long steep recommendation too (10 min). Some day, I’ll need to try their suggestion for adding ice cream…
Sure could! I’ll also have the most amazing tieguanyin in at the same time!
Speaking of 10 minute steeps, you should try my top-secret rolled oolong steeping…
Okay, it’s not top secret, but it’s definitely awesome! :)
You can find the writeup in the articles section on my site at the bottom of the “Brewing Tips” section: http://whisperingpinestea.com/articles.html
The new harvest of Dark Chocolate Oolong is in stock, as well as the new Traditional Tieguanyin! :) http://whisperingpinestea.com/pureoolongtea.html
We also just revamped all of our jasmine teas. I’d recommend The Sleeping Bear Blend and Whisper of the Woods. Annnnd we have just finished the first puerh blend, Autumn Foxtrot – http://whisperingpinestea.com/autumnfoxtrot.html
Let me know if you’ve got any questions!
Ohhh! I just saw that you live in SLO! :) Whispering Pines actually started in Arroyo Grande two years ago. It’s beautiful over there!
I’ve had this tea in my cart for the padt week ha ha along with another.
No way! Where at? Is there a storefront??
Ohh, fun! :) The cart saves for 1,000 hours, so you’re good ;)
Whispering Pines has always been (and probably will always be) a home business. We lived right across from broadway bagel. :) I worked at splash cafe for a while while my company was starting up.
You may recognize some of the sights in these videos of me :)
I worked at splash café for a little when I first moved here! But now I’m a full time baker at slo baked bakery. Broadway bagel? I though there was only the house of bagel which I’m am not a fan of at allllllll! I love panera breads bagels and spreads, but nothing is as good as the bagels back home in salinas at the bagel corner.
Traveling Tea Box C #12
I don’t know what happened with this one. The dry leaf didn’t smell too much like vanilla and the taste was a very very faint vanilla Taste. I love vanilla teas but this one just isn’t for me. On to the next one! I need to get through this box but enjoy it at the same time:)
oh man, I remember those things! They remind me of high school. They were invented just the year before I started 9th grade and I don’t remember a single day all 4 years when someone in the school didn’t have one. (for my own vanity, I am one year younger than anyone may calculate from the information given, LOL)
You should have one soon along with this tea! Ooooohhhh maybe stir your tea with the lolipop instead of sweetening it! Oh mam I’m going to need to try that now ha ha!
maybe I shall have a lollipop, but not this tea! I put it in the box b/c I didn’t want it. :p I’m never able to enjoy caramel in a tea :( but I like the lollipops. So glad this stray teabag found an appreciative palate though :)
I remember those lollipops being a hot commodity back in middle/high school! Sounds like an interesting tea. :)