drank Hibiscus Ginger by The Tao of Tea
2603 tasting notes

Another tea from the tea box. Now this one is tart. I don’t taste any ginger at all (there wasn’t much in the dry leaf either). The flavor is 100% hibiscus. I don’t mind hibiscus mixed with other things, but plain like this, it isn’t for me. Super tart. I love the double lidded tin though.

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Mastress Alita 4 years ago

I love hibiscus mixed with ginger! I was drinking some last night for a cold.

AJRimmer 4 years ago

I hope it helped! I definitely prefer hibiscus in fruity mixes versus spiced mixes, but I’ll try almost anything!

gmathis 4 years ago

Ooh…just the title made my tongue shrivel :) Don’t you love the absolutely polar reactions around here when someone mentions hibiscus?

Mastress Alita 4 years ago

I typically feel like an alien, since 99% of the people on my Following list loathe it, and I can steep plain hibiscus petals in water and be happy.

gmathis 4 years ago

You just go ahead and love my share and be proud that you are made of stronger stuff than I am!

Separately and back to the original review, I do like the Tao of Tea tins as well…allows me to neglect some T of T oolong with a little less guilt!

AJRimmer 4 years ago

Yeah, it’s occurred to me that some of the tins I use might not be the best, so I’ll probably slowly cycle them out as I come across better ones!

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Mastress Alita 4 years ago

I love hibiscus mixed with ginger! I was drinking some last night for a cold.

AJRimmer 4 years ago

I hope it helped! I definitely prefer hibiscus in fruity mixes versus spiced mixes, but I’ll try almost anything!

gmathis 4 years ago

Ooh…just the title made my tongue shrivel :) Don’t you love the absolutely polar reactions around here when someone mentions hibiscus?

Mastress Alita 4 years ago

I typically feel like an alien, since 99% of the people on my Following list loathe it, and I can steep plain hibiscus petals in water and be happy.

gmathis 4 years ago

You just go ahead and love my share and be proud that you are made of stronger stuff than I am!

Separately and back to the original review, I do like the Tao of Tea tins as well…allows me to neglect some T of T oolong with a little less guilt!

AJRimmer 4 years ago

Yeah, it’s occurred to me that some of the tins I use might not be the best, so I’ll probably slowly cycle them out as I come across better ones!

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I’m an event planner who always has multiple mugs of tea beside me. Hobbies other than tea include board games, video games, cooking international dishes, science fiction, hiking, jigsaw puzzles, tap dancing, reading, listening to podcasts, and playing with my troublesome kitties.

Favorite flavors: dessert flavors, nutty, melon, mint, strawberry, anything rooibos-related.

Don’t prefer: Smoky, rosemary, savory flavors, floral (other than lavender), plain tea.

I always drink flavored tea, and preferably caffeine-free or black. I’ll try just about anything though! Let me know if you’re interested in a swap!

My ratings are kind of meaningless, but basically
90-100 pretty perfect
80-89 really good
70-79 good, but not the best
60-69 okay, but probably not for me
1-59 varying degrees of dislike



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