206 Tasting Notes
Traveling Tea Box C #11
Wow! Yup! This is a chai! And yup! It is spicy! You get the black pepper and anise right away and all the normal chai spices last. This dry leaf smelled just like any other chai…lovely. and the same as it steeped. This was fun tea to try! Its not one I would keep or buy but I loved trying it. I turned it into a latte q little later to see if the spicyness calms a little and it does but it is far from lost. And is not too bad:)
Traveling Tea Box C #10
I’m am taking this one from the box!!! I might leave a few teaspoons to pass along but I am in love!!!!! Hazelnut and chocolate! You have me sold! The smell is heavenly! The taste is perfect! Just the right amount of nuttiness and creaminess. I made this as a latte the second steeping and I didn’t think this tea could get any better but it did! I like the fact that the flavors didn’t seem artificial to me… Which I usually get from a chocolate tea or a hazelnut tea. AMAZING! Period.
Traveling Tea Box C #9
This tea was with breakfast. It smelled amazing in the bag!!!! And steeping… Oh man! I could hardly wait for it to steep. I guess I had too much faith in this tea. It’s not as strong and creamy as I hoped it would be. But!!! It was good! You can feel the cakeyness on your tongue, you can taste the creaminess of the chocolate. I oomphed it up a little with some milk and sugar and there is that dessert tea taste I love so much. I’m debating on whether to keep this one or pass it along. It’s like I can almost taste the frosting on this decidable chocolate cake. Hmmmm decisions, decisions.
Traveling Tea Box C #8
I have to say I’m not a fan of candy corn whatsoever. I know I know… How’s that possible, but since I was little just the smell made me gag. But I actually really enjoyed this teA. It was a naturally sweet tea:) the candy corn disintegrated right away which is probably what made it sweet. It was a nice touch for dessert:)
I don’t think you’re alone; I love candy corn, but I know some people who can’t stand it! There’s a comedian named Lewis Black who does a segment about candy corn and how nasty it is.
Traveling Tea Box C #7
Wow this tea is quite an interesting one. The dry leaf smell is amazing!!! You smell the apple and apple pie-esque spices and the little molasses chips. As it steeps it only gets stronger. This tea definitely doesn’t need to be sweetened. It is a cozy tea of that makes any sense. You need to try it to understand it. It’s like a warm blanket on a freezing day. It’s like sitting in front of a roaring fire on a winter day. So warm. The taste isn’t nearly as strong as the smell but I was actually fine with that for once. The molasses is a subtle taste but perfect. The apple is crisp. And the spices are the after taste! Wow this tea was a big surprise. Probably not a tea I would drink a lot but it would be nice to have. I’m so glad I got to taste this one!
Traveling Tea Box C #6
Mmmmmmmm! Perfect cup to put me to sleep. I was nervous that this was another rooibos. And I’m very peculiar when it comes to rooibos. BUT the bourbon pairs perfect with this Rooibos and the vanilla is the perfect after taste. The dry leaf smells so creamy with the vanilla and the bourbon is obviously present as well the rooibos smell does over power a little bit but I enjoyed this one a lot. I may have to purchase some of this!
I had this one again today, this time cold steeped from the left over leaves from last nights brew. Ohhhhh myyyyy goshhhhh! It’s amazing cold steeped!!!! Ahhhh mayyyyy zingggg! It’s tangy and tart and sweet! The orange is so much more apparent and the sharp apple comes through the hibiscus is still there but not as strong as it was hot! Love it!!!! I definitely might need to keep this one to my self. We will see! I will definitely be adding this to my shopping list as well!
Traveling Tea Box C #5
I have found that adagio flavored teas are not my favorite but because they are either lacking flavor for my taste or the flavor is just wrong to my liking. This one surprised me though. I like the rooibos and black tea combo. I think the rooibis definitely brings out the orange citrusy flavor and but it also compliments the chocolate as well, it gives it that smoothness that chocolate has. The black tea ties all of this together making it a great full tea. This is awesome how I can actually taste a chocolate dipped orange in my mouth. Just liquid form obviously ha ha. 5 down! I’m making progress! Woohoo
Traveling Tea Box C #4
Hmmmmmmmm…this one smelled AMAZINGGGGG in the bag. A tropical heaven! I was so excited to try this. I have to include a disclaimer…I don’t like fruity teas hot. This sadly was no exception. I tasted the hibiscus like crazy… a little apple and some orange so I immediately put these leaves to cold steep in the fridge for tomorrow. I know it will be amazing cold! And I can hardly wait! Thank you Shelley_Loraine for including this one! I will wait to rate this until tomorrows cold brew! Yay!
Traveling Tea Box C #3
Mmmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmmm good! This is actually a rooibos I agree with! My favorite tea is a black tea called Victorian Vanilla. it was one of the first loose leaf teas I ever had and it was from a local tea source at farmers market from my home town. I actually just got a surprise package of 4oz of it! Anyways the whole point is… It’s a black tea base with vanilla and rose petals! Simple yet so delicious and my favorite! I’m pretty sure that is why I like this one so much! I will have to keep a little bit of this one for myself and let a little move on with the box. I will also have to include some Victorian vanilla to let you all compare ;). Yay 3 down!
Oh, I’d love it if you included some of the Victorian Vanilla in the HH teabox, when it gets to you! That probably won’t still be in the box when it gets to me, but that’s okay. :D