Traveling Tea Box C #8
I have to say I’m not a fan of candy corn whatsoever. I know I know… How’s that possible, but since I was little just the smell made me gag. But I actually really enjoyed this teA. It was a naturally sweet tea:) the candy corn disintegrated right away which is probably what made it sweet. It was a nice touch for dessert:)
I don’t think you’re alone; I love candy corn, but I know some people who can’t stand it! There’s a comedian named Lewis Black who does a segment about candy corn and how nasty it is.
I don’t think you’re alone; I love candy corn, but I know some people who can’t stand it! There’s a comedian named Lewis Black who does a segment about candy corn and how nasty it is.
I’m with ya. Candy corn BLEH!
I hate candy corn so I would not be a good candidate for this tea!
Yay I’m not alone!!!