206 Tasting Notes
Here’s Hoping Traveling Tea Box #2
Mmmmmmmm this reminds me so much of the Coconut Pouchong Stephanie sent me from Golden moon. Sooooo smooth. Soooo creamy. I am really enjoying this. The coconut is just right. I will not be keeping any unfortunately because there isn’t much left, and I will be sending this one on its way.
Here’s Hoping Tea Box #1
Well here goes my journey with this box. I love this one! Its literally mexican hot chocolate but tea version. The smell is so delicious you can taste it through smelling it! The spices and creaminess from the chocolate was superb. I added milk, tiny bit sugar, and cinnamon on top! Perfection! And perfect to relax with after work! http://www.flickr.com/photos/20741867@N05/10564089135/in/photostream/
Hmmmm… I was hiping this would be better. But then again rooibos is hard when it comes to my taste. I love very few rooibos. This was deffinitely melony and cinnamon, but it had that rooibos taste really bad! Strong! Awh man, thank you linnaete for sharing this with me!
I had this, this morning for work. Mm mm mmmmmmm mm mm! This is definitely a chai. I can taste all the spices! It smelled like a rooibos tho how weird. You can actually taste the pumpkin! Finally! A pumpkin tea with pumokin!
Where have you been all my life, little tea sample from Verdant?! I’ve had this one in my travel with me vintage lipton tea tin for a few months now and have yet to try it. Now that I finished the Traveling Tea Box C, I can focus on my huge swaps and samples and orders I have piling up in my closet. Ha Ha. I am actually making a Verdant order tonight and this baby is getting ordered. I loved the smoothness this tea brought. Defintely could taste all the notes. Chocolate, roasty rice, caramel, love it! Each steep was completely different from the one before which I loved, it’s like have multiple teas in 1. I got 3 steeps out of it before it started to get to late to be drinking a black tea. I should be in bed by 8 for my 4AM shifts:) I also ate with it some chocolate that paired perfectly with it. :)
Well I love this one and don’t know what more to say about it. Speechless.
Ha ha i am just about to order mine. Sadly the main tea I wanted is now out of stock because I fell asleep before I processed my order last night. Wang Yanxin’s Budset Jin Jun Mei.
Oh no :( That’s the worst! I’ve never ordered from Verdant actually, and I went a little crazy and placed way too many orders the last few days :/ At least I’ll have a bunch of tasty teas!
i do love this one….. when i have a bad day i plunk myself down on the couch and drink this……. possibly while getting lost in skyrim. =0D
Yes I had a very bad day today. I came down hard on my room mate for stuff that is getting out of hand. I went to work at 4AM so mad I was shaking all day and my adrenaline was through the roof, so this one was a MUST have after work.
Aww, that’s the worst. Tea is super comforting sometimes though. Yesterday sucked and my two new Mandala teas really made a bright spot in it for me :D
this tea plus skyrim….. cannot advocate strongly enough! lol. very zen. there are no room mates in skyrim.
Traveling Tea Box C #24
Wow! You can smell the lemongrass as this steeps. But the taste is less potent. I loved the combo of coconut in here it tamed the lemon grass and hid the ginger. Perfect:) ginger is not my cup of tea. This was fun to try but not something for me.
Traveling Tea Box C #23
OH MY GOODNESS! This tea! I love it. This is my nee favorite green tea blend. I don’t know why the ratings are so low :( there are subtle floral notes and a great sweetness to this tea. This is amazing. This would make a really great, sophisticated hard candy or sweet mint! Like those rose mints with the rose seed in the middle! That’s what this reminds me off! Less floraly though! I love it!
I hate to admit, but I think its less about my awesomeness and more about your lack of pickiness. :p I am über picky about tea and all foods and drinks for that matter. I envy people like you who can enjoy more variety.
I have some more of this tea (I think what Shelley_Lorraine put in the tea box may have come from my stash originally) if you’re interested in swapping for it – it didn’t work for me, but I’m glad it’s finding some fans out there!
Traveling Tea Box C #23
Yummmmmmyyyy! I’m going to have to add New Mexico Tea company tk my tea order list. This is delicious. I cold steeped this last night before I went to bed and am having it with my after work snack/lunch. It was not bitter at all. Sweet and you can definitely taste the black berry. It taste just like the fresh fruit. How incredible! I love it! A little of this will have to stay with me and I will send the rest off sadly :( thank you Shelley_Loraine for adding this one.
it does tend to get bitter easily if you over leaf or steep a second too long. Make sure you remember that sweet spot the first time. If you order from there, try the huckleberry too, its almost identical, but I like it just ever so slightly better.
Traveling Tea Box C #21
Aw man! I just got back home from World Market and they had this there! I wish I would have picked some uo as well as the chai pumpkin spice and hazelnut chai. Grrrr… well its right by the post office, which is why I stopped by since I was dropoing off my Secret Pumpkin swap package! Oh well I have to go back to the post office tomorrow anyways to drop off some swaps and hopefully the traveling tea box. I’ll have to pick all three of those up! I did however pick up a few tea goodies I found!
The tea tins I saw on my newsletter email and knew I had to grab them! Especially for $3 and them being quite large. I noticed that their tea accessories and mug selction has grown quite substantially! And they have a HUGE selection of Mugs like DavidsTea perfect mugs! I was in aw and only for $6. Sold! So I picked up the white one. They had awesome patterned ones. I will have to pick up a few more! Yay! Anyways…
Two apple teas in a row I’ve tasted and who knew I was an apple tea kind of girl! I love the spices in this tea. The cinnamon and apple remind me of apple pie! Yummy!
(My new set up with this tea currently! So happy! Happy girl!)
Yeah, this one is very good.
I love every coconut pouchong I’ve tried! Yum.
I’m loving them!